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"MY HEARING AND HAPPINESS - I'VE REDISCOVERED BOTH!" "I'm not deaf but I am hard of hearing", (iwen Banks of Plymouth told us.

"My hearing problem gradually got worse over the years until it became a real nuisance. It stopped me doing things I really wanted to do.

The fun was going out of life. Sol answered a Scrivens advert. They fitted me with a mini-aid.

It's wonderful".

"THL FAMILY'S FUN AGAIN" "I've two children, four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. So I'm kept on my toes! But increasingly I couldn't hear what they were saying to me. 'Nan, I've been talking to you and you haven't heard a word', said one of my tiny ones. You should have seen her there mouthing it as if to say, watch my lips. We'd get together for a birthday party and I was the only one who felt left out... laughing at jokes I couldn't hear. So it is sheer joy to hear really well again. To be out and about with the children.

To walk on Plymouth Hoe and be able to hear Mrs Banks recounting the tales of Sir Francis Drake to her great-grandchildren, on Plymouth Hoe.

all their questions about word anybody says. So is right out of character.

I can play my part just as I used to. A bit of bantering goes on, 'has Madam Chairman got her hearing aid with Sir Francis Drake. Yes, family life is fun again".

"I'M USEFUL AGAIN" "I've worked for the Multiple Sclerosis Society for 27 years.

I'm Chairman of the Plymouth Branch. It's a big thing in my life.

But I was going to have to give it up. Do you know, I just couldn't hear what people were saying at meetings. I felt such a fool saying 'what was that?' and 'please speak up!' It wasn't them. It was me and they knew it! But now I'm in charge again. I don't miss a her today?' someone asked. But that is an interesting question because it bears out my experience - hardly anyone notices my tiny mini-aid." "I'M CONFIDENT AGAIN" "That's the thing." said Owen's husband David, "it was terrible to see this very confident lady lose her self-assurance.

She was actually becoming timid, which But now she's back to her old self." "And it's better for David too, said Gwen, "no more does he suffer the TV blasting in his perfectly good ears! No more does he have to do a commentary for me when we're out with friends. And the fact that I can hear well again is good for everybody, not just me.

I'm really puzzled that friends who are hard of hearing put up with it.

It's selfish as well as silly. Go to Scrivens I tell them. They are nice, friendly people. They've been a real help to me." THOUSANDS BENEFIT FROM THIS WONDERFUL INVENTION If, like Gwen Banks and thousands of others, you are not deaf but simply hard of hearing, you can forget bulky, oldfashioned hearing aids.

Thanks to Scrivens and the marvel of the micro-chip, people who are hard of hearing are enjoying better hearing than they dreamed possible.

Easy to use This tiny aid fits snugly in your ear and can be popped in and out as needed. Because it is tailor made to fit your ear it's very comfortable to wear.

Almost invisible The Scrivens mini-aid is so light and so tiny, you'll hardly know you are wearing it, neither will anyone else.

Easily affordable Most people have been amazed that the Scrivens mini-aid is inexpensive. And there are even lower prices for the over 55's.

Better hearing means a better life -THANKS TO SCRIVENS Scrivens are a long established family business who care for the hard of hearing on a professional and friendly basis. We understand the concern and worry the hard of hearing have about what often seems to them an insoluble problem. But in our experience most problems can be solved. People we have helped almost invariably say they wish they had consulted us long before they did, and so avoided years of unnecessary misery.

o c r i v e n s Hearing Services rfoTScnVens, FREEPOST BM 5725, Birniinlham B5 4BRl | (No stamp required) I Please post me FREE and without : obligation the gift for the hard of I hearing plus the special information pack illustrated here. I am over 18.

750 models to n PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK CAPITALS' be given away SPECIAL OFFER absolutely FREE! Post this special coupon before 31st January and we will send you free, without obligation, an actual size model (non-functioning) of this amazing little invention.

POSTCODE | ADDRESS I I II | Personal callers welcome at 3 John Princes Street, • Oxford Circus London W1M 9HD. Tel: 0171-355 2120 LB 01971 TELEPHONE NUMBER.