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With deep regret we record the following deaths: September 1996 Mrs Pat Roche, treasurer of the Whitburn guild from 1986 until her death.

Tony Purnell, Woodbridge and District branch press officer from 1984 to 1995.

Tony was a committee member of Maldon branch from 1958to 1967 and station administration officer of West Mersea station branch from 1967 to 1984.

He was awarded the silver badge in 1990.

Mrs Jill Pratt, former chairman of the Penwortham branch from 1974 to 1994. Mrs Pratt joined the Committee in 1965 and was presented with the silver badge in 1985.

Mrs Mavis Spears, Islay station honorary secretary from 1992 until her death.

Mrs Spears was honorary secretary of Isle of Islay ladies lifeboat guild from 1971 and was appointed station honorary secretary following her husband's retirement. Mrs Spears received a silver badge in 1991 and a statuette in 1982.

Mrs Nan McLees, president of Motherwell guild from 1957, and thereafter honorary president of Glasgow (South) committee.

Mrs McLees received a gold badge in 1987 and a silver badge in 1968.

October 1996 Mrs Doris Maddrell, President of Port Erin ladies lifeboat guild. Mrs Maddrell was founder member of the guild and held the offices of chairman and vice chairman between 1964 and 1992, becoming president in 1992.

She was awarded the silver badge in 1969 and the gold badge in 1996.

Monty Hand, member of Bognor Regis branch for over 33 years. Monty carried out various duties within the branch committee, including flag week and flag day organiser, sponsored walk co-ordinator and souvenir secretary. He received the silver badge in 1978 and the gold badge in 1983..