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The Royal Bank of Scotland

The Rpy l Bank f f C /-%4-loi-»rl Lifeboats oyal National Lifeboat Institution ifeboat The benefits: A chance to promote anc support Lifeboats £5 donation when your card is approved Every time you use your card, an extra contribution is made 2% balance transfi discount* Flexible budgetin peace of mind World-wide acceptability 24 hour customer care 'The partnership ii'itlt The Royal Hank of Scotland lias proml to he of fivat hi-infit /i ilu- R l.l iriili ilu' major proportion of income ileriinl from the iiiiioiinl oj use our .«»;)/ iii-/cr.« make of the card. Remember loo, lliiit you do not need u have an account ii'illi The Royal lliink of Scotland, nor do yon '• he a ineiiiher of the R l.I in order ly for the Masterl'.ard' Brian Miles, Director y The Royal Bank 'CARD SERVICES Me..

credit for saving lives at sea Get your application form today - complete and send coupon below or telephone 01702 362355 quoting RNLI 10/96 Note: Credit tai iliiio Jiid intbniution jbout them jrv not jvjihhlc to person* under the .iiy i *lJj|jine trjmt'er ubjea to 4 mjMimim of £W iWoimt jiul applies to -ill rubrue trjmterv evcpt I'nun other Ko j| t V oil in,l , u-.lit i Jnl JCioLitits. Full written i tx-dit dctJil- -m- jvjibhle on n- .|ue*t Suli)ft t to our ,i u-«nn'iit ot" init tin.itt, position The Ro jl lijtik ol Scotland pk Rqcmrrvii Office: .V St Andrew SqujR. Ediiiburjth EH2 2YU.

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POSTCODE Send this coupon or write quoting RNLI 10/96 to: V The Royal Bank of Scotland. Credit (".ml Centre, 20'I Priory Crescent, ° ' Southend-on-Sea, SS'W 9EE. gvi i in/ii,.