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SEA Check scheme goes coast-wide Why wait until you get into trouble before finding out how well equipped your boat is? That's the reasoning behind the RNLI's SEA Check scheme, which aims to give every boat owner the chance to have a knowledgeable RNLI volunteer look over their boat and advise on the equipment they are carrying.

If you already have the right sort of equipment for the type of boat and the use to which she is put you can qualify for a Bronze, Silver or Gold award to confirm it.

SEA Check was introduced on a short stretch of the South Coast last year and was such a success that it is to be extended to cover the entire coast of the UK and Republic of Ireland this year.

The announcement, made by the Chairman at this year's annual meetings (see report on page 14) marks another step by the RNLI in its prevention-is-better-than-cure approach which began with the Safety on the Sea campaign in 1994.

Run under the Institution's overall Sea Safety umbrella, the day-to-day running of SEA Check will be in the hands of 12 Regional Co-ordinators, each with their own stretch of coastline.

The Co-ordinators will be recruiting and training volunteers, all of them practical and experienced mariners, to carry out visits and checks.

As well as pre-arranged SEA Checks there will be whileyou- wait advice available at many popular launching sites, following the discovery that visiting, trailed boats are often less well prepared than boats from sailing clubs and marinas.

If you would like either advice, or a SEA Check award to confirm that the level of safety equipment on your boat is up to scratch, contact SEA Check at the RNLI's Poole HQ at West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1 HZ - telephone (01202) 663384, or Freefone (0800) 328 0600, or email: seasafety@rnli. org. uk.

Information and advice is also available on the RNLI's Sea Safety web site at

Vision and Values Pack Would you like to take part? During June many readers of The Lifeboat w have received a pack from the RNLI enclosing a simple questionnaire about their views on the RNLI's future, and the values they believe are important to the organisation.

The pack was sent direct to all crew members, shore helpers, Station Branch officers and staff members. A representative sample of members, governors and donors also received the pack.

If anyone who has not received a pack would like the opportunity to participate, please contact the Supporters Help Desk on (01202) 663234 to request a copy.

N E W S P O I N T I am most grateful to the large number of readers who took the time and trouble to write to me following the Newspoint in the Spring issue of The Lifeboat about the prospect of a Vision and Values for the Institution.

The aim of the article was to stimulate comment, which is exactly what it did. I am very pleased to say that the vast majority of those who wrote strongly support the process of consultation that has been initiated.

To the minority who are not keen on the idea please be assured that I will not try to fix something that is not broken, nor do I favour reorganisation to give an illusion of progress.

Notwithstanding, any organisation which stands still does not flourish - in this respect I am sure that one major high street clothes retailer with a household name will agree! In my view, the RNLI is not like a ship that can alter course without reference to most of its crew and all of the passengers. I am quite clear on where we should go and what we should do but I felt it would be arrogant indeed to arrive and present some form of blueprint without asking all those with the interest of the RNLI at heart what they think.

With this in mind my warm thanks for your input.

International Rescue The International Lifeboat Federation's 1999 Conference will have drawn to a close shortly before this issue of The Lifeboat arrives on your doormat.

The conference is hosted by one of the member countries every four years, and this year it is to be held in and around the RNLI's base at Poole as part of the 175th Anniversary celebrations. The conference will have attracted delegates and lifeboats from around the globe, and is planned to include a sail-past of modern lifeboats from the RNLI, many other visiting countries and also historic ex-lifeboats, many now in private hands.

The restored pulling and sailing lifeboat Queen Victoria will contrast with classic double-ended RNLI boats, the first Waveney, Atlantic 75s, Severns and a host of visiting boats.

We hope to carry a full report of the conference and a photo-review of the sail-past in our Autumn issue, which appears in early October.

Congratulations in the House Two Members of Parliament sponsored 'Early Day Motions' in the House of Commons to congratulate the RNLI on its 175th birthday.

One, sponsored by Hastings and Rye's Michael Foster, went on to 'express the nation's gratitude for the valour and virtue displayed by its volunteers who crew the lifeboats and many supporters who work tirelessly to fund the service...' The second, sponsored by Norman Godman of Greenock and Inverclyde, paid tribute to 'all those, past and present, who have contributed to the giving of the public service through the wonderful work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution'.

Super marketing Sainsburys is selling the RNLI's Tolly Cobbold-brewed Celebration Ale in all of its stores - and donating lOp to the Institution for every bottle it sells! Tolly Cobbold a/ready makes a donation of 8.5p a bottle, so no further excuses are needed to try this premium quality ale! Anniversary Events The last Royal Tournament is being held at Earls Court this year, and the RNLI is set to make a big splash at the event as part of its anniversary celebrations.

The Tournament runs from 20 July to 2 August, but the big day for the RNLI on 22 July when there will be two displays by Atlantic crews. They may not have to dismantle the boats and throw them over a wall, but they will certainly be put through their paces as they compete in the arena! Supporters of the RNLI who receive their copies of The Lifeboat in time can see the show for half price - just phone the Tournament's credit card hotline on 0171 244 0244 before 2 July and quote 'RNLI' for your half price tickets.

Normal ticket prices range from £6 to £26 and there are two performances each day at 1400 and 1930.

Anniversary Calendar Don't miss these special 175th Anniversary Events 175 years of saving lives at sea 22 July 1999 Two ten-minute displays at the Royal Tournament, Earls Court, London 6-28 August 1 999 25 appearances at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo 10-19 September 1 999 Southampton International Boat Show Roadshow Dates 2-7 July, Exeter (Granada Services, junction 30 M5) 13-17 July, Manchester (Albert Square) 19-22 July, Builth Wells (Royal Welsh Show) 24-28 July, Blackpool (seafront) 31 July-2 August, Greenock (Tall Ships) 5-15 August, Thurrock (Lakeside Shopping Centre) 18-22 August, Gateshead (Metro Centre) 25-30 August, Brighton (seafront) Named at St Davids More than 200 guests were at St Davids lifeboat station on Sunday 9 May to witness the naming and dedication of the station's new D class lifeboat.

Light rain couldn't dampen the guests' enthusiasm as the lifeboat, funded by the Grantham and District Rotary Club, was handed over by Rotarian David Green and then named St David/Dewi Sant by Mrs Jo Green following a service of dedication.

The new lifeboat then launched to give a short display of her capabilities.

Blooming Marvellous The first RNLI lifeboat and slipway to be depicted entirely in flowers made its debut at the Chelsea Flower Show at the end of May. The display was designed and constructed by Gateshead Borough Council in honour of the RNLI's 175th Anniversary.

The Council won a Silver Medal for its 'Angel of the North1 display in 1998 and has its sights set firmly on one of the coveted Gold Medals for '99.

Two lifeboat crew helped launch the display, which is pictured below with Angharad Griffiths from The Mumbles and Roger Turner from Margate.

When Chelsea closes the display will move on to Scotland's National Gardening Show and then to Gateshead's own Summer Show, ensuring a high profile for the RNLI's anniversary for most of the summer.

Starting young! The youngest-ever 'lifeboat namer' swung into action at Craster on 20 March when two-and-ahalf- year-old Adam Bagley dispensed some champagne to formally christen the station's new D class lifeboat.

The boat, called AB One, was funded by Adam's Grandfather John Bagley who had competed in the British Steel Challenge - and then raised £16,000 from a series of talks and presentations about his adventures.

There is a tradition of the initials 'AB' in the Bagley family and as Adam is the current youngest holder his nickname of 'AB One' was chosen for the new lifeboat.

The Duke of Northumberland, the President of the Craster Station Branch had opened the proceedings before Mrs Janette Bagley formally handed the lifeboat over to the RNLI and gave her grandson a little help with the bubbly! Only the name's been changed...

The lifeboat station at the small fishing village of Seahouses in Northumberland is now to be known as... Seahouses Lifeboat Station.

That may seem obvious enough, but due to a historical quirk the station had previously been known as North Sunderland - which is a mile away.

The station asked for the change as the lifeboat has always been based at Seahouses, her radio call sign was already 'Seahouses Lifeboat' and it would also avoid any confusion with Sunderland lifeboat, away to the south.

The change seemed logical enough and the RNLI's Executive Committee approved the alteration with immediate effect.

More at Mablethorpe An Atlantic 75 is to join the existing D class at Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire following successful trials at the end of last year.

Barra's new Sever, Barra Island's new Severn was named at an official ceremony held on 24 April at The Pier in Castlebay.

The lifeboat was funded by a number of legacies, including a bequest from Mrs Edna Windsor, who died in Malaysia in 1993.

The lifeboat was named Edna Windsor by Brenda Maclnnes, granddaughter of the first Barra Island Coxswain, Murdo Sinclair.

The lifeboat was handed over to the RNLI's Chairman David Acland by Francis McCrossin, executor of the estate of Mrs Elizabeth Brechin - one of the other legators and a lifelong supporter of the RNLI from Ardrossan.

Steps help launch Stormforce 10 Pop chart favourites, Steps, along with seven of the bravest lifeboatmen and the RNLI's Director helped launch Stormforce 10, Britain's fastest wet knuckle ride, at Drayton Manor Park on 29 April.

Steps were on board the first 'lifeboat', closely followed by Director Andrew Freemantle and the seven lifeboat heroes from various stations around the UK. Alex Griffiths and Niall McLeod, two Stormforce members who won a competition to name the 12 'lifeboats', were also present at the official launch.

The £3m ride has been created, designed and constructed by the theme park in association with the RNLI and opened to the public for the first time on 1 May.

The ride recreates a dramatic lifeboat rescue mission and is the UK's first reverse chute water coaster. The boats are sent backwards down a 9 metre drop - hitting speeds of 40mph and pulling over 3g.

Drayton Manor Family Theme Park can be found just off Junction 9 of the M42 near Birmingham. For further information call (01827)287979(24 hour info-line) or browse at

Draw winner Harry Wright has won The Royal Bank of Scotland prize draw for £2,000. Mr Wright, a Lifeboats MasterCard holder, is a long standing RNLI supporter and has held the card since it was launched in 1988.

Lifeboats MasterCard, administered by the Royal Bank, enables supporters to raise money for the RNLI whilst using their card. For every account opened, £5.00 is donated plus an additional 25p donated for every £100 spent.

Almost £12 million has been raised by Lifeboats MasterCard holders so far. As part of the RNLI 175th anniversary celebrations, an extra £5 per application (for the next 2,000 applications) will be donated by the Royal Bank to the RNLI. Applicants need not be a Royal Bank of Scotland customer to take out a card, receive competitive rates and positively support the RNLI. For an application form and full details, simply call (0800) 543 210.

Lottery prize holidays The latest Autumn Lifeboat Lottery features some really interesting holidays that have been kindly donated by Warner Holidays. First prize is a week for two people at any Warner historic or character hotel plus £400 spending money.

Second and third prizes are weekend breaks for two, again at a Warner hotel, plus £150 spending money.

The lucky winners will select their holidays from the Warner brochure, perhaps choosing to stay in a location such as a Victorian castle, an Elizabethan mansion, or a coastal retreat with grounds sweeping down to the water's edge. Pictured here is just one of the fabulous Warner hotels where the winners may choose to stay - the magnificent 17th Century Holme Lacey House. Breakfast and dinner are included, as are most sports, activities and evening entertainment.

In addition there are six runner-up prizes ranging from £100 to £200.

If you would like to receive tickets for this and future lotteries, please contact Rebekah Rose on (01202) 663219, 8.00am to 5.00pm, weekdays.

Around the world in a day? Circumnavigate the world without ever leaving London - on 25 September the RNLI is cramming the entire planet into the confines of Battersea! Sail Safari is the first ever London Round the World Boat Race, Teams of four will race round Battersea Park in 'Flintstone' style hand built boats, whilst raising money for the lifeboats Crews will visit Sydney, New York, Rio, Cannes and the Cape of Good Hope. In order to travel onto the next country they will have to complete a crazy challenge, which could be anything from winding the windlass to racing remote controlled lifeboats. There is also a post event-party where prizes will be awarded to winning teams and those with the most imaginative boats.

If you are able to make a boat from an old cardboard box and some sticky backed plastic and have a talent for knot tying and horn pipe dancing then this could be the event for you! There will be lots for spectators of all ages to do on the day and everyone is welcome.

For more information or a registration form call Robin or Myles in the RNLI Events Office on (0171)8393369.

Video SOS The RNLI's PR department recently discovered a gap in its film and video archives and is appealing for help from readers of The Lifeboat If anybody has a copy of the 1996AGM/APA video that can be copied for the archives, Sue Denny, the RNLI's Press and Public Information Officer would be pleased to hear from you.

If you can help please call (01202) 663182/3 AFRAS For all you web surfers out there we continue our regular update on RNLI and lifeboat related internet sites. The latest addition is the website for The Association for Rescue at Sea IAFRASI which can be found at: AFRAS helps raise money to save lives at sea and supports the RNLI on a continuing basis. In 1998 the association took over administration duties in the United States offering joint AFRAS/RNLI membership and has to date helped to fund three RNLI lifeboats.

Chatham 'exhibit' goes upriver The first Waveney class lifeboat, which is part of the collection of historic lifeboats at Chatham, went further up the Thames than usual on Easter Saturday when she visited the 145th Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race.

The organisers of the annual event had nominated the RNLI as the official charity for the race and 44-001 (she never carried an official name) set off to fly the RNLI flag.

The lifeboat is part of the collection based at the Historic Dockyard although, unlike the other exhibits, she is kept afloat and in commission.

The remainder are housed in the magnificent No4 Covered Slip and are well worth a visit by anyone who is lifeboat-minded.

The Dockyard itself is now known as The World Naval Base and has several new attractions.

More additions and improvements are under way, or being planned, and the whole site is well worth a visit. Contact the World Naval Base at Chatham on (01634) 823800 for full details.

Selsey honours On 26 May nine members of Selsey lifeboat station and branch were honoured by The City of London by being awarded the Freedom of The City. Those who received awards were: Coxswain Martin Rudwick, Second Coxswain Willie Pledger, Mechanic Keith Lintott, Assistant Mechanic Nigel Osbourne, Deputy Second Coxswain Tony Delahunty, Vic Littleboy (Station Admin and Press officer), Mrs E Savill (Chairman, ladies association), Mrs J Jones (wife of former Coxswain Bill Jones) and Mrs M Wood who has sold RNLI souvenirs for over 40 years.

Withernsea's D named A bright and blustery day greeted guests for the naming ceremony of the D class lifeboat, Brian and Margaret Wiggins, at Withernsea lifeboat station on 10 April.

Withernsea chairman, Dr Tony Fourace, opened proceedings followed by a presentation of flowers by eight-year-old Elizabeth Dawson to Mrs Margaret Wiggins and Janet Elizabeth Wiggins, wife and daughter respectively of Brian Wiggins whose legacy funded the lifeboat.

Mrs Wiggins handed the lifeboat into the care of the RNLI which was then officially accepted of behalf of the station. Following a service of dedication Withernsea Senior Helmsman, Martin Woodhouse, proposed a vote of thanks.

Proceedings closed with Janet Elizabeth Wiggins naming the lifeboat Brian and Margaret Wiggins..