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A Surfboard

nflatable saves surfer in conditions outside normal limits for D class Helmsman Peter Roberts and crew members Gavin Forehead and James Dixon of St Agnes were aboard the station's D class lifeboat on 30 October 1996 in a service which saved the life of a surfer and won Peter Roberts the Institution's Thanks on Vellum.Jim Drake, the deputy divisional inspector of lifeboats for the south said in his report that the service was in some ways typical of a large number carried out by D class lifeboats on the North Cornish coast. It involved a person in the water and the need to get out through the surf quickly to reach him. 'How this service differed', he said, 'is in the extreme weather conditions, which were well outside the guidelines laid down for this class of lifeboat'. He went on to praise the expertise of the crew which had enabled them to carry out the service safely and save the casualty.

Drifting Helmsman Peter Roberts had been working in St Agnes lifeboat house on 30 October 1996, when a member of the public rushed in at about 0950 to tell him that a surfer had been washed out to seaward of the surf line, and was drifting away in the wind and tide. He called the honorary secretary who in turn contacted the Coastguard to page the crew. The conditions were marginal for the inflatable, so he also asked for a helicopter to stand by while the lifeboat negotiated the surf a request which was cancelled once she was safely out through the breakers.

The lifeboat, Blue Peter IV, was launched from Trevaunance Cove at 1000 into a south westerly Force 7 to 8, which was creating a rough sea with 12ft to14ft ground swell breaking heavily on the beach.The surf on the beach would have simply overwhelmed the D class if a wave had broken over her but, relying on his experience and knowledge of the local conditions, Peter Roberts skilfully took her round the worst of the breakers and managed to get safely outside the surf line.

Actions This could not have been done without the quick actions of the two crew members in the bow, who shifted their weight to balance the lifeboat as she met the seas.

Once clear, Peter Roberts took the lifeboat past the surfer and turned head-to-wind to bring him aboard, although the wind blew the lifeboat beam-on to the sea huge seas during the pick-up.

The surfer and his board were dragged quickly aboard and the man checked for injuries. He was conscious and uninjured, so he was given a lif ejacket and told to kneel on his board in the lifeboat while Peter Roberts judged his moment to approach and come back in through the surf - taking the lifeboat over to the west side of the Cove where the surf was smaller.

The surfer and his board were landed on the beach and the lifeboat was refuelled and ready for service by 1040, just 50 minutes after the whole operation began.Th* 0 class inflatable Blue Peter IV Operational Number 0453 Th* Cr«w Thanks on Vellum: Helmsman Peter Roberts Vellum Service Certificates: crew members Gavin Forehead. James Dixon.