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Woolly Jumpers No one is too sure why 13 sheep ended up on the cliffs just outside Fowey on 15 March this year, but a service to stand-by while a Coastguard cliff rescue team tried to extricate them ended up with some unusual 'survivors' in the station's D class! Three sheep had been lifted to the top by the cliff rescue team, but the other ten were further down and would have to go out by lifeboat... after being lowered to sea level in a large bag.

Despite poor visibility the inflatable landed on the beach and the animals were duly returned to a very grateful farmer - slightly scratched by their initial fall but otherwise unharmed.

There remained one problem to deal with. Sheep are not seagoing animals and can become very frightened in a small, inflatable - nevertheless 30 minutes after her arrival the lifeboat was clean enough to be declared ready for service again..