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Small Ads

The Lifeboat SMALL ADS Lower Fishguard, Pembrokeshire.

[Enjoying one of tne finest Harbour views in Lower Fishguard. a substantial s/det two storey residence, presently subdivided into 3 self contained flats; but equally well suited as Private Residence. Previously utilised as Cafe/Tea Room Restaurant.

Freehold. £127.500.

JJ. Morris, 16 Mam Street. Fishguard.

Pembs. SA65 9HJ. Tel: (01348) 873836.

http: uk WANTED -. mth 5 li ](J acres land m ITOUBdiBg COUMJM Lamlonl) consiuVniJ.

Tel Jem Vincent mi 1(1 IJ-i: I 245WI PERSONALISED CLOTHING Maritime Motifs SOUTHLEY HOAD, SOUTH MOLTON. EX36 4BL Tel/Fax (01769) 572727 Evenings (01769) 574562 Sea Songs and Shanties from ftihrrmrn ind tulun cm liwiir t (D Srod in AS foe our catalogue. Yntnn Mail Order, « Old St. Haughlrv. Suwmrtct, Suffolk, l l ' l I 1 THE ULTIMATE IN REPLICAS BY BRIAN WILLIAMS One of the world's leading minalure modi/I sjxii.iliMls Ol.P SAILING SI UPS BARQUES YACHTS LIFEBOATS STEAMSHIPS B & rues tic m. • m*-_ TRAWI.KRS viHi tit arttyatetfAMlliniticitytr Soft Wi-M Kix'k. Tlu't'leiin1, KIIIKI.IIIJ, Torpoint.

(017S2)W -W Renovation and repair of all types of meteorological instruments 1o Met. Office standards • Ml'I I HI 1 . 1 1 I I I .1111 I i i l l ! 111-11 1 I 1 H I 1 1 1 1 • Ajl])imi'ii *'' i r i i i t - .111(1 siipph p.ircs lor t-i-i f i n it /.iiulir;i insnunii-uts • Chans, it- . ink • l)ispl.i barograph* available.

produced ill ilu- Mvlc W.J. Rrad I'M Hi! Vu.ii.iKt- Park. Ndrl»,rcmKli.

kins;- [.MIII .-ii..11 I'l ;_• I l i t I'IHHH- «)l7li ] ;vi7n(i| TIME AND TIDE at your fingertips TIDEMASTER' PILOT • Quart/ accuracy • Guaranteed working depth 75ft • Clear lumimsed hands and batons " AulomaW calendar • Quick set date change • Tide bezel' monitors tidal state • Centre second sweep hand with red lip All this for only £39.95 Inc VAT AH me Best cnanOleif ot addf sola 1st class recontetldespaicntron' YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED BOATING DEPARTMENT MAPPOWDER STURMINSTER NEWTON. DORSET OTlO 2EH Tel. 01256817662 Fax 01258 817829 * Registered Trademark ' Copyright WINDMASTER Local SUSSEX UFO sightings/ experiences welcomed in strict confidence. Please contact John 1'larke, Quest International nvestigator (ret'd. Flying Officer; Police Officer! Tel: (01273) 777789.

FOR YOUR CLUB OR CHARITY RENT-A-RACE PHONE 01932 222638 FOP VOUfl SflOCHUflE THE SPECIALISTS IN AI.I, KORMS OK SEA BURIAL THE BRITANNIA SHIPPING COMPANY FOR Bl'RIAL AT SEA • LIMITED Britannia Houst • NcvUon Popplcford • Nr. Sidmoulh Devon EXUml-.l Ttlcphoni- Colaton Raleigh (01395) 5fiNf)52 or Fax (IH.W5) 567511 - 24 hours.

D Lifeboats n Royal National Lifeboat Institution ,——, RNLI VIDEOS FOR SALE I.IKKBOATS 2000 tS.IHI inc P&P New RM.l video CALL DtT £7.00 ini P&P Aimed at :i general audience LAUNCH! £ti.OO inc P&P For adulls and older children LIFEBOATS £6.00 inc P&P For younger children SAVED BY A MOTOR LIFEBOAT 1924 silenl film - pkiiic. I-X £H.OO inc P&P Complete this coupon and post loTHE VIDEO FACTORY, GROVE HOUSE.

M1LBURN ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH BH4 9HJ wilh cheque made payable to 'RNLI ENTERPRISES LIMITED'. Please allow 28 days for delivery.


THE WORLD'S SMALLEST WIND SPEED INDICATOR £29.95 * Robust and shock resistant * Undamaged by immersion Lightweight pocket sued 25 gramsfl ozjwt..

5.5cm (2','.') *am * Sensflwe accurate readout in Beaufort, m knots and metras/sec.

* Complete with neck lanyard Available from some cdanOiets ot Md tVSOfor recorded despatch within 24 hours ol Credit Card or PO payment or clearance o* cheque YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LTD BOATING DEPARTMENT MAPPOWDEB. STURMINSTER NEWTON.


LOGOS AVAILABLE: D CLASS. ATLANTIC 75, TRENT, SEVERN. MERSEY & THE FLAG. STATION AND GUILD PERSONALISATION FOR BROCHURE PLEASE CONTACT: HARRY - THREADS EMBROIDERY - PHONE/FAX (01952) 812492 THIS CHRISTMAS give someone an original newspaper doted the very day they were born - £22 50 W (01492) 531303 COLLECT TONER CARTRIDGES FOR CASH Empty loner cartridges lor laser printer and photocopiers are being dumped by the millions.

We pay C3 per cartridge to you or other chosen beneficiary.

Our re manufactured loner cartridges otter s»vngs at 50°. • lully guaranteed.

Tel. Greenman Toner Service Co. Lid.

01372 748550 A SERVICE FOR THOSE WITH RELATIVES AND FRIENDS OVERSEAS 1.||H."» rapid I lime ii( Ihc icmhlmt and Man iii il* fotont hnui We .il-n i. ,i. .1, i tine lih" •!,,!,. HIM , . l , . 1 . . , , | . i .

Minur M«..n. Mni-cuit. Huijunri. t I- I* "H( .





NATIONAL MAIL ORDER SERVICE For yuilr 'FREE' brochure, rcmtail: Foresight Optical. 13 V» Road, lianbun, Ovon OXlft 9PN Telephone (012951 264365 THE GARDEN HOUSE It tin Ottii'f, n Stiuliti. ti tu it Kinun, (i d'liHii i Ri'iiiH, ,i (ii,iiin Anni'. nrjuxl I ROM iKOUND £9,000 THKdAHDKN HOI SK LTD..


BROADS IMKS. KKM, (Till 3I.S BINOCULARS We are the UK s leading supplier ol MARINE BINOCULARS Over 30 different types of 7x50 available, with or without compass Extensive range of general purpose binoculars also available REPAIR SERVICE - using latest equipment for accurate coll i ma t ion and speed of service.

FUJINON The professional choice for optical marine equipment • 7X50FMTR-SX - 95"o light transmission.

Hat lield The ultimate marine binocular STARSCOPE • image mlensitier - compact design, fully waterproof Gyro-stabilised binoculars High powered observation binoculars For expert advice brochure Tel 01291 689858, Fax 01291 689834 or write MONK OPTICS. Wye Valley Observatory, The Old School.

Brockweir. Chepstow NP6 7NW ACTlONOPTlCs The Binocular repair specialists since 1963.

Free estimates and realistic prices Over 200 s/h & 100 new binoculars in stock. Send SAE for price list ACTION OPTICS. 2 Old Hill. Averting.

Telbury. Glos GIB 8MB. Tel 0145 383 3738 REGIMENTAL TIES Also Club. Company Promotional Ties. Blazer Badges & Bultons. Cuff Links. Han0 Painted Heraldic Shields Car Badges. Medal Mounting also miniatures Regimental Walking Slicks Send SAE for enquiries RADNOR LTD, 39 Thames Street. Windsor.

Berks SL4 1PR. Tel (01753) B639B2 The Sun and the Moon control Time and Tide, be master of both with TIDEMASTER' MOONPHASE * Chronometer accuracy * Luminised hands * Automatic Calendar * Exact phase the moon displayed * Spring and Neap at a glance * Tide bezel* shows daityndes * Guaranteed working m _ —• depth 150 * Marine blue drying strap as standard. While Tropic or calf leather webhmg safety strap Veicro band options sharkskin or stainless urig bracelet £15 eitra best chandlers at Rec. £5955 or add P.90 Registeradpostfrom.


STURMINSTER NEWTON. DORSET OT102HE Tel. 01258 817 662 FBI; 01258817 829 KRegowraOTrBdf Mirt'ICopyngM AB SMALL ADS The Lifeboat Flying from Heathrow? lumirh f-iicxi lumsc inilv II) minutes (mm HfUllirow. r'.as access to A IMI.Ml. ML'.'... lliiKiins 44 IV. IV.i rnllrflaciliiv. nXc Licensed b.n. evening meal.

Parking li t liolidav period.

Shepiston Lodge, 31 Shepislon lane.

Haves. Middx UBS 1LJ.

HOTEL 37 Eccleston Square. Victoria, London SW1V1PB. Tel: 0171-829 681! Idea), central quiel location overlooking magnificent gardens on Innge ot 5elgravia.

Comlooable Single 'Double -Twin/Family Rooms Good ENGLISH BREAKFAST. MODERATE PRICES, EGON RONAY/RAC FREE COLOUR BROCHURE AVAILABLE Padstow, Cornwcill Modern two bed. cottage with garage, sleeps 4, available all year. Tel. (01529)305141 caimouth. Port Pendents; Luxurious anc spacious, three bed roomed aparlment, set in award winning marina village.

Superb location. Tel (012091 861428 CORNWALL - THE HELFORD RIVER Bishops Quav Romantic waterfront house - Sleeps 4-6. C.H. + Log fire.

Unique situation fof birdwatching, walking and boating. Dinghies tor you' use, balcony *• secret garden Available all year. (01326) 221297 CAPTAIN'S LOOKOUT - FAIMOUTH Cofloge wlti tov«*y harbour views, dose to wateffronl and lowntertre 5teeps4 from£225»£325p/w cr mull 5UU3 BLUE HAVEN HOTEL, SEATON, CORNWALL Panoramic sea view-.. tn--uili; momllll'M.

HI. IF.I II,|Ull ".llklMU d'mrrlLJ l.'l .l!l Brochure 1.-I: ll5ll. i 250.MO CORNWALL AT ITS BEST Gillan C reek - Hclford area. Private hcauh Comfortable, well equipped outages, sleep 2 10 "J. Superh views, ideal all water activi lit1-. piMi'clul «.ilks. Mooring .ivailahl Open all .11 Came listen Holidays - Tel. (013261 231244 lanMimv) POLRUAN. CORNWALL- Vlu-u- iluliver Fowr mrrlx llu- SIM. Old fislircmui'icougeafewpMofrDiii ih * |u.i Slrrji-. I ondhm nrr l.i'oclpuh- l ii.ills IV.uc 8: ti,iiu|iiilliiv. Pfople say T.ood Morning' '"]n KC.ISOII- , raits. Brochure 01726 870582.

HELFORD RIVER - ST ANTHONY Super waterside collages and apartmentstn beautiful unspoilt setting. Booting and moorings. Tel. (01326) 231357 !•. I. l U KS. ChrMm and''W Hi-juiilul ou .i-. MM Mi'Mv SivlinJi'J iirnuiiiK su limning I*"-'! bcoamodiles nun. All laahiiev Brochure 0860 781939/01326 270376 Svnnun (."(«*• (.'ornwtill I"onilmuNc In! 4 uiih p.i m-urn 11 MM in".- ,md unl 5 mi null", njlk Irnm x,md heath ( jrclul pel i'wncr- ueltumc Wcrkh. weekend and mid-wcck un.- .' Cull iniV4Nl 6h.tfl34 fur hnichure.

ANNETBYiOWEN NIII sin" and Residential Home Set high ahove the beautiful Camel estuary we offer, in addition lo our usual long term care, holiday or respite breaks, Annethy Lowen, Sarah's Lane.

Padstow, Cornwall, PUS 8EL Phone/fax (01841) 532681 Cosy Cornish Cottage overlooking N T clitflonds near SI Agnes ideal walking/touring Short Winter tweaks Tel IOI258M72352 FALMOUTH, CORNWALL Port Pendennis Harbour Village.

Luxury waterside aparlment in award winning development. Two bedrooms.

sleeps 4, also available Autumn Overlooking marina, berth available.

Tel (01326} 250339 Furzedown Private Hotel Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Telephone 8 Fax 014931 844138 Open all year, uc ixxup) .1 tranquil seafrom locaiton overlooking Venetian Wator»a -.

All 23 Rttims hj i- cii-Miile halhriKims.

siitdlite It'll'vision and k i in.iknu t.Kiliuo Hotel pniprietur. Paul, iv a crew mcmbci on iht lutal lil'thoal and will he pleased lo arrange a lour of ihe -.lution it MI ili'MifJ For further dclaiK toiilact Paul Garntd on the above nuink'r Inr mum ami hnn-hure 1-11411 ines E.T.B. 3 Crovins Commi'ndcd tl.,1.1 JM.IIV LAKE DISTRICT Collages and apartments hidden in secluded private woodland (Roe-deer, red squirrels), just 1 mile from Windermere. Open all year.

English Tourist Board Commended (3-4 Key) For brochure. Tel. 015 394 44558 LAKE DISTRICT - S.t«rL- . nc.,i lUwkshcad.

SX". Acvomodmion Furm conversion nr Eslhwjilc Water. Liivel) walk*. Free fishing. PcKuck-nmc Short hrcakv'Open .ill t-.n U-i i"l ' "M 424.1S L A K E D I S T R I C T Iw House Hotel ttowfafctW, Cumhria 1-A22 ONS Small lamitv run notel - senslbfy priced.

Contact David 01 Jane foi brochure; FREEPHONE 0500 - 657876 I.ukt- i i . i , i . i l.llS.l»K' H.i k.PK'.nl t''1-llll I.IIIHK IIIII uo-,1 huuxc in hiMrt i l Hi.1 .urn I'niicr eouniri1.

.U-r Highly CommenJed 1U: (015394)43817 I . I . I n n ,, i Far Saurcv. ManksheiiJ. Sell altnnj CRUISE THROUGH THE COUNTRYSIDE Aboard our owner operated Hotel Narrowooats on the canals and rivers ot England and Wales. Choose from 21 different routes. Enioy fine toad, walking.

careand comfort. Single/twin/double en suite cabins 5/7 nights Inland Waterway Holiday Cruises.

Greenham Lock Cottage, London Road.

Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SN.

Tel: (0831) I 110811. ~' ~"-L Fax: (01635) 428B4 I M -IH( I N I tJl.-..» I" ll |jt- llMn.l ,r,.i Ihr l.ut..n numMl.ul. l.» »,-Al. li.n- .., .l.ii ..I!.-...,, .fin-'- (!.« -LiF,|.-r Uiliti ,.,.nl.ihl.

t... .l.:.,,ui,l R[l.N EORBBOATS (01TTl)T«m / J/ I . 0Vel /V .X* 'o O DISCOVER /£.

/ _/ iS" O Th* Splrndour Of 1 hr j O O * * * 3*J V » ilrrwi t Aboard Ciintry and I'aernarfnn h i . i I...IM luiun cni»iBC blkil[ •rirndl l , i..,,, n - , , . „ , In, M Park RD.d 1 . „ , .1, .

Vsr LEI1XF Trlott.. «II6I-IU ? Mold near 'Chester'.

Super hidden cottage - perfect peace, rural setting with views.

Brochure (01606) 871 760 anytime.



Beachsidt location in small village.

sleeps 4-6. Excellent for sailing, valkinji and d«ilphin watcliinn. (.•(.• ks ir (. i;kcnd lets. Tel. «)144hl 774(114 Wye Valley AONB. Tintern/Dean Forests Charming 19C det. stone collage. Superb river view. Sleeps 4. CH. open lire, SSSl woodland setting, rich in wildlife. All year.

weeks/weekends. Mr A Thomas. Rosehill, Llandogo. Gwent. (01594) 530418 . ulthvn. Uestrr Km . (lucslhnusc n s nr se nvctcnc Udn h miles Ileuuiilul -ccneri 'walking fishing. STB .* er Highlv CcimmenJcd. tn-suiic '-: 'll Hmuth'urc (111445)731.175 ALL OVER SCOTLAND. Individual holiday (ottagei of character. Ecoue Unique Ltd. Ullie*le»f Melroie R..« TD69JD. Brochure: Tel: (01 8JS) 8707T9 ISLE OF MULL 5 C Farmhouse sleeping 7. views over sea loch and chalet studio sleeping 2. Own nter-island wildlife cruises. Also Tobermory seafronl S/C Hat, overlooking harbour and ileboat from your window. Sleeps 6.

Tel/Fax (01688)400264.

Adrioch, Dervaig. Isle of Mull PA75 6QH.

eisl Point Lighthouse. Sky? Huliday .Kv.'iiiinml.iiu'ii in i-x-litthlhousc keepers milages. S/C or B/B. Also lung term Winter lels ,i ;iihihli- Nnv. - Mar. itio.

BriMthtaking surrxiumliniiN and uildlilc.

PbeoerTn RD on (I1470J 511 2)K for drliiils. KM.I Mfmlwr.

ISLES OF SCILLY MIMCARLO GUEST HOUSE superb posi lion overlooking the harbour a! St Mary's - adjacent the Liteboat Station. Run by the same local family since 1945. All rooms H&C and heating, some with en-suite facilities.

Tel. (01720) 422513 or write Colin Duncan South Devon, V Teautifui National Trust Area SrtuMed m rural cowtat «all«y on nule Irom iaifly beatn Award winning utuiy bams comertrt into thirt«*n ho*()*y (ottagei. with heated mdooi and outdoor summing pools.

dmi g room and b»r, tennis and croquet.

Ideal uri 'or malting, bird watchmg. horse nding.

Fishing and ill Hiier sports Court Birion Ltd, South Hurah. Kingsbndoe.

Devon. TQ7JEH. TH; 01S48 561919 1 Ifrat-miihe. N. Devon ('oust Sp.iciinK Victorian h iu c. sleeps 6. 3 heds.

All mod. cons. - -.i htirhour views. Available M cur. close lo nmn. Tel (()]"J.t2i S57II73 PLYMOUTH HOE - DEVON AA;, C'Nj , S?S RAC:, IMPERIAL HOTEL - 22 bedrooms mostly en-suite - Nautical Cocktail bar - 20% discount tor Shoreline members and friends • Details contact resident proprietor Lt Cdr Alan K. Jones KN« Retd Colour brochure and tariff Plymouth (01752) 227311 I.YNTON, North Dvvun E.T.B 3 Crown Highly Commended.

Special Winter 3 djv brejk rrom £75 pei person. Kingford i-fuuw (IH.W8) 752361 S1DMOUTH SEAFRONT Ci-nlr.illy siluated on the level u-alront, all room-. i'n- uite with col TV and lea/coffee makers. Taslelul home ciiokinR. lu'cnsi'il C/Htng. Parking. Gulf, tennis, putting and new pool nearby. Admin- the NM-IMIM! gardens and lovely beaches in Inis area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

/ /.'H' I ii :. tt ! ,1'i.f li.irjf.nn break details, please contact: jUarlfaorougf) hsplarude Sidmoulh Devon EX10 8AR Teh 01395 513320 r. (."olilon. J Bjrn C.-HJIC- in innquil tUinf. -Ip 2-6. C|OIKIU (ountrj iic»v.qiulH lumiiliin . piclli lincny ulli equipped A tilt Walts & NT .'iKtM A mik- ETB 4 Km Iliflii' Half hi iimfe - "I.'V' v'.' J Applt-ciorc, North Devon Uclighlful c iujn i if»* I mm Ihis -.elf tjicr holidj .R-commudjlitm on ihc quayside.

For"full dcuilsiti (01636)830513 Noss Mayo,. Plymouth. 4 bed house on Yealm Estuary. Cloak, shower, and bath rooms, each with WC. Waterside views.

Yealm Holidays - (01752) 872712.

email:[email protected] For th* best (election of Seff-Co/ertng Accommodation In Salcombe call SALCOMBE HOLIDAY HOMES 3 Island Square, Island Street, Salcombe. Devon TQB SOP Tel 01548 $43485 Fax 01&48 843489 Moody .U Brixham, Devon available for charter. Skippers musi be experienced yachts men .nul women or hive Day Skipper minimum qualification.

, . . . ' I . . . . I M, . 6 in 3 double cabins. A well equipped RYA rcg. yacht. All season raic£6SO per week. Tel '(016331 21361" CARGO SHIP VOYAGES LTD World wide travel as passengers on cargo ships. Tel: 01473 736265 The Lifeboat SMALL ADS The Yacht Inn South Esplanade St Peter Port Guernsey Tel 01481 720969 Fax 716168 10 Ensuite rooms 10% discount to RNLI members . Anne Port Bay ft*-1 Family-run nmntrv inn nrar Si , i r l n i n n - i l . i i i i n 21 siaiiiin and 13th cdiiurv Muni OiRiiril fjsilr I I rimm-, all u-iih shtnviT & WC, tiilour TV&hrainiK. B&ftor II B.

Open Mjrili lit rnri of October.

Af/m/Jrt r. /(Kuu/im IV.j.iii-i.ii Mr, Ruili Cj n TH:(M5S1B52()5«r Barometers & Barographs Restored by experienced craftsmen incl.

Negretti & Zambra and other famous makes. Collection point Central London Russell Scientific In si rumen Is. Rash's Green, Dor-chain, Norfolk NR19 l.JC.

Tel. 101362 693481 SURVIVOR from a hygone age...a WATCHMAKER »hu wil'l REPAIR 'RESTORE thai old POCKET WATCH.

WATCHMAKERS GUILD MEMBER Years & years & years experience in repair pan making for waiches and clocks. Phone or write: Dave lllingworih Watchmaker Tuhcg-Skerray Sutherland KW14 7TJ Tel (Ol(v4l) 5212 6 Time and Tide by Day and by Nigh! TJ r •.

EltCBDBah on ma ayui «in bict. Kiacn IHIUH mm guu C89.95 £99.95 VACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED. Boating Depanmc liUppowder. SlurminiW Niwlon, Oo'jsl DT10 2EM Td: 01258 8)7662 Fa* 01258 817829 —— hltpJ/ • nnyiumi Tr«d« uvfc o Copyngn W f» . (016221 72797,' | Ml Ir. m l | A Weather Station m.iki-.s .1 prestige gift or presentation Weaifi» Forecast indication in Symbols Digital Barometw Digital idoor Thermometer Digital indoor relative Humidity Fof Free Colour Brochure Send Stamped S A E Sales & Service Company 59A Station Road, Chigford, London E4 7BJ Tel 0181 505 3260 Fax. 0181 559 0425 i ill. i • by (i| in, MI mil.

GET WEATHER INFORMATION FIRST HAND! Haven't you always wanted a weather station'.' The Weather Wizard III combines all the most requested features into one incredible package! • FEATURES INCLUDE - Inside & Outside Temps * Wind Chill Optional PC Interface Wind Speed & Direction • Alarms • Optional Rain Collector Highs & Lows SEND FOR FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE ICS Electronics Ltd Unit V Rudford Industrial Estate __ .

FORD • Arundel • West Sussex BN18 OBD Tel: 01903 731101 - Fax: O19O3 7311 OS * Q& fl'8' BACK PAIN RELIEF Is your back crying out for Posture Curve? Designed by a doctor, it's lightweight, unobtrusive, portable and maintains the natural curve of the spine.

Try Posture Curve for 2 weeks wherever you sit, and feel the relief... if not, we'll refund your money.

FREE COLOUR BROCHURE FROM: POSTURE PRODUCTS LTD P.O. BOX 31, EXMOUTH. DEVON EX8 2YT TEL (01395) 224455 FAX- (01395) 2225) 5 by WEATHER MONITORING R&DInstru-MeTLtd U.K.'s leading Meteorological Instrument Manufacturer Beautifully styled instruments in solid hardwood cabinets with clear displays snowing all parameters at a glance, shelf or wall mounting.

Parameters available (depending on model):- Wind Speed & Direction Send or call for colour brochure Temperature Min./Max.f Barometer Rainfall Sunshine Hours Mains or 12 Volts Computer Data Logger K l) Insiru-MeTUd Percy Avenue King Kalt Bniadstairs Kent CTI03LB lei. (01H4Jt 866662 KHX. «H8J.*» X6666.1 DINGHY COMPASS £9.95 No mjinierunct1 No wi-annj; pans Fully mitmilly xiinhaUfd ihO° in every direciion.

iiiiuHi1 for dingliiM, sailboards. life-rafts, runabouts and tenders. Mount at jny inek.

Hei(jht 2". DiameiCT of tax y.

Aimlubiefri'm .ami1 i/wntAm -roddl I fnr dapaiib uiibln A bain (/Cm/ii Card on POpaiwcw or dm«ciqfck*|M YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED BiuliiiK Oept.. Mippuwdcr. Smrmlrutcr Newton. Dorset DT10 2EH I ii;hthuuses All you need know .ibnut these unique building;, and their history in Leading Lighls .

Gel your copy by sending £4.00 to: Haven Lightship (LB), Miltord Marina, Mil ford Haven, Pembrokeshire SA73 3AF WEATHER INSTRUMENTS Barometers, barographs, rain gauges.

frost predictors, hygrometers and Ihermomeiers Also an inexpensive range of remote sensing instruments for wind, tain and temperature All available by post Full colour brochure and price list from M«t'ChDept. S.L.. PO Box 284, Blctchley Milton Keynes. MK17 OQD Telephone 01296 712354 (24 hoars) RNLI & Charles Stanley & Co Ltd PROVIDE A SCHEME FOR DONATING THOSE UNWANTED SHARES A simple way for you to support us by sending in UK listed company share certificates, no matter how large or small.

Charles Stanley & Co Ltd will sell the shares once they have collected sufficient to make it viable.

Send certificates to: Nigel French, RNLI Share Scheme, RNLI Headquarters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH151HZ together with your current address.

Charles Stanley & Co Ltd 13 & 14 Oxford Street, Southampton SOU 3DJ Tel. (01703) 234134 Fax (01703) 232307 Ifin UT of The London Stock Exchange Regulated by the Securities & Futures Authority.