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Small Ads

THe Lifeboat - Small Ads To advertise on these pages please call Deborah Roos or James Foster, Madison Bell Ltd, 02073890808 or E-mail:[email protected] BOATING HOLIDAYS ' CRUISES THROUGH THE COUNTRYSIDE Aboard our owner hosted Hotel Narrow Boats on the canals and Rivers of England and Wales Enpy (me food, walking and home comforts. Single/twin and double ensuite carjins availaote lor 7 night cruises Inland Waterway Holiday Cruises.

Greenham Lock Cottage. London Road.

Newbury, Berkshire RQ14 5SN Email: NORFOLK BROADS Yacht charter and RYA sailing school. Sailing holidays on Norfolk's unique waterways.

Camelot Craft (01603) 783096 For your quality WEST COUNTRY SAILING HOLIDAY, our MOODY 3 I in BRIXHAM is your best bet fully heated and equipped to M & CA coding standards SIX BERTH from E650 to E750 pw. CONTACT JASMINE CHARTERS 01633 760970 or Inl.ind Waterway CriiUfs countryside and rminrii mit-i .ilioara Narrowhi ai 'Tin Purple1. V V .indtsij; ni'd 10 take only one party (mill. I.

1 1 1 , 1 -I i ' 'Hi rmu all ilif ht-m'fiis nt'thttraditional bofel mjt-~ i r •.kippered li.irn-r I;cir hill ill-tail- ot i tir 2OOO .rot liiire toiiucl: P»ul 8i Dorm- Granvi* Hniclbiui Tui) Purjmi- 7 Norwood Drive. Sheffield, S 7KH Td/hjv (01 141 J4109M Leave the Shoreline behind Come saing aboard a pretty Cornish Shrimper .•.. :-._ j •--_ • _ - • - - .

01752 840599 Cruising Under Square Sail! Enjov the thrm o( so*ng IS.ROVALISI.os port o( a Squcue Rigger Club crew on a weekend bieaK - or to St Maio (subiect to tovouroOte weather] and the Channel isies in June 2000 Fri_7_Apfil -Sun 9 April jrom/lo Ggsporj .SatJOi Jyne y'June from/to Gosport Frl 8 Sept - Sun 10 Sept from/to Gosport Artracirve member puces • £135 'o weefceoa ana £275 let ooe wee* including on meals on eoora [Membersho £ 10 by Stanang Goer] Enthusiasm more important ihon e»penence Age range etgnteen to seventy C*us - Ol ooth se es A wondwtj opportunity to hava tun jadng a sguore ngget «th a pefmaneot crew o( itve And twenv SU volunteers Foi more Inlormarlon. Contact Ron Gray Charier Secretary 16 Pinelree Chose, West Wlrtch Kings Lynn. Norfolk PE33 OQQ Tel: 01553 840550 UK HOLIDAYS MGHTFOOT ALONG THE CORNISH COASIAL PATH All iccommodaiion and fnrnei irrangco for you } mghii to 4 weeks All the y«r round Wilk uneicorttd. it your own pace Progrtii round the coal I while /our lugjlge joes irieid Conuci OnHTFOQH now tor four brochure - Ninquitho, Callooie Une. Ltedstown.

Hi,le.ComwillTFL17SET Tel 0171* BS07IS LIGHTHOUSE ACCOMMODATION BRITAIN AND WORLDWIDE 24 UK. over 40 Worldwide - contact details plus UK history ?3pp photos ihoughout.

Fma oul more - please send SAE to: Joy Adcock (LB), 2 Ansell Close, Hatherley, Cheltenham Glos. GL51 5JS WEST COUNTRY 'One of the most beautifully situated hotels in England' WILLAPARK MANOR HOTEL »n-.MiH'V liiil.tsj.l. l i.imi.ill PIJ4DHA liniili'.h li'iiriMii Council ** Idyllic siiujlinii m i-l ,iao uf secluded gardens and uoixlljnd uu'rlimkini: picture MI IK l rt Dirtti .iftess in oKislu! path and beach.

hwclli'ni cuisine. ( bar. Our friendly atmosphere and ambience bring our guests hack year after

).UK ROM £251 PER WEEK IM 11 M K OK : DAY BREAKS KKU I £84 Childien (reduction*) and pels nelcom Brochure. Nick U-cds (018401 770782 South Helford River Beautiful well equipped cottages including waterside properties, thatched cottage and farmhouse. For brochure contact: Mrs S Matthews. Myrtle Cottage, Manaccan. Helston, Cornwall, TR12 6HT.

Tel: 01326 231536. Fax: 01326 231322.

Email: [email protected] FOWEY, CORNWALL Waterside cottages near Fowey ft Polruan. Superb views.

Dinghies available. Pets Welcome.

(01579)344667 CORNWALL AT ITS BEST Gillan C'reck - Helt'onl ;ireu. Private heuch. Comfortable, well equipped cottages, sleep ~ to V. Superb views, ideal all water ;n.-ii nies. ixMi-etu) sulk-.

moorings available. Open all year.

( .11 in Haven Holidays Tel. (013261 231244 (umiinit) PORT ISAAC, CORNWALL Traditional Cornish Cottage.

3 Bedrooms. Sleeps up to 6.

RNLI Crewmember. Tel: 01208 880954 CORNWALL - THE HELFQRD RIVER Bishops Quay. Romantic waterfront house • Sleeps 4 - 6. C.H. + Log fire.

Unique situation for birdwatcning, walking and boating. Dinghies for your use. balcony + secret garden.

Available all year. (01326 ) 221297 ROCK. CORNWALL 5 kev de-luxe cottages n tranquil surroundings overlooking Camel Estuary. Open log fires. Short breaks available. Brochure Tele: 01208 86284] Nr. F Peacel'iil, PK mn.'M|uc waiersedge hamlet Bnaling facilities. I'se of boat. Own i|»;i , slip, heach. Spacious houses sleep 4/8. Secluded gardens, dogs welcome.

Near Pandora Inn, Fnda huokmus.

Pcicr .n un. Rcsironguei, Fal mouth TRI 1 5ST. Tel: (01326) 372722 HELFORD RIVER Picturesque well appointee 16c cottage. Idyllic location, superb views, own garden & water frontage, dinghy included Sleeps 4/6 Tel/Fax. 01326 221123 ZENNOR • NEAR STIVES. Self-catering - 3 b/r granite house recently rebuilt/furnished.

Ownets retirement Sleeps 6. Secluded valley.

Brochure StorrsOl SI-632-39*7 HELFORD RIVER - ST ANTHONY Super waterside cottages and apartments n beautiful unspoilt setting. Boating and moonngs. Tel: (01326) 231357 _ MOUSEHOLE. Grade II listed. 18 century sea edge cottage superb views. 2 bedrooms no pets/young children. RNLI membe 0181 455 38SB Tregildry Hotel • Helford River Elegant and relaxing small hotel with spectacular seaviews The which? Hotel Guide 200C commenis" Top marks lor foe rooms, the lood.

the service and the views • what more could you ask?" 10 en suite rooms. Excellent value short breaks Uncrowded even m high summer The Good Hotel Guide "Best Holel by the Sea' award. Gillan. Manaccan. Cornwall TR12 6HG.

Tel 01326 231378 for brochure Cosy Cornish "Cottage overlooking NT clifflands nr St Agnes. Ideal walking/touring Dog welcome. Short Winter breaks anrj /ear ;OOObookmES OI25a 472352 CORNWALL Gnival near Penj.ince and St. Ives. Attractive 2 bedroom holiday cottage in grounds of manor house. Up to 6 persons use of Igtsu lac limes optional Tel (015O31 25O570 St Mawes - Summer 2000 Ut-aiicilul liou'-f. secluded nuiiuli, MM views, swimming pool.

Accommodate* eight. All laiilnu-s.

Brochure IW60 78I939 / 01326 270376 l*ar Port , Cornwall harming penod cottages. Ideal golf, surfing, safe swimming & walking. Short breaks available. Sleeps 2 - 6. Tel 01841 532778 PLYMOUTH HOE - DEVON AA) C"s'Ts*t •••''3-''' RAC-i IMPERIAL HOTEL - 22 bedrooms mostly en-sude - Nautical CocKial bar • 2O°i dscount lor Shoreline members ana friends - Details coniact resident proprietor Lt Cdr Alan K.

Jones HNH Reid Colour brochure and tariff.

Plymouth (01752) 227311 Stuatwl dow to "*ley ol Hocks- FIB 4 Diamond PRIVATE HOTEL. Ideal lor walking 8 touting Eimow. BAB from CIS.50 per ponon ALL ROOMS an-suiie. CIV, clock adio. hairdryer & rea making facilitm R«M*vationt mglt rd HQUM, Lytilon 01598 - 75i 361 WEST DORSET. Well appointed detached bungalow. Large garden. Peaceful village setting. Outstanding views. Sea 4 miles. Good walking area. Sleeps 5. 01308421933 i; {LaUi2b)H"'i'-)22 WIST DORSET Comfortable Spacious OuriQalow MZ acre garden, saa glimpses Magnificent views and walks Lyrne Regis 5 mites Idylle setting in Area of Designated Outstanding Natural Beauty surrounded by NTtantl SBep56 Tel Ol727ai1891/Ol7Q3390l?0 WEST DORSET - 5 HK3HLY COMMB4DED COTTAGES - in oeaceful country setting. Superb indoor swimming pool & sauna. Stiort breaks.

Tatephone/Fax 01300 320562 WEST DORSET Suberh seH (onloirW bed & btaoMcM ntommodotion ovelooking NT coaslline Bridpoit/lyme Real; Til:(01297J4«9SB5 WEST DORSET C.,».,slliiie. liillliiiu-f SOUTH WEST Dartmouth Stunning views over estuary from studio Hat and riverside garden. Sleeps 2 plus 2. Town.

N T. walks and coves neat by * running nioorinq Please ting (01B03) 834383 * South Devon, beautiful National Trust Area Situated m rural coastal valley one mile from sandy beach. Award winning luxury bams converted into thirteen holiday cottages.

wild heated indoor and outdoor swimming ports.

dining room and bar, tennis A croquet.

Ideal area (or walking, brd watching, horse ndmg.

fisnng and aH water sports Court Barton Ltd, South Hutsh. KingSboOge.

Devon. TQ7 3EH. Tel 01548 56'919 SOUTHERN SWANAGE : AVALOM. S C HOLIDAY FLATS AND FLATLETS, SLEEP 2/10, FULLY EQUIPPED, C.H , CAR PARK, 200M BEACH/TOWN; BROCHURE (01929424779} ISLAND COTTAGE HOLIDAYS Isle of Wight Charming individual cottages in lovely rural and coastal surroundings. All with Tourist Board quality classifications.

3 Key Commended - 5 Key De-Luxe.

EIOO - E950 p.w. (Low season short breaks 175-El 79) Tel. 01929 480080 MI1.KORI) -OVSKl, HAMPSHIRE, BSB fnsiiilr nmiiK ijun-t looiiion nt-jr V- Ish- of ft i it. M; annexe, ll• s i EAST OF ENGLAND H O L I D A Y H O M E S 01328 855322 FREE brochure.

Coastal or inland holiday homes.

including converted cliff top lighthouse and rustic barns with swimming pool/ games room and four poster bed Visit Cromer Lifeboat Museum and learn about Henry Blogg: The Greatest of all Lifeboatmen.

N O R NORTH NORFOLK COAST -BLAKENEY PIP'S COTTAGE" (sleeps 6 + 1 cot). Brx* A Flint cottage with views over the superb marWurs & coastal paths. Tel: 01362 683673 lot brochure Converted mailings and ex-coastguard cottage among special list of large and small properties on North Norfolk Coast 01328 730880 WEllS-NBCr-THE-SEA. NOKFOIJv. dean « s niuafit.' (no siairs) (m-riixtkinR ildiKlirful Rn-i-ii mi ihr iins[«iih nrtJi OHSL !jtt1» i. r.h.. n» [xtv'IVI: OI3M "11220 | NORFOLK COAST COTTAGES Discover our traditionally restored flint farm cottages, nestled in Deautiful, rolling farmland on the North West Norfolk coastline... Minutes from miles of long empty beaches, sane dunes and untouched marshes, hidden harbours, woodland walking, nature reserves, cosy tog fires, traditional country 3ubs, close to Sand ring ham and Holkham Estates, Brancaster'Burnham Market. Weekend breaks/ week holidays.

Brochure available: TBF Holiday Homes 07885 269538 NORFOLK BROADS: 'Room with it View* Delightful. IulK-furnished simliti. sleep*. 2.

-riimkinj; River Bun.' & Man.lto all .iihers. neui C'liast A; Norwich I'iirking.

Dinghy & Bikes. Tel: 1H4W 751256 SHEIUuNGHAM - NORFOLK l •.« MI Hi- KnmnvxUDa, nan-moUn ocnmji iii-;il nfHmnal. hnn-'huiv ii uikible. RNLI niemha Telcphimc UI263 H23550 "Suffolk Heritage Coast": weekend breaks inc B4B & E.M. Nov - Feb from £52.50Dp. Rooms ensuite. Close to Mmsmere. Southwoid & numerous unspoilt beaches. Tel:- 01502 478664 OD1.TON BROAD SUFFOLK. Fully equipped 3 Bedroom CH House overlooking Broad and l .1: - . Quiet location. Boating, nshlng.

Wonderful Beaches. Pubs. Scenery: 10% Discount Lifeboat Supporters. Brochure OI234 7 Jim.' , : O37B 68O456 LONDON Flyiiiu f'ntni Heathrow? Hnneljr guest boose out) lit minutrs from Heathrow. Easy access l» A/M-io. H. M25.A11 ronms with colour TV'. Tea/0 "ITiv «, M i.iiihtv Ijconscil l ar. ***- evening meal.

I'.nkini; for unlidav pcruul ShcpbttiMi l mlm-. M Shepiston Lane, Haves. Middx Mr, i l l Tel: 0181-5*3 0266 Fax: 0181-569 2536CUMBRIA IRELAND IIEiOSJDE GRANGE. ttSWKX CUMBRIA CAt2 4RN c xrrKtnc & *tl KffOftii i c ccptrtnenti tteeprg 2- IcnM dn (J KtMick ) /: imlei TOrn iwi (Mre ptt inoteasraunt ffci«tJcomt Tel: 017617 74444 for rj brochure vjngeteswiclSlini'Onlin* t* "* JUCE DISTRICT Sawey, near HawKshead SC iccomnxxla[ion Fatm conversion Lovely Walks. Free ishing Esthwaiie Water Pets Welcome. Short breaks 3pen all year Tel: 015394 42435 LAKE DISTRICT BASSENTHWAITE LAKE uxury self catering in cosy converted larn. B & B in 18C farmhouse great lews & comfort. Wmdermere Marina: •6th July time share for sale. Sleeps 6.

TW: 017687 76376 Fax: 017687 76911.

E-mail: [email protected] LAKE DISTRICT Ivy House Hotel ltnu-k!,ln;ni. I iiiiilirin I !_'_' " s Small family run hotel - sensibly priced Contact David or Jane (or brochure FREEPHONE O80O 0563533 FAR SAWREY, HAWKSHEAD. Self-catering Mttage for two set in picturesque countryside Jo smoking. No dogs. Three keys commended Tel: 015394 42817 NORTHUMBRIA BKADNKl.l Ml . . : . ! ll-.H'hv S/t li-l/l',i tt. . Kv H ll k- IIDIIU-. Sii|X-i Illl-rfvS 72IU')I .

1 .k-»l..l .L- .llk 1 ".-Ml WALES Fi lK-nu;in CotCiiKf- Wcsi Wak-s •Khshlc location, sleeps i- ' lixfflk-ni inii ".ilkniB anil dolphin w.itilnni; Urk-, or wi-i-kcnit k'l- Irl iWWi SHKrf.'J LLEYN PENINSULA. Detached secluded cottage. Sleeps 8. C/H. Well equipped. Close excellent beaches. View of sea. Electricity inducted. Very clean. Details 0121 358 6606 UAL/TY COTTAGES •!»« n IIMI Ctn T.

hivlii' l Ji iilrntitit •, Pfl clnimc ftre.

Sni'i i-h i i,i i,il (l i niintn Pfinhnii,' l m • Ciiitlivnn .v/i.'iii/djiju t( Anglese SCOTLAND ISLAM)HOLIDAYS V.k'rn r-los. Hi-hruk'v Orkm-j. Shelhiml HnoidK IH.IL-IS. B&B's & island lorries SUHTISH CtK'NTRV Hichl.iiul in.tiv -tM ulc .ILTIISX Sent land ;inil ilh.1 llnivhiirf. S«ilM-ll: 0141 762 «8.W V J ISLE OF MULL VC Farmhouse sleeps 7, views over seatach, chalet studio sleeps 2. Own inter-island wildlife cruises.

Also Toberrnory seafront flats sleeps 6.

Harbour & lifeboat from your window.

Tel/Fax 01688 400264, ARDRIOCH, DERVAIG, Isle of Mull, PA75 6QR.

200 CAREFULLY - SELECTED HOLIDAY COTTAGES in beautiful individual locations.

Telephone 01835 870779 for colour brochure ECOSSE UNIQUE LTD, LILLIESLEAF, MELROSE TD6 9JD Cirilull) silKtid, H«ll-«qijippid holiday Mttigtl in lovely iDCBlioni. Ff(« brochure- Hamster Cottaees -,'• HNLi . Biggar. Scotland ML12 6NO Choice o( 2 lovely old cottages in unspoilt.

tranquil surroundings near sea.

Listoe House, Courtmac sherry. Co. ConX.

Tel 00 353 23 40126 or Fax 40435 ISLES OF SCILLY THE SPECIALISTS IN ALL FORMS OF SEA BURIAL THE BRITANNIA SHIPPING COMPANY FOR Bl RIAL AT SEA • LIMITED Bntunniii HIHIM.- Ncwum I'oppld'uril • Nr. Skhnoulh Dt' on HX10UEF, Column Raleigh OI.W5) 56S652 iw Ki d)l 1')5i 567511 - 2 ISLES OF SCILLY MINCARLO GUEST HOUSE • superb position overlooking the harbour at St Mary's - adjacent the Lifeboat Station, Run by the same local family since 1945.

All rooms H&C and heating, some with en-suite facilities facilities.

Tel. {01720) 422513 or write Colin Duncan BOOKFINDING SERVICE.

Out-ol'-prini lilies. All siibjecls.

including maritime Biirlovi Mixir Bixikv 2l) Cliuivhwood Rtwd.

Diushurv. Manchester M20 6T7 Tel: OI6I 434 5073 Fax: 0]6| 448 249! CHANNEL ISLANDS Bon Port Hotel St Martins Guernsey Tel (01481) 39249 Fax (01481)39596 4 Star. AA. RAC R«comm*nd*d 10% diiiount to RNlt membeii OVERSEAS HOLIDAYS TRAVEL INSURANCE ANNUAL MULTI-TRIP For RNLI Members & Family Adults: £27.50 Family: £75.

Underwritten at Lloyds for WOODHAM GROUP LTD TEL: 0800 16318O BARBADOS, WEST COAST.

Private apartments with secluded garden to magnificent little-used beach.

Tel. 01225442552 (Day) KYHEIMA, IV Cyprus ll.irlxmr;iiu1 ill.i,w( nlUftc All nuxl.ctin.s xl Wi-itlhiT. lTH'iiill IVnpk-; I1n ypnivTrf:O171 9*1 7211 TKNKR1FK Americas.

i-K !'«ik 1 ; Ivil. ' Killi .i|unnk*nt. Skvp*-t* Kilc.m ' t•ll. lk M |»*I] Qun-i i VENICE The AutheniK Venetian E.penenc Apartment with small pnvate courtyard Fully equipped Sleeps 2 Cmtral Weekly 0044 (0)1452 301136 or 0039 (0 338 6075510 ot 0039 O41 5229239 KSC Books Offers a Free. No obligation Booksearch Service Coniaci: Stuart Crook (prop) KSC Books. 48 Chapel Si..


Cheshire CW8 1HD Tel: 01606 79975 e-mail: [email protected] OUT OF PRINT BOOKS No Find • No Fee, Details SAE Robin flnderson. Roslyn Cottage.

Care loch he ad. Helensburgh. 084 QAB SUItVIVOR rrivn .1 hviionc WC....a WATCHMAKER who witf REPAIR RESTORE M POCKET WATCH.

WATCHMAKERS GUILD MEMBER.* & VI.MP. & yi'-ir '' i1 PITIOIUV m rqvur part nuking for u.itilio .uiJ ikuk- I'liDiK1 or write: lVi v EDingwortb Wjn.-hm.ikiT lulH--SkaTav.SutlRTl.niJ KW14 7TJ Tel (i HMD 5212% CARGO SHIP VOYAGES LTD World wide travel as passengers on cargo ships. Tel: 01473 736265 I1SS is..;.i Examiner Simon MM 1 1 ! Tel: 01472 22IH74 Fax: (11472 82X1M¥ i sim-rritK'-' I'lc-jtii-r.i-o.iik Walk or Paint in Southern Spain — Very special holidays in three regions near Granada, Seville and Cordoba.

Professional and attentive leaders and tutors include Chris Stewart author of best-selling JjS 'Driving over Lemons" 01453 834137 for brochure quoting RNLI 1/00 SERVICES brochure: 01899 308543 Local SUSSEX UFO sightings/ experiences welcomed in strict confidence. Please contact John Clarke, Quest International investigator (ret'd. Flying Officer/Pol ice Officer) Tel: (01273) 777789 Call now to find out how you can reach 260,000+ people.

020 7389 0808 Madison Bell Ltd Next Issue - Spring 2000 Booking Deadline 4 February 2000 FOR SALE Model Clipper Snip Hand crafted. In glass case. 20 inches long. Pristine condition.

E335. Please ring 01273 506988 OPTICAL ACCESSORIES & SERVICES BINOCULARS We are the UK's leading supplier of MARINE BINOCULARS. Over 20 different types of 7x50 available, with or without compass. Extensive range of general purpose binoculars also available.

REPAIR SERVICE • using latest equipment for accurate collimation and speed of service.

FUJINON The professional choice for optical marine equipment - 7x50FMTR-SX - 95% light transmission.

flat field. The ultimate marine binocular STARSCOPE - image mtensifier - compact design, fully waterproof.

Gyro-stabilised binoculars.

High powered observation binoculars.

For expert advice/brochure Tel 012921 689856. Fax 01291 689834 or wnte to MONK OPTICS, Wye Valley Observatory, The Old School.

Brockweir, Chepstow NP6 7NW ACTlONOPTlcs The Binocular repair specialists since 1963 Free estimates and realistic prices.

Over 200 s/h & 100 new binoculars in stock. Send SAE tor price list.

ACTION OPTICS. 2 Old Hill. Avening, Tetbury. Glos GL8 8NR. Tel 0145 383 3738 BINOCULARS & TELESCOPES General purpose & nautical binoculars.

spotting scopes, astronomical telescopes, night vision equipment.

microscopes, magnifiers, spotlights.

tripods & accessories.

National mail order service.

For your free brochure contact: FORESIGHT OPTICAL 13 New Road, Banbury* Oxon, OX16 9PN Tel (01295) 264365 WEATHER MONITORING WINDMASTER THE WORLD'S SMALLEST WIND SPEED INDICATOR £29.95 • • : shock resistant * Undamaged Gy immersion * Lfghtwatgni pocket sued 35 grams |1 oz.| wl .

5.5cm 12''.'} fliam * Sensitive accurate readout in Beauton. mph luiots ana meires.'sec * Complete with need lanyard Available Irom soma chandera or MO 11.50 tot recorded despatch ivrttiin 24 hours ol Credit Card of PO payment or clearance ol cheque YiCKTiKG INSTRUMENTS LTD. BOATING DEPARTMENT. UAPPOWDER. STUH MINSTER NEWTON.

Mastercaifl ana Visa welco Barometers & Barographs RottMVil l experienced L'r;ittMuon ind. Negretd it Zambra .in.l iiihiT i.inii'ii-- makes.

KnssL-ll Siiontitit Instriiini-nt!. I.tJ.

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Parameters available (depending on model):- * Wind Speed & Directi * Temperature Min./Max. | * Barometer * Rainfall * Sunshine Hours * Mains or 12 Volts * Computer Data Logger KM) I N S I k O M K I I.Hl I'm) uiut Tvl. (91843) KfrMi*: m-aalr It road si air-, . ilMK43i Sfthhfi.1 ki-nl (Till M.K GET WEATHER INFORMATION FIRST HAND! Haven'! you always wanted a weather station? The Weather Wizard III combines oil the most requested features into one incredible package! • FEATURES INCLUDE - • Inside & Outside Temps • Wind Chill • Optional PC Interface Wind Speed & Direction • Alarms • Highs & Lows SEND FOR FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE ICS Electronics Ltd Unit V Rudlord Industrial Estate FORD • Arundel • West Sussex BN18 OBD Tel: 01903 731101 • Fax: O19O3 73110S Optional Rain Collector QS ReniivutUm and n j i . i i i of nil up.-.

of nu'U'onilojiical instruments lo Met. Office standards On- V. J. Read .'2 BnmcaMer Way .iltliam. Norfolk PB37 7RY Phone UH7W» 724546 Fas (01760) 724.UO CAR ACCESSORIES car performance i products GADGETS fr SPECIALIST PRODUCTS TO MAKE YOUR CAR FUN.

FAST & MOR€ EFFICIENT WEATHER INSTRUMENTS s, huri)gr;[phs. rani«imcc , frost preili liHs. hygnimeters und tlwrnumwu- .

Also an inexpensive range ol" remote scnsnu instmiiii.'tus i i i i «m.l. rain ami [(.-nipcrjiurv.

All available hy post. Pull colour hnvliutu- :unl pria1 IIM liniii Mi'i-("h«-k. IX-pi. X.I,..

I1*} H«.v 2H4. llMi-lik'v MilKin Kv nn. MK17 IKJI). Ickphuiu' IU2 Mi 712. 54 (2-1 lioursl OBOO 376 9798 FRCG colour brochure ACCESSORIES GET TO GRIPS WITH TIDE &TIME 31 • Make* tidal calculation! a thing of the pail.

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From trie best chandlers at £59.95 ir post & packing tree by return ol payment *', 'YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LID.


STURM1NSTER NEWTON. DORSET DT10 ZHE Tel 01258 817 662 Fa* 01258 BUBS I — wwwiidemBStflrcOuli __ « ™ • Baniileiefl Trade BACK PAIN RELIEF Is your back crying out for Posture Curve? Designed by a doctor, it's lightweight, unobtrusive, portable and maintains the natural curve of the spine.

Try Posture Curve for 2 weeks wherever you sit, and feel the relief... if not, we'll refund your money.


EXMOUTH, DEVON EX8 2YT TEL: (01395) 224455 FAX (013«) 222515 GIFTS BIRTHDAY DUE? Give someone on original newspaper dated the very day they ware born. £19. plus free 18(3O's Time* B31IPS PERFECT CUSTOM-BUILT SCALE MINIATURE REPLICAS •KKHTBH warn • oui SAIU O SHIP* SAILING WIGES-TVtS w.

COMMISSION AM) S| PPIJEI) 1TTH rrs f ERirnan OF MTHLvncm Hi tint! aecunkt is i/ijili1 lnn"Ht Muf - ibe utxJe subject u irpnxluctil txacOy & 0" t r iecstheonynal. hliillr lur aiiJihainf.

nun/Aw ibaruittrll rvjlrttt to :»tl cvlniriJmiin ilrillf if run- iiiut nwatkalilt iiuffiuu* ship- iitiuitiiutrwtidrtlmf by Brian Williams One of the world's leading miniature model ttlsi K(Mk.niF{'lt E.KIMpSAMi.](lRP ll T.(l)R-WALLPI.10]SF .

TH1PHONE A FAX : »w l)r«)S»6.W BOOK SEARCH Looking for a favourite out of print book or author? Collect books on a particular subject? Use our free worldwide search service.

Details from: Clarks Collectable Books 19 Linden Avenue. Stirling, fK7 7PQ Ol786 471727; rnuclarkM From leading chanden w pon and packing 1n«. Msp«KM y ww" ol payment by Cw*l Cam POs CK clearance a* enequs YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED. Boiling Departrwnl Mippooder Slurminstei Newlon. Dof»! DT103EM Tel OlZSt B17662 Fll: 01258 81 7929 t£T r* www.tH)«mjil(f couk EMBROIDERED CLOTHING We can embroider the following: Your station or guild name plus your name position plus an emblem including the flag. Mersey.

Tyne. Trent, Arun, Waveney, Severn.

Atlantic & D class.

Maritime Motifs South Molton EX36 4BL Tei/Ans/Fax (01769) 572727 a Lifeboats n Roval National Lifeboat Institution .—.

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