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Rescued, landed and towed in...

Hayling Island lifeboat crew had their work cut out for them at an incident last year when, what started out as an annual goodwill visit, turned into a full scale clean up operation! On 31 July 1999 locals held the annual Emsworth Quay sale and raft race near the Ship Inn at Langstone, in aid of Portsmouth and Hayling Island lifeboat stations.

Hayling's relief Atlantic lifeboat, Toshiba Wave Warrior, had launched previously at 1115 on a courtesy visit to Emsworth and, having stayed there for some time, proceeded to Langstone to fly the RNLI flag.

A good understanding of the requirements needed for the race had been agreed between the local Coastguard and the landlord of The Ship Inn, who was also the event organiser.

Unfortunately unbeknown to the Coastguard and lifeboat crew, the landlord had been replaced and the designated route for the race had changed.

The new course put all rafts in the full flow of the tide and, as the Hayling lifeboat arrived on scene during her visit, it was obvious that the race had started and that some of the rafts were breaking up as they hit the support of the bridge. Competitors were being thrown into the water and being swept down tide into Langstone Harbour.

The lifeboat crew immediately rounded up eight people from the water and returned them to the quay by the Ship Inn. The lifeboat returned to assist another craft - manned by one of the station's shore helpers who had come to watch the race - in picking up and towing in various home made rafts, debris, oil drums and all manner of assorted flotsam and jetsam! The job was hindered by the strong tide running through Hayling Bridge but, by 1515, the lifeboat was back on station and refuelled and ready for service again some half an hour later..