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Renewing your home insurance in April or May ? If you are aged 50 or over you will find Saga Home Insurance well worth looking into. With an unrivalled knowledge of our customers and their requirements, our home insurance policies have been developed to meet your needs, in short, exceptional levels of cover and outstanding value for money.

High quality cover at competitive prices Saga Home Insurance covers a wide range of properties and up to £50,000 contents as standard. Our easy one-call claims service means there are normally no forms to fill in, while our 24-hour helplines provide practical advice on domestic emergencies and legal matters.

Add to mis our accidental damage cover, continuous cover when you are away from home for up to 60 days, plus extra contents cover at Christmas and to coincide with family weddings, and you will see it gives you real peace of mind, If you are over 50, call Saga today for a quotation or instant cover SAGA Now's the lime FREE 0800 414 525 quoting reference GP3002 Our lines are open 8.30am-7pm weekdays, 9om-lpm Saturdays Telephone calls may be monitored/recorded for siaft training purposes.

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