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Lifeboat station histories On A Wave and A Prayer A History of the Youghal Lifeboat Station by Brendan O'Driscoll published by the author at CIR9.50 The port of Youghal (pronounced 'Yawl') on Ireland's beautiful southern coastline has a fascinating maritime history, and since the establishment of a lifeboat station there in 1839 the history of port, town and lifeboat have been interwoven.

Local author Brendan O'Driscoll has put together an excellent account of lifeboat events in the town, providing a history which is not only factual but which is also eminently readable.

Beginning with the first independent station in 1839 Youghal's lifeboat history moves through a succession of pulling and motor lifeboats before arriving at today's high speed Atlantic. Throughout the book a wealth of historic photographs - some 150-shows not only the town's lifeboats but also some of the local shipping and casualties.

On A Wave and A Prayer is available from Brendan O'Driscoll at 68 Dermot Hurley Estate, Youghal, Co Cork, Ireland for EIR9.50, plus £IR3.30 for postage and packing. All of the proceeds go to the RNLI, and so far some £6,500 has been raised.

Jeff Moms, the Honorary Archivist of the Lifeboat Enthusiasts Society has produced a raft of new publication and later editions which are referred to here and on the following page.

Space precludes a detailed review but all follow Jeff's meticulously researched card-cover A5 format and are now thoroughly up to date.

The History of the Falmouth Lifeboats (first edition) A new book covering this busy west country station's history from its foundation by the RNLI in 1867 through to the current, newly-built boathouse and state of the art Severn and Atlantic class lifeboats.

(Falmouth is also one of the stations in our High Seas feature on page 27 of this issue.) Continued opposite 1 HI HHIB The books reviewed here are NOT available from the RNLI.

Please see either the address given in the text or contact a good bookseller quoting the author, full title and ISBN The History of the Seahouses Lifeboats (second edition) This volume updates the story of what was formerly North Sunderland lifeboat station, and under which title the first edition appeared.

The name was changed in April 1999 at the request of the station to avoid confusion - the lifeboat having actually been based in the port of Seahouses since the station was established more than 170 years ago! In fact the name change came too late to be included in the body of the text - although there was time to change the cover and add a paragraph to the introduction.

The History of the Aith Lifeboats (Second edition) Updating the history of this Shetland station, the most northerly of the RNLI's lifeboat stations.

This second edition takes in the change from the only steel-built Arun, Snolda (which had been at the station for 12 years) to the new Severn class.

The History of Falmouth, Seahouses and Aith lifeboats are available from Jeff Moms at 14 Medina Road, Foleshill, Coventry CV6 5JB at £2.50 each including post and packing.

The Story of the Clacton-on-Sea Lifeboats (Second edition) Clacton's lifeboat stations have several claims to fame - the pier-head launching slipways being one, and the possibly apt conversion of an early lifeboat house into a pub being another! This latest booklet updates the story of the lifeboats at this East Coast resort and now includes the arrival of the latest Atlantic 75 Robert George Alexander in 1998 to work with the station's D class inflatable.

Copies are available only from P.

Edwards at 7 Bedford Road, Hollandon- Sea, Essex C015 5LH at £3.50 each including post and packing.

The Story of the Selsey Lifeboats (Fifth edition) The activies of the slipway-launched Tyne and D class inflatable at this South Coast station have necessitated the publication of a fifth edition of this fact-filled booklet - surely a recommendation in itself.

Now covering events up until late 1998 the latest edition of the book is available only from V. Littleboy at 71 East Beach Road, Selsey, West Sussex P020 OES at £3.50 including postage and packing.

The Story of the Staithes and Runswick Lifeboats (Fifth edition) Yet another of Jeff Morris' station histories which has been so popular that a fifth edition has been called for.

The Staithes and Runswick booklet is available only from D. Porritt at 5 Barras Square, Staithes, Near Saltburn, North Yorkshire TS13 5DF at £3.50 including postage and packing.

Songs of the Sea Celebrating the RNLI's 175th Anniversary A recording of Sir Charles Villiers Stanfords 'Songs of the Sea and 'Songs of the Fleet' by The Band of The Royal Marines Portsmouth on CD (£12) or cassette (£8). This recording took the RNLI's West Country Group two years to plan and record (at the Abbey Road studios) and is an exceptional addition to their portfolio of works performed by this Band.

Available from RNLI West Country Group, West Rock, The Cleave, Kingsand, Torpoint, Cornwall PL10 1NF.