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Trent Named at Sunderland

Saturday 30 August saw one of the hottest days of the month for the naming ceremony of Sunderland's new Trent class lifeboat, Macquarie (shown right).

Sunderland station branch chairman, Mr G. Snowball, opened proceedings to the 500 assembled guests and Robin Warrington, deputy divisional inspector of lifeboats for the North, described the Trent class lifeboat. The lifeboat was funded by a legacy from the estate of the late Commander Stone and the executor of his estate, Mr M. S. Norgate, handed the lifeboat to the RNLI, which was accepted by Roly Franks, RNLI deputy chairman, and passed into the care of the station.

Following the acceptance by Mr J. G. Finn, Station honorary secretary, and a service of dedication, the Marske Fishermens' Choir performed a new song, The Lifeboat' much to the delight of the crowd. Mrs Snowball, Sunderland ladies lifeboat guild chairman, proposed a vote of thanks and Mrs C. Gaudini, lifelong friend of Commander Stone, named the lifeboat Macquarie..

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