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The Rig Support Vessel Stream Truck

Special Vellunn for Doctor's services in severe conditions Aspecial Doctor's Thanks on Vellum has been awarded to Doctor Peter Fay of Kirkwall for his outstanding courage and determination following a service by Kirkwall's Severn class lifeboat Margaret Foster.

Dr Fay volunteered to go aboard the lifeboat in a Force 9 Severe Gale, even though he had never been to sea on one before.

Lifeboat A crew member aboard the rig support vessel Stream Truck had been taken ill with a suspected heart attack, when the vessel was some 17 miles to the north east of the lifeboat station, and Pentland MRSC had asked that the lifeboat be launched at 2100.

Coxswain Geoffrey Gardens took the Severn, Margaret Foster, to sea at 2121 with her full crew and also Dr Fay from the local medical practice, who had volunteered to go out even though he had never been on a lifeboat before.

His first trip was to prove something of a baptism of fire, as once the Severn cleared the shelter of the harbour she was soon exposed to the full force of the weather - a south easterly Severe Gale Force 9 which was producing seas some 35ft high.

As the lifeboat made her way at best speed towards the vessel the impact from one wave was so severe that the laser plotter stopped working, although it was re-started a short while afterwards.

At 2246 the lifeboat reached the casualty, but conditions here were so bad that it was impossible to transfer the Doctor.

Coxswain Gardens decided to escort Stream Truck to Deer Sound, where enough shelter was found to get the doctor aboard, accompanied by Crew member Robert Hall. The manoeuvre was carried out without too much difficulty - the lifeboat coming alongside the casualty's leeward side at about eight knots and pressing her port shoulder against the vessel with the aid of the bow thruster.

Doctor Fay had been seasick since leaving Kirkwall, and was still suffering badly, but once aboard the casualty he immediately set up his equipment and, with medical supplies from the casualty and the lifeboat and help from Crew Member Robert Hall, stabilised the patient's condition.

Shelter Even in Deer Sound the conditions were too rough to transfer the patient, so more medical supplies were transferred aboard and the lifeboat escorted Stream Truck to Kirkwall, acting as her pilot through the tricky inshore waters and passing pilotage instructions by radio.

Once in the shelter of Kirkwall Bay the patient could finally be taken aboard the lifeboat and landed at the lifeboat's berth in Kirkwall, from where he was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Dr Fay was awarded his special Doctors Vellum for his outstanding determination and professionalism, and Crew Member Robert Hall has also received a letter of appreciation from the RNLI's director.The Lifeboat Severn 17-13 Margaret Foster The Awards Special Doctor's Vellum Dr Peter Fay Director's Letter of Appreciation Crew Member Robert Hall.