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Brighton's Atlantic 75 Named

On 19 October some 200 people gathered in Brighton Marina village square for the naming ceremony of the Atlantic 75 lifeboat Thelma Glossop which was funded by Mr and Mrs Roy Glossop, in memory of Mr Glossop's first wife, Thelma.

Mr Roger Clarke, on behalf of Mr Glossop, presented the lifeboat to Mr Roly Franks, RNLI Deputy Chairman who accepted it on behalf of the RNLI and expressed gratitude to Mr and Mrs Glossop for their generous gift. Colin Maltby MHIN, station honorary secretary, received the lifeboat on behalf of Brtghton lifeboat station and following a service of dedication Mrs Jean Glossop, assisted by her grandson Master James Clarke, took great pleasure in naming the lifeboat.

Following the ceremony, and light refreshments, Mr and Mrs Glossop (pictured left) and some of their family were taken to sea in a local boat and the Atlantic joined them and went through its paces during which it was called out on a service - a very apt conclusion to a very enjoyable day..

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