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A letter from The Queen Mother Brian Miles. RNLI Director for the past 11 years, retired at the end of 1998.

HM The Queen Mother wrote to Brian in October to offer her best wishes and congratulations on a job well done...

CLARENCE HOUSE SWIA IBA 9th October 1998 Thank you for your letter and latest edition of The Lifeboat which I have Laid, before Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. It is, as usual, an excellently produced magazine and the Patron always takes a great interest in the details of the launches and rescues.

Queen Elizabeth wat particularly sad to hear that you are retiring as Director after thirty-four years' service with the Institution. The Queen Mother is very conscious of all that you have done for the RNLI over these years. Your advice, guidance and steady hand at the helm have been invaluable and Her Majesty knows that you will be sorely missed. Queen Elizabeth offers you her congratulations on a job well done and sands you her beet wishes for a peaceful and happy retirement.

Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Lieutenant Conundar Brian Miles, CBE, RD, RNR.

Thanks to 'Mr X' May I, through The Lifeboat, thank a mystery member of the RNLI, who helped out so much at a recent traffic accident here on the Isle of Wight.

This gentleman was the first to asses the situation and take control until the emergency services arrived - and most of all, he sat with my husband for an hour and half while he was freed from the car.

All we know is that the man was with his family and possibly taking part in a course with the local RNLI. My husband is recovering well at home but we would both like to thank this gentleman so much - he's a hero to us.

Mrs B. Wright Ventnor Isle of Wight Blogg request I am currently trying to upgrade the Henry Blogg Museum by adding more items To displays already on show and also hoping to bring the H F Bailey (ON777) up to date by adding final touches to her equipment. May I ask if any readers have any items that could either be donated or loaned to the museum? I require items such as the tools and fire extinguishers for the lifeboat plus a rope cutting knife for the displays, any old clothing worn by the crews, yellow and cork lifejackets, comet light and acetylene light - in fact anything that would have been in a boathouse.

All items will be recorded and receipt issued. I can be contacted on (01263) 513018 (home) or 511294 (museum).

Frank Muirhead, Curator and Historian Henry Blogg Museum Cromer.