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PRESENTING THE Pl&FECT VOYAGE TO SOUPH-ATOICA r/: oin us on a leisurely 16 day voyage to Cape Town, Port Elizabeth or Durban, South Africa, and we'll fly you back to London- Heathrow, within (i months.

But rest assured you'll never be bored on board one of our containerised cargo liners.

There's an elegant cocktail SAIL TO SOUTH AFRICA (AND FLY lounge, sun deck, swimming pool, dining room, and a book and video library.

(There's a l i f t and a personal laundry, too.) All cabins twin-sized, en-suite and a i r - conditioned; own colour TVs and VCRs.

I t ' s what we don't oiler that makes the offer.

BACK) FROM AS LITTLE AS £1450 v PATHTOTOIEIR A : WE'RE GOING PLACES For more information, contact our Passenger Services representative in the UK - Telephone (OI703) 3 3 4 4 I S , Fax (OI703) 3344I6.

In the aftermath of the Second World War an enormous task faced the international shipping industry. Backlog cargo lay waiting in harbours throughout the world, and millions of tons of cargo, people clamouring for repatriation, soldiers eager to return home and, impatient would-be travellers seeking passages, awaited enterprising shipping lines which would be able to answer the call.

In addition there were many citizens of Europe and the United Kingdom who wanted to escape the war torn countries in favour of far distant shores which offered more peaceful and brighter prospects.

South Africa was a very popular choice for many. The Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company with regular sailings carrying passengers to and from the United Kingdom to South Africa was the only means of getting there. However, on 21 June 1946 a shipping company called The South African Marine Corporation (Pry) Ltd was registered. The first Director of Safmarine was Marshall of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur T Harris.

The first Safmarine owned ship, the "Constantia", sailed from New York on 1 August 1947 bound for Cape Town. On board as passengers were Sir Arthur and Lady Harris. Many more happy passengers were to follow. In October 1965, Safmarine purchased the "Transvaal Castle" and the "Pretoria Castle", renaming these vessels the SA "Vaal", and the SA "Oranje", thus dramatically increasing the passenger carrying capability.

In 1983 the Corporation added the "Astor", (1) to the fleet, and in 1987 the "Astor" (2), specially ordered by Safmarine as a new building. This vessel served with the Company until 1988. At this time Safmarine reverted to carrying passengers on the general cargo vessels.

In 1990 each of the four Big White container vessels employed on the South Africa/UK trade commenced carriage of 10 passengers each in tastefully refurbished cabins.

In 1995 the discontinuance of the Radio Officer at sea allowed another cabin to be put to use and all accommodation on each of the four vessels was completely refurbished. Also in 1995 Safmarine purchased the mcv "Author" from The Harrison Line. The vessel was chartered back to Harrisons on a two year charter carrying eight passengers to the Caribbean and back, from Felixstowe.

Today all five vessels are popular, making early booking essential.

Anxious to assist the less fortunate, Safmarine has always looked for Charities deserving of its support. One of the causes which Safmarine have championed is the National Sea Rescue Institute in South Africa. Not only has the Corporation made direct financial contributions, but it has also provided the NSRI with several rescue craft, while another was shipped free of charge from Britain to Cape Town. The NSRI launch sponsored by Safmarine and operating from Cape Town is named The Spirit of Safmarine".

Richard and Barbara Hellyer act as Agents for Safmarine in the United Kingdom and Europe and operate their own small company called Pathfinder in Southampton. In addition to the Safmarine voyages, we are planning a Union-Castle Centenary voyage, departing from Southampton in 1999 to be in Cape Town for the turn of the century.

For more details of all the above please write or fax Pathfinder, PO Box 461, Southampton S015 2ZE Telephone 01703 334415 Fax 01703 334416.