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High Seas

More views of RNLI lifeboat stations from the air.

Valentia - Ireland Division Valentia is the RNLI's westernmost lifeboat station, situated on the rugged coast of Co. Kerry, in south west Ireland. The Severn class lifeboat lies afloat to the right of the 1996-built station in the main photograph - which looks westwards over The Dock - in the channel between Valentia Island and the small Beginnish Island.

The strength of the tidal stream in the channel can be seen in the photo below, with the lifeboat tugging at her mooring and with a visible wake caused by the stream running past her. Boarding the lifeboat can be rough going at times! Falmouth - South Division Falmouth's new boathouse is unusual in that it is shared with HM Coastguard - which uses the left hand side of the building and launches its RIB from the left hand door seen in the close-up photograph. The partially-open right hand door opens on to the station's Atlantic, which launches from the slipway in front of the boathouse.

The general view shows the station's situation between the commercial docks and Pendennis Marina and is looking away to the west. The Arun shown alongside the pontoon berth has since been replaced by a Severn - the the first production boat, 17-002 The Will Arbroath - Scotland Division Arbroath, on Scotland's east coast is home to a Mersey and a D class - the Mersey being one of the few of the class to be slipway launched.

The main photo shows the approaches (looking towards the south east at about half-tide) with the station and slipway on the southern side of the Inner Dock.

In the close-up below, the smaller doors for the inshore lifeboat can be seen to the right of the main slipway doors - both lifeboats use the same slip.

Flamborough -- North Division Flamborough's wide-open fetch into the North Sea is evident from the main photo, which looks roughly north-east up the Yorkshire coast. The boathouse for the station's Atlantic is a recent building at South Landing, one of a pair of small coves in the area. Before the arrival of the Atlantic the old carriage launched lifeboat was based in North Landing, just out of sight at the top of the photograph.

The slipway leads to a steep, shingle beach on which onshore seas can break heavily.

Hunting Aerof ilms is offering copies of these photographs at well below normal rates - and donating 25% of the print price to the RNLI. Prices Sin by Sin - £13.00, 10in by 10in-£18.00, 12inby 12in-£21.00, 20in by 16in-£43.00.

For larger sizes contact Hunting Aerofilms. The area covered will be larger than the 'cropped' area shown here.

When ordering please follow these instructions carefully: 1. Send orders to: Hunting Aerofilms at Gate Studios, Station Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1EJ Please do not send orders or enquiries to any RNLI office or lifeboat station.

2. Quote the full reference number given underneath the photograph - this is the only identification of the exact negative needed 3. State clearly the size of print required and enclose payment as shown - this includes VAT, post and packing and the RNLI donation.

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