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High Seas...

llfracombe - South Division More vie A/s of RNLI lifeboat stations from the air.

llfracombe. on the north Devon coast, is seen from the west in this view, taken towards high water. The Inner Harbour dries completely at low water, as does the outer at Spring tides.

The station's Mersey and D class are both housed in the new (1996) boathouse on The Cove, and this year a new slipway was built in front of it to avoid the awkward dog-leg to the slip shown in this photo.

A souvenir outlet faces the road at the rear of the boat house .

Youghal -- Ireland Division Looking east across the Blackwater estuary at Youghal (pronounced 'yawl') in Co Cork on the south coast of Ireland. The open sea is off to the right of the photo and Ferry Point is visible across the water.

The station's Atlantic launches from the traditonal 1870s boathouse, which has a modern extension to accommodate the launching tractor which quite recently replaced a recovery winch. The imposing structure on the foreshore alongside is the District Council Offices and the main N25 runs close along behind the boathouse.

St Catherine - South Division St Catherine's new boathouse in St Catherine's Bay on Jersey in the Channel Islands was opened in the early 1990s and replaced an earlier building near St Catherine's breakwater a little to the north east and just out of the photograph.

The station faces south-east across a sandy beach - seen here at about half-tide from the south. The tidal range in the Channel Islands is very big, and at low water the Atlantic has a long journey to deep water.

The circular patch of water behind the boathouse is a small reservoir and a Martello Tower can be seen on the sea wall a little to the north-east, St Mary's -- South Division St Mary's on the Isles of Scilly still uses its old Victorian slipway boathouse... but only to launch the boarding boat! In this view, looking approximately north east, the station's Arun can be seen lying afloat in St Mary's Pool, mid-way between the pier end and the low-lying Newford Island, with the boathouse nearby on a headland known as Cam Thomas.

The main town on the island, Hugh Town, sits on a narrow isthmus with St Mary's Pool to the west and Porthcressa Bay to the south-east.

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