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Canine calamity! Filey's inshore lifeboat was called out in March this year to help rescue a dog that was cut off by the tide and stranded on rocks.

Photo: Graham Taylor Coastguards had previously climbed down 60m of cliff to reach the poor pooch but could not get near it. Because of the swell it was too risky for the lifeboat to land anyone near the dog but the crew stood by in case anybody (or any doggie) was washed off the rocks by the incoming tide. After an hour of trying to get to the dog, it was decided to leave him where he was as the tide would soon recede.

However, as the ILB was rehousing at the station, the dog was washed off the rocks. The lifeboat relaunched and, guided by Coastguards from the top of the cliff, located the dog and picked him up from the water - he was exhausted and would not have lasted much longer. The dog, named Sire, was landed into the care of a vet and reunited with his owner the next day when it was discovered that he had been missing for 12 days and had wandered 15 miles! The picture shows Assistant Mechanic Peter Macauley holding Sire with Second Coxswain Mechanic Barry Robson and Crew Members Paul Colling, Gary Mason and Mark Johnson..