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A Dutch Cargo Vessel

Medical assistance required on 10 March Dover lifeboat was requested to launch to a injured crewman aboard a Dutch cargo vessel lying off Dover.

The Severn class lifeboat, City of London II, launched immediately and located the vessel one mile off Dover.

The injured crewman was lying between cargo in the hold of the vessel with a broken leg and suspected spinal injuries. Lifeboat crew members were put aboard with a stretcher and were lowered into the hold using the ship's crane.

The casualty was made comfortable with Entonox (a mix of anaesthetic and oxygen) and blankets, then carefully moved to the stretcher and strapped in. The casualty and crew were then transferred to the lifeboat by crane.

The lifeboat returned to Dover where the injured man was transferred to ambulance and taken to hospital for treatment.

Captain White, Dover station honorary secretary later remarked that the service had been an excellent 'text book' medical evacuation..