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More views of RNLI lifeboat stations from the air.

Abersoch - West Division Picturesque Abersoch, on the tip of the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales, boasts two sandy beaches and is a popular area for powerboat and yachting enthusiasts.

The lifeboat station (just visible in the main photograph and clearly below) hides under trees on the righthand side of the narrow harbour entrance. Completed in 1994, the station provides housing for the Atlantic 21 lifeboat, Borough of Solihull, launch tractor and improved crew facilities including a training room.

Portrush - Ireland Division Portrush's Arun class lifeboat, Richard Evans, lies afloat within the safe confines of the harbour walls on the east side of the peninsula.

The boathouse (seen in the detailed photograph above) was built in 1924 to house the station's first motor slipway lifeboat T.B.B.H. but is now home to the station's D class lifeboat, Jonathan Simpson. Recent improvements to the boathouse include a museum, souvenir shop, improved crew facilities and workshop.

Buckie - Scotland Division Buckie stretches for two and a half miles along the coast of north east Scotland, between Buckpool in the west and Portessie in the east. Once an extremely busy fishing port with over 1,000 fishermen working daily, Buckie had its first lifeboat in 1860 - the boathouse built in 1884 still stands today.

Buckie's Arun class lifeboat, Charles Brown, lies afloat in Buckie Harbour. The station's crew room and shore facility, which are also 'afloat' in the harbour on a supported platform, were formally opened in 1995 and can been seen in the centre of the detail photograph below.

Filey- North Division Filey, delightful holiday town on the North Yorkshire coast, operates two lifeboats - a carriage launched Mersey class and an inflatable D class.

The lifeboat station lies at the northern end of the town's promenade near Filey Brigg, a long finger of rock which has been the cause of many shipwrecks in the past. The boathouse (centre of the photograph below) was originally built in 1889 but with recent improvements and the addition of a new boathouse, houses both lifeboats, the station's tractor and includes a souvenir shop and improved crew facilities.

Hunting Aerofilms is offering copies of these photographs at well below normal rates - and donating 25% of the print price to the RNLI.

Prices Sin by Sin-£13.00, 10inby 10in- £18.00 12inby 12in-£21.00, 20in by 16in-£43.00 For larger sizes contact Hunting Aerofilms direct. The area covered in any prints ordered may not exactly match the area shown here.

When ordering please follow these instructions carefully: 1. Send orders to: Hunting Aerofilms at Gate Studios, Station Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1EJ.

Please do not send orders or enquiries to any RNLI office or lifeboat station.

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