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The Holiday Property Bond

"MAKING THE POUNDS GO FURTHER" "Faith, for a clergyman, is an essential ingredient of life. Hut back in /V.S'/ Vi'eiuly and I had to apply it in a more secular situation - whether or not to infest in HPR. In its early days there was little to see. just a feir apartments in pleasant resorts, but the itleti irits good, rery good. Many folk decided to trait and see what it irotild ilelii'cr. Fortunately.

for the Bond, some of us 'early birds" took the risk and half never regretted it.

Since the first of many holidays in the Lake District ire hare been to the A/garre. Austria.

Lanzarote, Brittany and Tenerij'e. and in Britain, to Norfolk. Cornwall.

It ales. Scotland and now the Cotswolds • a total of _'.S holidays so far! l'i-oiii the rery start, standards hare been high and the Bond has managed to maintain and eren improre on them. All ei/iiipmenl anil furnishings are of finest i/uality. If anything goes wrong thenis altrays someone tm hand to deal tcitb it.

111 hare shared holidays with our friends, some of irhom hare become Bondholders, and our family are always glad to join us. Since ire hare retired ire can trarel "off peak" which makes the pounds go further! Sport and leisure facilities are good and properties are located in areas of natural beauty anil historical interest where there is always something to see and do at all seasons." The Rcvd. John and Mrs. Wendy Wooldridge from Nottingham u ho imcMcd in the Bond 198t.

The1 Bond is a life assurance bond investing in holiday properties and in securities producing income for management charges. You can book holiday properties using points issued with the Bond and pay only a no profit "user charge".

You can encash the Bond after two years. Its value is linked to that of the holiday properties and securities and so can go down as well as up.

You may not be able to encash when you choose as holiday property may not always be readily saleable.

Encashment may then be deferred for up to twelve months. Holiday property values will also generally be a matter of a valuer's opinion rather than fact.

The main parties to the Bond are:- liiMirrr: Isle of Man Assurance Limited, n-iMrn-c! in the Isle of Man. Holders of policies issued tn thf compam after Slh April I')8X are protected tn the Life Assurance (Compensation of Polic holdcrs) Regulations IWI. Howncr. lhe ull not he protected h the PolicMiolders Protection Act l1)" if the company should hecome unahlc to meel its liabilities to them Trustee and Securities Manager Midland Bank Trust Corporation (Isle of Man) Limited. Registered office P I) Bo i- . Celtic House.

Victoria Street. Douglas. Mr ol Man Properly Manager: Villa Owners Club I International) Limited. Registered office • Regal House. Queensw-av. lithrallar I k Main Agent: Villa Owners Club Limited. Registered office - Kentford Lodge.

Newmarket. Suffolk. An appointed representative of the Insurer, which is a member of l-Vt THO. in a-lalion lo life assurani'r liusiiu-vs onlv Discover the secret of the Holiday Property Bom THERE ARE NOW OVER 22,000 BONDHOLDE FAMILIES ENJOYING THE HPB BENEFITS. HER] SOME OF THE INVESTORS EXPRESS THEIR OPINION "LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR FAMILY HOLIDAYS" "VI 'c inrested in ll/'li because iri- really xiliu' our family holidays mitt we wanted in make sure that, wbalerer happened, we cuultl count on nil being together for a cotipie of weeks erery year. This tray, all ire ha tv to tlo is agree irhere ire ii'ant to go anil when, anil book the accommodation early. Then we can enjoy the trait: the antici/iation Anil we know that the apartment or ril/a it-ill be just super. The leisure facilities are usually outof- this-world. Huge heated pools, saunas, tennis courts, snooker. Sheer luxury really The children lore the adventure playgrounds. So far we're been to Florida.

St lirides Castle in VI"ales, the Dordogne anil we are planning to go to /area on the Costa Blanca. l-rery one a winner! Our parents are keen too. so for us the Holiday Property Bond is a real family affair.

Katherine and Steve X cst from Wiltshire with their ilauijiters Am.ind.i. Angela ami Krll When you invest in the Holiday Property Bond. own a financial interest in more than 600 luxi cottages, villas and apartments al all these locatio All the Bond properties are beautifully appointed delightful resorts and near to restaurants and sho| everything for the discriminating self-cateri holiday-maker.

You can use them all for your RENT-FREE inflati protected holiday accommodation even

l i f e , and you'll never have to worry ab furnishing, upkeep, maintenance and letting - simpler than owning a villa and more flexible tl timesharc.

TIMS IS NOT A HOLIDAY RENTAL, A TIMESHARE. OR A VILLA SALES S( 111 All WHAT COULD YOV MAKE OF THE BOND The Holiday Property Bond is one of Europe'! fastest-growing property co-ownerships, with more than 22,000 Bondholders and total sales of over £150,000,000.

To find out how you and your family might benefit from an investment in the Holiday Property Bond, V return the coupon TODAY.

ALGARVE • AUSTRIA • BRITTANY • CORNWALL COSTA BLANCA • COSTA DEL SOL • COTSWOLDS CYPRUS • DORDOGNE • DORSET • FLORIDA ILE DE FRANCE • LANZAROTE • LAKE DISTRICT .MAJORCA • NARROWBOATS (WARWICKS) • NORFOLK TENERIFE • YORKSHIRE • TUSCANY • SCOTLAND WALES • FISHING (SCOTLAND) Tenancies ALGARVE • CRETE • LONDON • FRENCH .UPS GOZO • KISSIMMEE (FLORIDA) • TENERIFE TURKEY • IRELAND Full details of the Holiday Property Bond can be obtained hy cr ni[ tt'ting unit n'titniing the tt n/n n aren (jiffTol&is Prize Dr 1st Prize £1000' *»* £2*° • ™' PLVS 13 Prizes of £50 vouchers must be u (iarclen Centre (iift Vouchers can he used al over S.IKX) Garden shi ps. Nurseries. Florists D«A» CLOSES AND «ILL TAKE PLACE ON II DECEMBER I116.


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