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Thomas Reed Publications.

'FORTH TYNE NORTHWESTERLY BACKING SOUTHERLY. 4 OCCASIONALLY 5 IN FORTH AT FIRST, SHOWERS. GOOD" RAIN LATER, GOOD .UATSTRATING THE SHIPPING FORK :AS1 Peter Collyer The words are evocative. They are part of our cultural heritage. Mention the- Shipping Forecast and most people will he able to reel off a short list of sea areas - Dogger, Fisher, (lennan Bight ... Celebrity guests on radio's Desert Island Discs have been known to ask for a recording of it to take with them to their island: stranded so far away, the words will magically remind them of Britain and of home.

The places are real. Unfortunately, however, for most of us the Shipping Forecast remains just a list of names. RAIN LATER, GOOD changes this. Brilliant and detailed paintings by Peter Collyer offer a series of images which will help conjure up the locations. Extracts from his idiosyncratic diaries provide more insight and information, Collyer manages through his diary entries to demystify the forecast, to introduce us to the people who live- and work in the places mentioned, to pass on snippets of esoteric, but interesting information, to tell of what the traveller might find in the place and to convey a real feeling of being there. The beautiful paintings which come from his travels truly capture the spirit of the places.

RAIN LATER. GOOD consists of 44 superb reproductions of Peter Collyer's intricate watercolour paintings of the regularly mentioned sea areas anil coastal stations. The accompanying text is illustrated with numerous hand drawn sketches made during his expeditions to these often wild places on the edge of our islands.

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ORDER FORM Please supply _ copies of RAIN LATER. GOOD at £27.50 per copy plus £3.50 p &p For each copy sold S5.00 will be donated to the RNLL The RNL1 is Cheque enclosed for £ _ (payable to Thomas Reed Publications) or a registered charity No. 209603.

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