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AromaTheutics Ltd

RELIEVE ACHES & PAINS WITH MUSCLE & JOINT GEL M 1 Massage AromaTheutics Muscle & Joint Gel into your skin to give a warm relaxed feeling relieving every day aches and pains and genera! fatigue. A stimulating blend of rosemary, camphor, black pepper and eucalyptus in a convenient non sticky base which is easily absorbed into the skin and won't stain clothes.

Why not join the many thousands of satisfied users ranging from arthritis and rheumatism sufferers to sportsmen and women who use the gel as a pre and post sport massage rub.

If you are not delighted with the results return the jar for a full no quibble refund.

To order simply fill in the coupon below or if purchasing by credit card tel: 01933 410055 FREE TEA TREE LIP BALM WORTH S2.75 WITH EVERY JAR OF MUSCLE & JOINT GEL PURCHASED please allow up to '$ days lur delivery.

To: AromaTheutics, 1 The Stables. Lower Farm. High St.. Irchester. Northants, NN29 TAB Please send me jars of Muscle and Joint Gel 50g (or S5.90 each incl p+p Please send me jars of Muscle & Joinl Gel HOg for only S7.95 each POST FREE NAME: ADDRESS: Postcode 1 enclose cheque/PO made payable to AromaTheulics Lid for S or please charge my Access/Visa card number the amount of £ Card No Expiry Dale Signature.