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Swimmer saved by lifeboat Coxswain n a remarkable service at Cromer Richard Davies, Coxswain of the station's all-weather lifeboat, has been awarded the RNLI's Thanks Inscribed on Vellum and the three man crew of the inshore D class lifeboat have received Vellum Service Certificates.

What makes the service remarkable is that Coxswain Davies was aboard neither of Cromer's lifeboats at the time.But to begin at the beginning. It was at 2148 on Saturday 2 October that the station's Honorary Secretary, Chris Barnes, heard from Yarmouth Coastguard that two people had been seen in the water to the east of Cromer Pier. They were about 150 yards out from the beach and some 250 yards from the inshore lifeboat house. The CG asked for one of Cromer's lifeboats to be launched -with the station choosing which they thought was more suitable.

Chris Barnes spoke to Richard Davies and, although it was dark and the D class has very limited night capability, it was decided to launch her because the casualties were very close inshore.

Tidal Stream Ten minutes later the D class was at sea, manned by Senior helmsman Adrian Woods and Crew Members Martin Steward and Adam Lincoln.

The wind was a moderate southwesterly Force 3 to 4 with a half-metre swell and good visibility but a strong 2-knot spring tidal stream was sweeping to the east.

Chris Barnes and Richard Davies made their way to the beach, where the casualties were reported to be, to help coordinate the rescue.

As they arrived they saw one man being helped by two volunteer St John's ambulance members. However to seaward they could see the second man still in the water about 150 yards away and being swept to the east by the tide.

Chris Barnes went back to his car to fetch a portable floodlight which he intended to use to indicate the casualty to the D class, but when he returned he could see the man in the water being dragged under and calling for help. By now it was clear he was in grave and imminent danger.

Without any regard for his own safety Coxswain Davies acted immediately. Stripping off some of his clothes he plunged into the sea and swam across the tidal stream towards the casualty. Initially the man was uptide of a sea defence groyne but as Coxswain Davies swam out the casualty was set down-tide and passed the seaward end of the groyne.

Altering his course to intercept the man Richard Davies was able to make contact about 20 yards downtide of the groyne, grab his clothing and start to tow him back uptide to the groyne.

Remarkable After a remarkable swim Coxswain Davies reached the groyne and was able to use it to support both him and the casualty while waiting for the lifeboat to arrive.

Meanwhile aboard the lifeboat Adrian Woods was not aware that Coxswain Davies was in the water. He had an approximate idea of the where the casualties had been, but was finding it hard to locate them exactly because of the back scatter from the lights on Cromer Pier.

As he approached he heard a voice calling for help over the noise of the outboard engine, and homing in on the voice he was somewhat surprised to see Coxswain Davies on the groyne supporting the second man.

Shaping a course towards them he soon took them aboard the lifeboat and headed for the beach as quickly as possible.

The casualty was taken straight to a waiting ambulance where he was assessed by the station's Honorary Medical Adviser and then taken to hospital.

He suffered a brief respiratory failure en route but fortunately responded rapidly to resuscitation.

Hypothermia Meanwhile Coxswain Davies had begun to suffer from mild hypothermia, but after being examined by the doctor he declined treatment and was taken home to warm up. He suffered no ill-effects from his unexpected Winter swim.

The inshore lifeboat returned to her station at 2206 and was ready for service again just ten minutes later and only 28 minutes after putting to sea.

In that short time she had taken part in a service which undoubtedly saved a man's life.The Lifeboat D class D436 Chios The Awards Thanks on Vellum Coxswain Richard Davies Vellum Service Certificates Helmsman Adrian woods Crew Members Martin Steward Adam Lincoln.