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Bathing Solutions

What a difference a day makes 9.00 a.m. Your existing bath may be difficult and uncomfortable The Bathing Solutions Promise Bathing Solutions is a family firm that puts the safety, comfort and well being of its customers first.

So we make you this promise: "when we come to discuss your needs and to survey your bathroom, you can relax knowing that we'll never put you under any pressure to buy from us.

nor will we ever use a high-powered salesman to try and persuade you to buy what you don't need." 11.00 a.m.

Ready to Install your Liberty walk-in bath Stephen and Katrina Joint Managing Directors 7.00 p.m.

Time for a long, hot soak safely and comfortably Summer Sale 25% Off* 1 Please telephone me to arrange an appointment.

J Please send me a brochure and more details on your range of walk-in baths.

Name Address Postcode.

Tel No Post coupon to: Balhing Solutions. FREEPOST SWC3136. Ledbury. HR8 222 ' 25% off a Liberty walk-in bath. For orders placed during the next (our weeks, applies to the cost of the bath only, fitting and optional extras excluded. LBMBD? Call Bathing Solutions now to see how quickly and easily you could have a Liberty walk-in bath installed in your own home.