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Competitors Companion

FIND THE HIDDEN HOLIDAY AND O C A S H U B E T N B I G M L E Y S 0 R A N X J Y G K I 0 E T F L V H D S U L D H Z S I W l P R S R R O T S V R A C E O O B H E K F O Y T C 0 N L R I M L J P M M E P E R F U M E A T K Q E G A T T O C Below are nine prizes won recently in consumer competitions. All you have to do is find them and ring them in the wordsearch panel. They may read right 10 left, left to right, up. down or diagonally.

But - there is a tenth. A mystery prize. Find it and enter it in the Winners Entry Form below and that £5.000 could be yours. The first correct end)1 drawn on April'Mlh 1997 will be the winner, who will be notified by post within seven days, Lists of winners will be freely available upon request.

[.TELEVISION 6, FRIDGE 1 CAMCORDER l.CAR 3. TOOLSET 8. CASH 4. COTTAGE 9. PERFUME 5.BATHROOM IO.C ? Your first step towards a Peugeot 106,,, a £60,000 cottage in France... a fabulous family fortnight in Florida? How did you find the Wordsearch? Not too difficult? Then congratulations, you have all the qualifications to become a PROWINNER, the kind of person we want. We know from experience that only an elite 2% or fewer of the population will correctly complete and return the entry form. You could be well on your way to winning such super prizes as that Peugeot, that fabulous £150 MILLION N IN THE COMING 12 MONTHS Thai's the estimated value of hundreds of lop prizes, including limit} holidays in die worlds mosi exotic places - from Florida lo the Himalaya's.


10 Fiat Puntos, 10 Rovers, a BMW, 20 Mazda MX5's,10VauxhallCorsa's And thousands of other prizes, like 3 fitted kitchens.

1.000 Nikon cameras. TV sets, video recorders & Cash.

Cash. Cash, including 2 first prizes of £1.000.000 each! TIME TO 101H THE "CLUB OF WINNERS"! The prizes just keep getting bigger and better! WHY BUY THEM. WE SAY. WHEN YOU CAN ffl THEM! And this is our promise . WIN AT LEAST ONE PRIZE - OR PAY US NOTHING! .

ComFtliltr Compai!ion.:KCIiarbSquirc.bwJtHlN!6!{T / cottage or family holiday.

These are just three of the HUNDREDS won recently by members of Competitors Companion. And our members often win time and time again. Like Miss L.P, "I've had so many wins, I hardly know where to begin telling you about them," she wrote.

Her latest? A Peugeot 106. Jocelyn P. won 42 prizes in one year, including six luxury holidays and two diamond rings worth £3,000. Rita S' £500,000 worth of prizes (yes, half a million) won her the title of Queen Of The Competitions in the national press. Leo C. of Liverpool has won three cars and an Aladdin's Cave of other goodies.

What is the reason for our members' dramatic success? Because as a member of CC each month you will receive details of every competition worth winning in Britain - we even supply the solutions! Then there are hints and tips . . . your questions answered . . . secrets of success... more winners' letters and all the fun and excitement of the world of "comping". It is estimated that the total value of prizes on offer in Britain every year now exceeds £150 MILLION! Want to be sure of your share? Return that coupon NOW! WINNERS ONLY ENTRY FORM POST NOW TO: COMPETITORS COMPAN1C THE HIDDEN HOLIDAY IS A C Closing Date:- April 28th 1997 Yes. I have found the hidden holiday. Enter me for the £1000 and enrol me as a member of Competitors Companion ai the Special New Members' rate of only £15.00 for a full vear, instead of the normal price, being £59.50 per annum - saving £45.00. If 1 do as you advise and do no! win a prize in me next 12 months. [ w i l l receive a FULL CASH refund of my membership subscription. We aim 10 deliver your first months copy within 7 days, but please allow 1 days in case of delays.

3 1 enclose m cheque for £15.00, payable to Competitors Companion 3 Charge my AM EX/ ACCESS IV IS A/DINERS Accoum No Card Expirv Dale Signed Toda Date N, 28 CHARLES SQUARE, LONDON Nl 6HT. LIF/04/97 MY BIRTHDAY IS D /M. /Y.

NamelMr/Mn/Miu.) Address TdertwneNo Ut libti*Uitaitim rfh(taiUHT tffiariMtK[«rcpititfc« itiiB.irwFRto YOU'VE GOT TO BE IN TO WIN! Entering competitions is seen by many to be the compulsion of a few fanatics, but delve a bit deeper and you discover that there are a group of people for whom 'comping', as they call it, has meant the realisation of their live's dreams.

An amazing £150 MILLION worth of prizes is given away every year in Britain alone. It's a growing pursuit and there is even a specialist service for compers - Competitors Companion - which gives them the secrets to winning as many big prizes as possible. Rita Smallbum from County Durham is just one of many people who are quietly winning cars, cash, holidays and even houses, simply by entering competitions.

•That Long White Envelope (LWE as compers call it) arriving on your doorstep to tell you that you have won can change your life" says Rita.

"Nothing seems impossible or unattainable anymore. There is simply no knowing what fantastic surprises are around the corner. Prizes have brought comfort, convenience and pleasure into my home and oncein- a-lifetime experiences".

She began comping as a hobby a few years ago when teaching at a comprehensive school in Manchester and after tasting success, took early retirement. The excitement does not dim, she says, even though she has won five cars, forty three holidays to places as far away as Australia, America and Kenya and, most incredibly of all, a brand new detached house from a competition advertised on a can of air freshener! Her prizes in total are worth more than £500,000.

Why buy when you can win? So confident is she of winning now that she refuses to buy anything for her home, opting instead to try to win it.

''Our daughter was getting married in the Seychelles and we wanted a camcorder so I entered every competition I could find offering one as a prize. Eight days before we went I won one!" An inventory of Rita's winnings takes all day. Taking a wander around her house (and garden) reveals most of it's contents to be competition prizes: The fridge, washing machine, TVs. microwave, saucepans, cameras, stereos, lawnmower. patio furnii Kerry Smith "Our daughter was getting married and we wanted a I won one!" lure, clothes, cooker...there is virtually nothing which hasn't been won.

Amongst her more unusual prizes you'll find four years' supply of dog food, shopping trolley dashes and her household bills paid for a year! A wealth of winners Although Rita is the undisputed 'Queen of Competitions' (as she has been dubbed by the press) she is certainly not alone.

Andrea Fellows is a mother of two from Wales. Like many compers, she began with a modest win which fired her enthusiasm and made her realise that the prizes on offer ARE actually given away.

"A couple of years ago, I won four holidays in one year. I was on cloud nine for some weeks planning my luxury trips. Altogether I won £11,000 worth of prizes that year. Comping certainly can change your life".

Darren Clark from Northern Ireland has been comping for about ten years.

"My first prize was £1000 from a soft drink manufacturer. Since then I've won six or seven holidays including a wonderful trip to Antigua and I've come up with two cars. My best prize so far was winning £25,000 and I've also won £10,000 in cash.

Virtually all my dreams have been realised. Comping has opened up a new world to me. It's a great game and there's more than enough room for everyone." Secrets of success So what are the secrets to winning these incredible prizes? All winners say that it is a combination of researching the comps and playing the odds. Finding out which competitions are running is the major task and then it's a case of deciding which ones to enter.

Competitors Companion lists details of all the competitions running in Britain and the answers.

Dedicated compers wail with baited Competition Queen: Virtual!) everything inRitaSmaUburn's house is a competition prize...even the house itself! (above) breath for their copy to arrive each month so that they can choose which competitions to enter, as well as to find out whether they can make multiple entries, what results have been announced and to share news of their winnings with each other. Andrea enjoys the sociable side of being a comper: "I was delighted to find out my interest was shared by other people. I have made some lovely friends all over the UK".

The final task is to fill out the entry, send it off and then forget about it until the LWE arrives saying "Congratulations, you've won....". Well hopefully! Not even Rita wins every time but she does say that following a few guidelines will drastically improve your odds of winning.

Competitors Companion even guarantee that their members will win a major prize within a year: • Find the competitions which are obscure or published late - that way you'll improve your odds of winning.

• Find out if the competition allows multiple entries. Some do and this obviously gives you the edge.

• Make your entry eye-catching, the judges tend to pick those which stand out.

1 Enter as many competitions as possible every month! The more you enter the more prizes you win! It sounds simple but that's how Rita and the others have notched up their incredible stash of prizes.

Anyone can be a winner According to Rita, she is in no way lucky or special. She firmly believes that there is no reason why you or I shouldn't enjoy the success that she and her fellow compers have experienced.

"We are quite ordinary folk who have seized the opportunity of enjoying the fun. challenge and rewards which competitions provide.

Prizewinners may be aged three or ninety three, male or female. They may be town dwellers or country lovers, living alone or surrounded by demanding families. They may have one of a huge variety of jobs, or none at all. In fact everyone is a potential competition winner".

For more information about Competitors Companion please write to: Competitors Companion, 28 Charles Square, London Nl 6HT..