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GOLDSHIELD Healthcare Direct SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER TO ALL READERS SAVE££s on Vitamins & Minerals EVENING PRIMROSE OIL Evening Primrose Oil provides a nch source 01 Gamma Lnoteric aod (GLA) which the runan body naturally produces However, in many cases n has been lound not lo be sufficient, so by taking Evenng Primrose Oil as a supplement it can be beneficial in maintaining hormonal balance, health and well being. It also helps maintar healthy skin and hair, so don I lorrjet Ihe loved ones' SOOmg COD LIVER OIL Here's a unique opportunity to purchase one of the UK's best selling lood supplements at a fraction ol shop pnces Cod Liver Oil is an ideal lood supplement helping you to stay lit and healthy.

Vitamins A & D play important roles in healthy joints, skin, hair and nails as well as contributing to healthy teeth and the retention of strong bones. 400mg GARLIC PEARLES A healthy heart, normal circulation and normal cholesterol levels are all key elements that can help you continue to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. The inherent powers of garlic have been recognised throughout the world lor centuries. You could chew a garlic bulb a day. bul it is rather more socially acceptable lo take garlic in the form ol our odourless capsules. Order NOW and buy at our special promotional price ol £200 2mg GINKGO BILOBA Ginkgo Biloba is the number one health product in Sweden. Extracted from the leaves of the Ginkgo tree, extensive research has now been conducted in the area of helping to maintain circulation of the blood to the brain and to the extremities of the txxty such as the hands and feet Goldshield's Ginkgo contains 400mg of Ginkgo powder extracted from pure Ginkgo leaf only.

ensuring the maximum benefits which nature intended.

ALOE VERA Discover one of nature's best kept secrets, which has been valued tor over 5000 years by virtual every culture 'or its amazing properties Rich in vitamins, amino acids and essential trace elements, Aloe Vera is a remarkable substance that also contains natural agents There's never been a better time to try it lor voursert all the benefits of Aloe Vera juice in a capsule. 600mg 60 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE C6.99 ONLY £2.00 90 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE £6.99 ONLY £2.00 90 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE E6.99 ONLY £2.00 30 capsules REC RETAIL PRICE £6.99 ONLY £2.00 30 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE C6.99 ONLY £2.00 LECITHIN Some astounding claims have been made for lecithin.

What it actually does, is play an important part in the way our bodies cope with fats.

It is a natural emulsilier ol lats. nch in cholme and mostol. both of which occur naturally in Ihe body and play a key role in Ihe metabolism ol fat Save almost £5 on shop pnce. 1200mg BEE PROPOLIS For centuries man has always been fascinated by the honey-bee Propolis is a remarkable natural substance produced by bees for the well being ol their hives Many people in this country have benefited enormously from the remarkable properties ol this outstanding natural supplement not yet widely available Irom shops Try it now at our special promotional pnces and discover tor yoursell why propolis is causing such a sensation SOOmg COD LIVER OIL & MULTI-VITAMINS Our Cod Liver Oil with Murb-Vitamns offer all the benefits of Cod Liver Oil with added supplements of Vitamins A.B.C. 1 0.

Simplify your lood supplements with our well known combination One a day Save over £6 on shop prices CO-ENZYME Q10 This is another substance which is found in living cells and is a factor in the health of human organs and tissues. Although it is lound naturally in many of the foods we eat. our ability lo extract this substance can deteriorate through age or illness causing a partial block m the body's ability to make use ol this important enzyme While not stnctly speaking a true vitamin. Co-Enzyme OtO has a similarly beneficial anti-oxidant effect Hng STARFLOWER OIL Gamma Unolemc Add. (GLA) plays a vital r,ie m helping to maintain normal hormonal balance and maintaining healthy skin. It is a nutnent produced naturally by the human body Irom the daily diet Nature also provides rich sources ol GLA in plants such as Slartlower and Evening Pnmrose which can supplement the body's natural GLA Just two super Starfiower Oil capsules provide as much GLA as I've capsules ol SOOmg of Evemng pnmrose Oil Try it now. SOOmg 30 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE EM9 ONLY £2.00 30 capsules REC RETAIL PRICE £6.99 ONLY £2.00 90 capsules REC RETAIL PRICE £9.99 ONLY £3.00 30 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE £9.99 ONLY £3.00 60 capsules REC. RETAIL PRICE £16.99 ONLY £4.00 How are we able to sell al these low prices? Being one of the UK's • leading suppliers ot Vitamins and Minerals we are able to pass on all the savings to you. PLUS you have the added convenience of shopping from the comfort of your own is our policy to give complete satisfaction Whatever your order trom this advertisement you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are fully protected by a 100% no quibble Guarantee from an ethical Pharmaceuticals company tike tor any reason you decide to return unused and unopened goods we will accept them back within 28 days and refund your money or credit your card account.

All pnces held up to 30/12/96 (Otter apptos to U.K.onty) Please alow 1421 days lor despartf This otter t$ no! valid in con/unction with any other promotion CREDIT CARD ORDER LINE 01787-884433 Quote ref LISA SP (Sam to 8pm 7 days a week) ffSSm GOLDSHIELD Healthcare Direct P.O. Box 1000.

Sudhury, Suffolk CO 106ZY Send cheque/P.O's to: Goldshield Healthcare Direct, P.O. Box 1000, Sudbury, Suffolk C010 6ZY _ __ _ __ _ _ _ Please send me: SSA-2451 Evening Primrose (60) SSA-243 SSA-24t SSA-272 HHA-332 SSA-232 SSA-234 SSA-231 SSA-244 SSA-268 Cod Liver Oil (90) Garlic Peartes (90) Ginkgo Biloba (30) Aloe Vera (30) Lecithin (30) Bee Propolis (30) Cod Liver Oil with Multi Vitamins (90) Co-Enzyme 010 (30) Starfiower Oil (60) Sub total Post & Packing TOTAL 1 95 Mrs/Ms/Mr Address I enclose cheque/P.O payable to Goldshield Healthcare Direct (or £ or debit my Access/Visa Card No Expiry Date Signature Date of Birth / / Tick 2 whan claiming FREE 1 y«sr $ supply ot Essential Multi- Vitamins 4 Minerals capsulM for orders ol C25 or mor«. CODE WA-060 Post Code. _Tel. No..