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The Royal Bank of Scotland

Carry the card that helps save lives at sea No fee in first calendar year* Save up to £60 when you transfer a balance from another card** £5 donation tO RNLI when your account is opened - contribute to RNLI every time you use your card*** Enjoy flexible budgeting with an interest-free period of up to 56 days No need to have an account with The Royal Bank to apply - any account information will remain confidential.

It's easy tO apply. Simply complete & return the coupon below or Call FREE OR O8OO 121 121 To: The Royal Bank of Scotland pic, PO Box 1727, Premium Accounts Centre, RHU, FREEPOST EH12 OTW.

I—I Yes, please, I'm interested in the Lifeboats MasterCard and would like an application form.

I I No, I'm not interested in the Lifeboats MasterCard, but please send me details on other ways the Royal Bank support RNLI.

tome ddress 'ostcode Tel. no.

(we may telephone you to discuss your enquiry) Lifeboats Dear Supporter.

On' reuiionsh-p win The Royal Bank of Scotland i-ji provod lo be ol greai benofci 10 ihe RMI with a Sum in excess of CBOO.OOO being raised to MIB Tr* ITW pioportion ol mconw (ram ihrt partnership is dwived Irom th» (mount ol UH ou rjpooUB's make ol ihe cafO. n m addition to too wymeni wa receive wnen ••cti new canl is taken up. furthei contributions we made by the Bank on each transaction Rwnembu' loo, thai you do not need to hev« an Kcount wih ttte floy* Bank, not do you need o Be • memo*' ol if™ RNLI • order to apply loi i Lifeboats MasterCard Telephone calls to the Bank may be recorded for security and training purposes. IT.LI t* BIWI M*i CM DunglW ol It* RNLI e CIO annual lee wi be waived n fulme yeats too wten you use youi card fw majoi puchases and legular Hvtture Spend just £2. 00 each yeai (adiusied pro rata n ihe first veai| to qualify far no tee in Ihe next year alance transfeis subject to a manmum of £60 discount. Royal Sank of Scotland credit card accounts do not apply.

ulated as 2% of balance received fiorn issuer and refunded to account.

A contribution of 25p to every E100 spent will be made to RNU.

e Unavailable to persons under 16 years of age Written quotations are available Cardholder is required to make monthly payments within 25 days of the statement dale of at least the minimum amount specified on statement which shall not be less than 5% or whichever PS greater. 01 the hill amount if less than £5 APfls variable Subject to status Interest will be charged at a monthly rale of 1.67%. 23 2% APR for purchases and 25.1% APR tot cash advances The Royal Bank of Scotland The Royal Bank of Scotland pic Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB Registered in Scotland no. 90312 (RBS ICARDS.