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High Seas

More views of RNLI lifeboat stations from the air.

Scarborough -- North Division The boathouse for Scarborough's Mersey and D class is right on the town's seafront, tucked into the corner of the beach at South Bay next to the West Pier. North Bay can be glimpsed at the top right, the other side of Castle Headland. The inner harbour (commercial and fishing) and the outer harbour (for yachts) almost dry at low water. The slipway faces approximately south-east, and the carriage-launched lifeboat uses the beach for launching.

Clogher Head -- Ireland Division c Clogher Head is the northermost station on the Republic of Ireland's east coast, with its launching site facing south-east out across the sands of Clogher Head Bay The functional 1993-built station is unusual in that it is a 'drive through' building, with access for the station's Mersey at each end, a 90° turn taking the rig out onto the firm sands of the bay.

Flint-West Division The D class stationed at Flint, on the eastern end of the North Wales Coast, is unusual in being a very itinerant lifeboat.

Although there is a launching site close to the station the lifeboat can be taken by Land Rover and trailer to almost any point on a 25-rnile stretch of coast.

The boathouse itself reflects this, turning its back on the water and with the maindoors factng inland on to the road network Kinghorn -- Scotland Division Kinghorn, on the northern shore of the Firth of Forth (about six miles due north of Edinburgh), is home to an Atlantic 75 rigid inflatable. The lifeboat launches across a firm beach which shelves gently, providing a good launching area. The boathouse on the small promenade faces south-east - with good shelter from the west but is open to easterlies.

The small drying harbour can be seen in the main photo, which was taken towards high water.Hunting Aerofilms is offering copies of these photographs at well below normal rates - and donating 25% of the print price to the RNLI. Prices Sin by Sin-£13.00, 10in by 10in-£18.00, 12in by 12in -£21.00, 20in by 16in -£43.00.

For larger sizes contact Hunting Aerofilms. The area covered will be larger than the 'cropped' area shown here.

When ordering please follow these instructions carefully: 1. Send orders to Hunting Aerofilms at Gate Studios, Station Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1EJ Please do not send orders or enquiries to any RNL! office or lifeboat station.

2. Quote the full reference number given underneath the photograph - this is the only identification of the exact negative needed.

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