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Rainbow Flowers,

by POST from GUERNSEY for Birthdays, Thank-you's and Anniversaries CODfc CARNATIONS (mixed colours) OC10 10 Luxury• Carnation;- Special offer £9.95 C18 18 Luxury Camaiitins C24 2 1 Luxury Carnations £16,95 FREESIAS (mixed colours) OF20 20 Ptey Frivsu.-, Special offer t9.95 FL20 20 Luxury Fnv-i. i!2.95 1-130 30 Luxury Frv 114.95 F1.50 50 Luxury Freeslas 117.95 MIXED BOUQUETS (mixed colours) SM 10Luxury Carnations & 15 l.uxury Frresias i!4.95 LM 15 l-uxury Camaiktns & 25 Luxury Froesias £18.95 LUXURY SEASONAL BOUQUETS (mixed colours) MS Mttlium i!4-95 LS larae i!7.95 All out flowm irt (irrfulK vlrttcd (ltd wrapped in tcUophiUK; Ihcn picked with fern. your mrv-nit. flower load tod me Ufr in«ninkm . IMrirn Is by Rrrt t liw mil ind ii-mlK ukoi H to W boun II'KI, M dayx (orcrml fnira dnjHich. but vt wuuld ippntiiic iiiur onlcr early, to thai we can mike 9un II irrim oo or u dost lo yoar rrquirrd dalt.

Mdtl for k.ti rauvc Ribtxm and Uo» Add M on orders for EUROPE. CANADA « USA (camilloos only) ORDERING - Fill in yuur rx-quirvnivni and post Che order form, together «ldl}m RAINBOW FLOWERS, PO BOX 540, T7AT CDE-C ST PETER PORT, GUERNSEY GY1 6HG VAT FREE Item required: Code Ribbon & Bow: 0 Arrival Dale ' Send lo: '•' ; SENDER'S name: ; Address ....tostcode ; Your Td No Please tick if you do noi wish to receive maiiinjp oiher ihan Rainbow Flcwers LJ (Additional orders can he sent on separate paper) _L B. I Telephone your order on: 08707 440005 43.