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On Station The following lifeboats have taken up duty: All-weather Ballyglass - Severn 17-15 (ON 1235) Bryan and Gordon on 14 August Stromness-Severn 17-16 (ON1236) Violet Dorothy and Kathleen on 22 October Holyhead- Arun 52-37 Kenneth Thelwallon M September Aberdeen-Arun 52-39 (ON1135) Mickie Salvesen on 28 August Inshore Tynemouth - D535 The Cramer Smuggler on 19 August Hunstanton - Atlantic 75 B749 DJS Haverhill on 10 September Broughty Ferry - D539 Hartlepool Dynamo on 15 September Blackpool - Atlantic 75 B748 Bickerstaffe on 25 September Hastings - D540 Cecile Hampton II on 4 October Clacton - Atlantic 75 B744 Robert George Alexander on 10 October Stranraer - D538 Tom Broom on 19 October 1998 Southwold - Atlantic 75 B750 Leslie Tranmer on 28 October 1998 Please Sir, we'll have some more… During a long and tiring search for some missing divers in the Channel on 17 August, Selsey and Newhaven lifeboat crews were replenished with breakfast and a roast dinner.

FIFA Sir Percivale was the on scene commander and at 0830 asked the lifeboat crews if they would like a little breakfast. Gratefully accepting, the hungry crews took the lifeboats alongside Sir Percivale to pick up the food which included muesli, egg and bacon sandwiches (with ketchup and brown sauce) and drinks.

The search for the divers (who sadly, were never found) continued and as 1230 arrived, the dinner menu was passed over the radio.

This time the crews were treated to pork chops, peas, carrots, potatoes and gravy - the parcel also included plates, knives, forks and even a chocolate bar for pudding! Obituaries With regret we report the following deaths: August Meirig Glyn Davies MBE. ex Llandudno lifeboat coxswain. Meirig first joined the crew as second coxswain in 1964, a position he held until 1970. He was an ILB crew member between 1966 and 1985, emergency mechanic between 1970 and 1982. and acting mechanic in 1970 and 1980. Meirig was coxswain from 1971 to 1994. As well as being awarded an MBE in 1984, he attended the Buckingham House Garden Party in both 1978 and 1982. Merig received the RNLI's Long Service Badge in 1984 and Letter of Thanks in 1994.

Robert (Bob) Shears, deputy launching authority of Newbiggin lifeboat station. He was also former second mechanic and senior helmsman.

Mrs Sheena Mainland. Hessle and District branch box organiser form 1979 to 1994. She was a member of the branch from 1970 to 1994.

William (Bill) Oilier, vice chairman of New Romney, Romney Marsh and Littlestone branch, joined the fundraising committee in 1992. Previously station honorary secretary of Dungeness station branch from 1979 to 1987 and deputy launching authority between 1973 to 1979 and 1987 and 1988.

Mrs J Dyer Gough. Ruthm branch president. She first joined the branch in 1977 and was elected president in 1982, Mrs Dyer was awarded the Statuette in 1996.

September Lucretia Duffay, Salisbury branch house to house organiser form 1975 until her death. Mrs Duffay joined the branch committee in 1973 and was honorary box secretary from 1975 until 1990.

Ron Graham, Manhood branch president from 1996 until his death.

He joined the branch in 1977 and served had served as lifeboat day organiser, honorary treasurer and chairman, Mr Graham recieved the Silver badge in 1988.

Raymond Pope, Bexleyheath branch president from 1980 until his death. Raymond was also on the RNLI staff for 20 years, the last 10 as the City of London regional organiser.

October Mrs Jean Farrell. secretary of Amlwrch and district branch on Anglesey. She joined the branch in 1979 acting as assistant souvenir secretary and became secretary in 1994. Mrs Farrell was awarded the Statuette in 1992.

Raymond Taylor MBE, Cullercoats branch president, Raymond first served the Cullercoats crew when he was just 14 and later went on to become second coxswain and senior helmsman of the lifeboat.

Following his retirement at 50, Raymond served as secretary of the station branch until 1996 and then as president. He was awarded the Binoculars in 1989 and the MBE in 1995.

November Mrs Kathleen Booker, founder member and chairman of North Ferriby ladies lifeboat guild from 1969 to 1976 and 1979 to 1986.

She was awarded the Silver badge in 1986.

Mrs Mabel Horspool, vice president of holyhead ladies lifeboat guild. Mrs Horspool joined the guild in 1952 and held several offices. She was awarded the Gold badge in 1992..