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Map Marketing Ltd

SUPERB ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS k. ~ centred on your home ~ ORDNANCE SURVEY LANDRANGER MAP SERIES - a contemporary view of your area ~ With your Landranger map the community and countryside surrounding your home conies alive with colourful large scale detail ( I 1 4 inches to the mile). Everything from antiquities through to roads, rock and water features can be found. Each map also comes with a FREE laminated key to kip you understand the symbols and explore the geography around your selected centre. Your made-lo-order Landnnger map measures 24x24" |6lx61cm) displaying an 8 3 4 mile radius around the selected central point. Full United Kingdom coverage available.

THE VICTORIAN FIRST EDITION MAP SERIES - an historic record of your area from over 100 years ago - Representing the first major achievement in the national survey of Bntaia this Victorian mapping faithfully captures the fascinating details of our nineteenth-century landscape. During the ictonan era. the Ordnance Suncy undertook the massive project of preparing a reliable map of England and Wales at a scale of one inch to the mile. Published between 1805 and 1873. these expertly rendered maps were painstakingly engraved the old fashioned way on copper plates. !an an which is sadly no longer practiced in modem cartography). Today's technology has been used to edge match the original 91 sheets in the First Edition series, thereby allowing for the production of a map centred on a place ofyourchoice. Your custom irtadeFm/ftonniap measure selected point. Please note that the Victorian Firs Edition series is available for England and Wales only.

X DUO CENTVRVMAP - today and m years ago This crating map affords a unique opportunity to see both the Victorian First Mm and a current Landranger map of the same area -side by side- in a stunning presentation. Offering a unique insight into local history, you'll be able to see how your town, village and surrounding countryside has changed in over a century.

The Victorian map shows a" mile radius.«hile the Landranger map covers a 6.5 mile radius around your selected centre. Both maps are beautifully presented on a 18x30" (46x76cm) backing sheet which also gives the town and county on which your maps are centred .An engaging view of the past and present, your Duo Century Map will be both highly decorative and 1 reference map for armchair explorers everywhere. Available for England and Wales only.

IMOnDULSERllCE (brtUUimtefcnrtikMft layoff eaasptafoKa; «c* me CHOKE OF WISHES fa an dttotfim tomiuri ait or touuKi Mwrt M uU tart w/tifcnta i hart Tttf ftfl. vyw t $ f"mrtn'( nommmti caUmmg i tmtiHetood pen grr rmUte lxt Onfcr f 'arm Uwj.

RIM, )()l R ORDI.R TIlRlll (.11 )H l) 01192 429566 BMBtmffHH 01332429566. * 0 OftflWtHTT 3710473 3C8A.