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Lifeboatmen pick a winner The 81st RNLI lifeboat lottery was drawn by lifeboat crew members on 30 April at the RNLI depot in Poole. The draw raised over €197,000 and first name out of the drum was Mr C Chestnutt from Worcestershire, who won a luxury seven day cruise around Scotland's West coast plus £500 spending money.

The cash prize winners were: £1,000- Ms B Jenkins, Norfolk £500-Mrs K Hill, Bath £250- Mrs S Brooman, Stockport £100- Mrs M Gaston, Newport; Mr J Robertson, Aberdeen; Mrs A House, Worcester; Miss S M Upson, Ipswich; Mrs M B Perkins, Chippenham.

On Station The following lifeboats have taken up duty; ALL-WEATHER Ballycotton - Trent 14-25 (ON 1233) Austin Lidburyon 5 March 1998 Ktrkwall - Severn 17-13 (ON 1231) Margaret Foster on 26 March 1998 Aith - Severn 17-14 (ON 1232) Charles Lidburyon 2 May 1998 INSHORE Largs - Atlantic 75 B739 Peggy Keith Learmondon 4 March 1998 Cardigan - D492 (Temporary Station Service) on 21 March 1998 Cardigan - Atlantic 21 B586 (Temporary Station Service) on 22 April 1998 Howth - D530 Marguerite Joan Harris on 23 April 1998 Morton and Port Eynon - D531 on 12 May 1998 Clovelly-Atlantic 21 B531 (Temporary Station Duty) on 14 May 1998 Buried secrets of the deep Crew members of Newbiggin lifeboat are leaving a message to lifeboatmen of the future under the floor of their new boathouse extension.

The existing station, which is currently being renovated and extended, was originally built in 1851 and is thought to be the oldest operational boathouse in the country.

The crew thought it would be a great idea to set a time capsule under the floor and a local contractor was contacted to make one from donated materials including some heavy duty gas pipe! The capsule was filled with various items including copies of The Lifeboat, local newsheets, newspaper articles, photographs and a three page message, to give future historians a unique snapshot of the past.

Richard Martin, crew member and spokesman said, 'Perhaps one day in the distant future it will be unlocked and give others an insight into Newbiggin 1998 as well as our work, our hopes and aspirations.' Upgrading work on the station is due to be completed by the middle of next year and will give extra room to house an Atlantic 75 lifeboat - which Newbiggin hope to be allocated this year - and will also include crew training and support facilities.

Good exercise.

Rye Harbour's Atlantic 75, Commander and Mrs Rodney Welts, is caught on camera here while excercising off Hastings with a Chinook helicopter from RAF Odiham.

The exercise, which took place on 15 March, also involved Hastings' allweather and inshore lifeboats.

Photo: RAF Odiham Bell baby Withernsea lifeboat station held a double celebration during the Spring with the newly built lifeboat station hosting its first offical ceremony - the baptising of Declan-James, son of crew member Craig O'Brian.

The station's lifeboat bell is used as a font, an old tradition which goes back many generations. Craig said it was a great honour to hold the ceremony in the new boathouse and hopes that little Declan will follow in his footsteps and be a lifeboatman.

The new building offers extra crew facilities including offices and a training room.

Obituaries With regret we report the following deaths: OCTOBER 1997 William John Arthur, former Falmouth mechanic. Mr Arthur's RNLI service spanned over 43 years - 20 years as a crew member on the Cadgwith rowing and sailing lifeboat, 12 years as mechanic at Cadgwith (at the outbreak of WW2) and 12 years as mechanic at Falmouth.

Mrs Eileen Haw, souvenir secretary of Coventry ladies lifeboat guild from 1984 until 1991. She first joined the guild in 1981 and continued to serve the committee until shortly before her death.

DECEMBER 1997 Mrs Ann Morrow, Coventry ladies lifeboat guild treasurer from 1985 until 1992. She joined the guild in 1981 and continued to serve the committee until shortly before her death, JANUARY 1998 Peter Smith, Bembridge coxswain from 1955 to 1986, Peter was a crew member of the station from 1953 to 1954 and second coxswain from 1954 to 1955.

FEBRUARY 1998 Charles Henry 'Bill' Harvey, committee member since 1987 and chairman of the Back of the Wight branch from 1990 until his death.

Mrs Connie Marsh, treasurer of Bn'dlington ladies lifeboat guild from 1977 to 1993, Mrs Marsh was also minutes secretary and souvenir secretary for the guild and was awarded the silver badge in 1991.

Mrs Ivy Ball, vice president of the Wellington branch. She was founder member of the branch which formed in 1938 and secretary from 1951 to 1975. She was awarded the silver badge in 1958.

Thomas S WyPlie, former chairman of the Troon station branch.

Tom was also secretary of the Dunoon branch for many years and was awarded the gold badge m 1991.

Sir David A G Mackworth BT, cdr RN, Former deputy launching authority at Hayling Island lifeboat station . Sir David became DLA in 1974, a position he held until he was 73, In 1989 he became chairman of the station committee and was awarded the silver badge in 1985.

MARCH 1998 Mr Cyril Smith, vice president of the Wellington branch. Mr Smith joined the commtttee in 1975 and was box secretary from 1979 to 1988. He was awarded a statuette in 1990.

Mrs Maggie Melbourne, Vice chairman and founder member of the Burton St Modwen branch. Maggie first became a member of the branch in the 1960s and continued to serve the committee with great dedication until her death.

APRIL 1998 Mrs E V Gardner. Nutley branch president from 1997 until her death. Mrs Gardner was Walton and Hersham branch honorary secretary from 1972 to 1988 and then Nutley branch honorary secretary until 1997. She received a silver badge in 1981 and a gold badge in 1996.

Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Dinwiddie, former chairman of the Kippford branch. Lt Col Dinwiddie was a keen yachtsman and served as branch chairman for 10 years. The Kippford station received a donation of £1,047 from a collection held at his funeral and a £500 bequest from his will.

MAY 1998 Mrs Phyllis Duckworth, former chairman and secretary of the Caversham branch. Mrs Duckworth was a member and chairman of the Reading and district branch for many years until 1979 when she founded the Caversham ladies guild which became the Caversham branch in 1991. She was awarded the silver and gold badge and presented with the bar to gold badge in 1994..