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Great Old Lady

Whilst reading the winter 1999/00 issue of the lifeboat, I came across the piece about the refurbished lifeboat Queen Victoria which was said to be thought as the oldest RNLI lifeboat in existence.

It is not the oldest boat owned by the RNLI.

That », honour lays with the Zetland which served Redcar . ,_ .. ..... ."_ . . . ff* from 1802 and the RNLI from 1825 until 1864 when she was condemned and local people raised the money to have her repaired. Her illustrious career was crowned on 29 October 1880 when she was called to serve one last time and rescued the crew of the brig Luna.

I work at the Zetland museum in Redcar and she is truly a great old lady - the oldest in the world..

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