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Scottish Stride

During April and May Keith Donald raised over £5,800 for RNLI Christchurch branch from a sponsored walk the length of Scotland - a distance of 420 miles! Keith completed the marathon on 3 June, having walked all the way from Kirk Yetholm, on the border, to Cape Wrath, the most northern point of the Scottish mainland, in 30 days.

Keith's wife, Pat, drove a support motor caravan each day providing sustenance on route while he averaged 14 miles a day along the planned route, some of which was trackless heather.

One day Keith completed 23 miles which is especially remarkable considering he had been in hospital only a year before to have a hip replacement operation.

Lifeboat supporters and friends from Christchurch and Bournemouth donated sponsorship money for this outstanding achievement - family and friends of Keith and Pat, even as far abroad as Warsaw and South Africa sent contributions.

The motor caravan driven by Pat was kindly loaned free of charge by Three Counties Motor Caravans, Christchurch..

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