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The Original and The Best Leather Commuter Boot THERMAL WARMTH WITH FORMAL STYLING THE SUPERIOR ORIGINAL ALASKA DE-LUXE HIGH QUALITY TWIN ZIP LEATHER BOOT STILL AT OUR 1989 PRICE A SUPER REAL LEATHER BOOT AJ A LOW PRICE MT WALKS ALL OVER THE COMPETITION PURE WOOL LINED SLIPPERS FOR MEN & WOMEN TERRIFIC VALUE WRAPOVEtt FASTENING EASY ACCESS FUTURE PROBLEM feet? NORMAL feet? WIDE feet? NARROW feet? HIGH instep? LOW instep? - whatever the shape of your foot, blissful warmth and comfort is now guaranteed with universal fitting ADAM or EVE. Their unique design allows even the most difficult of feet the easiest of access. The totally adjustable Velcro flap fastening ensures that perfect fit at a touch. These smart slippers are made in a luxury velour fabric with an exceptionally thick pure wool lining combined with a sturdy cushioning sole and heel to provide a barrier of thermal warmth against the cold chills of winter.

PVP SIZES Women EVE 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. FOR WOMEN Men ADAM 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13.

COLOURS - Women-Blue Check Men-Grey Check.

When ordering WOMENS please, quote product code EVE.

When ordering MENS please quote product code AD.

THE BOOT FOR MEN Don't be misled into buying inferior boots of synthetic materials when our original - superior design ALASKA DE-LUXE Is luxurious genuine leather! When temperatures drop they put stylish THERMAL LINED LUXURY on your feet without giving you an 'Abominable Snowman' appearance! Expertly crafted from extremely soft and supple HIGH QUALITY LEATHER. Extra strong twin zip feature enables easy slip on ... slip off fitting comfort. Sturdy sole unit has a ribbed design to give a firm footing should conditions underfoot turn hazardous.

(Thick thermal lining is of mixed fibres).

SIZES -6.7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13.

COLOUR • Black or Brown.

When ordering ALASKA BLACK please quote product code AL.

When ordering ALASKA BROWN please quote product code ALR.

!~~ Cliffordjames" ~j (Dept LB1 ) High Street, Rlpl«y, Surrey GU236AF ADAM FOR MEN UP TO SIZE 13 POST FREE NOT A PENNY MORE TO PAY WE DESPATCH ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY But please notify us only il your order has MOT been received within 21 days Money refunded or size changed tor complete satisfaction FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE sent on request CALLERS WELCOME Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm STYLE MENS ADAM WOMENS EVE ALASKA BLACK ALASKA BROWN CODE AO EVE AL ALR SIZE QTY PRICE I k ACCESS/VISA SWITCH HOLDERS 01282 443333 CLIFFORD JAMES (Dept LB1 ) High Street, RIPLEY, Surrey GU23 6AF I enclose Cheque/P.O.s payable to Clifford James for Total £ OR debit my ACCESS/VISA/SWITCH card Number Expiry Date Switch Issue No Signature a«S»* ACCESS/VISA/SWITCH CUSTOMERS MAY ALSO PHONE ORDERS DIRECT ON 01282 443333 Customers requiring C.O.D. service - lh« Royal Mail will charge C2.00 for thii facility Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Address D L _PostCode_ Rtg No Winning'Since 1824. our lifeboat crews have been saving lives at sea.

Help them continue the tradition - please remember the RNLI in your will.

In 1824, the appalling loss of life at sea prompted Sir William Hillary to launch a public appeal for a voluntary lifeboat service. Today the seas are as dangerous as ever - and our volunteer lifeboat crews still rely entirely on public donations to carry out their life-saving mission.

Our new booklet, Preserving All You Value, explains how six out of every ten lifeboat launches are made possible by legacy gifts from our supporters. It also shows how you can help keep that vital tradition afloat - by remembering the RNLI in your will.

PRESERVING ALL YOU VALUE For a free copy, simply fill in and return the coupon below, or call John Marshall on 01202 663032 and help preserve all you value. Thank you.

To: John Marshall, Legacy Enquiries Officer, RNLI, FREEPOST, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1BR.

D I would like to find out more about leaving a legacy gift to the RNLI. Please send me a copy of Preserving All You Value, the RNLI's guide to wills and legacies.

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Address Postcode Membership no.

(if applicable) Registered Charity No. 209603 LJ6/5 -"~ «tt— £ms& Lifeboats Royal National Lifeboat InstitutionRNLI WALL PLAQUES COLOURED HOUSEFLAG IN RELIEF ON 6V " x 5'/2" VARNISHED SHIELD £20 inc. P&P (UK) Engraved plate with own wording £5 extra RNLI BADGES Embroidered Logo and white or red lettering on a Navy Blue background approx.

3'/2" X y/2" RNU WESTCOUNTRV MARKETING INCLUDES BRANCH, GUILD, STATION OR INDIVIDUAL'S NAME AS REQUIRED Ideal for blazers, shirts, blouses & wet weather gear * * * perfect when pullovers are too hot! £10 inc. lettering & P&P (UK) PERFECT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RNLI PRESENTATIONS, GIFTS AND MEMENTOS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE TO POST '*Nfr '«?• The much acclaimed paintings by Christopher Southcombe Limited edition prints signed by the artist "The Padstow Lifeboat" (750 prints) Approx. 20" x 24" Tyne Class - "RNLBJames Burrough" Mounted only - £39 inc. P&P (i48 overseas) Mounted & framed - £57 inc. P&P (UK onlv) "When Others Seek Shelter" (250 prints) Approx. 23" x 29" Trent Class - "RNLB Earl and Countess Mountbatten of Burma" Mounted only - £58 inc. P&P (£67 overseas) Mounted & framed - £84 inc P&P (UK onlv) PLEASE ADDRESS ALL ORDERS AND ENQUIRIES TO: RNLI WEST COUNTRY GROUP A DIVISION OH RNLI (SALES) LIMITED WEST ROCK, THE CLEAVE, KEVGSAND, TORPOINT, CORNWALL PL10 INF TELEPHONE: (01752) 822638 ALL CHEQUES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: RNLI (Please allow 28 days for delivery) THE RNLI HAS NEW CREW MEMBERS 'COXSWAIN TED" and now! his "GRAMPA TED" Lifeboatman Brooches special!) dt-vdopc-ij. and produced tor RNLI esl Country Group £3.00 each incl. P&P (UK) RNLI PULLOVERS V-Neck pullovers with RNLI Flag, embroidered with your Name, Branch, Station or Crew.

100% ACRYLIC - £22.00 Colours: Black, Bottle Green, Burgundy, Navy. Red, Royal, Silver.

Sizes: 38/40", 42/44". 46/48" & 50/ 100% LAMBSWOOL - £32.00 Colours: Bottle Green, Burgundy, Graphite, Navy, Royal.

Sizes: As above PRICES INCLUDE LETTERING AND P&P (UK) SPECIFY COLOUR, SIZE & LETTERING WITH ORDER IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT KWIKFONE has established a privilege package with BT for the emergency services and all Shoreline Members. This includes free equipment and subsidised running costs - a very worthwhile offer as you will see below. The programme is now in its 3rd year with over 3000 subscribers including many RNLI members. The offer below is THE DIGITAL PACKAGE, the advantage being modern technology, European coverage and billing by the second.

SUBSIDIES FREE BT Motorola 7500X Digital Worth £49 FREE Itemised Billing Worth £24 FREE BT Supercover Worth £35 FREE Leather Carry Case Worth £20 FREE Emergency In-car Adaptor Worth £30 FREE Carriage includes Home Charger and Battery Pack TOTAL PACKAGE VALUE £160 f~ Contact: /.— (A) KERRY JONES (/) 01942322111 RUNNING COSTS Initial Cost Nil Monthly Line Rental Only £15.00 Call Charges 30p Per Minute Peak 7am to 7pm Mon to Fri 1 Op Per Minute Off Peak Evenings & Weekends All Calls Billed Per Second Prices Subject to VAT Contact: CAROL BECK 01942323111 Contact: CLAIRE APPLETON 01942619990 Please quote Digital when applyingSenior Citizens with money in the bank should read this before it's too late If you have worked hard all your life and managed to put away a nest egg, you could end up losing most of your life savings because of exhorbitant nursing home fees that the State won't pay.

If you or your spouse suddenly became ill and require extended nusing care... NO ONE will help you with the nursing home bills until after you have used up virtually all of your savings — savings, intended to provide security and a bit of extra comfort in retirement, or help for your children.

WHAT YOU CAN DO Is there anything you can do to stop this nightmare from happening to you? Yes, there are several ways you could protect yourself- your rights and the different methods of protecting your savings and home are now revealed in a new guide "How to Protect Your Assets Against Nursing Home Costs".

This financial self-defence manual explains the simple procedures for preserving your savings and warns of pitfalls to avoid. It shows how you can protect your home from being sold to pay for care costs.

It also shows how you can use your legal rights to protect your life savings for yourself, your spouse or your heirs. But it is absolutely essential you make any The Vinegar Book You will be amazed at the multitude of uses for vinegar.

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Q I enclose mv cheque/PO for £ (paid to Cornell Ltd) Ml 1 D four Arteries Can D The Complete Prostate 1 Clean Themselves Handbook D The IBS Handbook D The Arthritis Handbook Name Mr/Mrs/Ms Address | 1 Postcode * Signed Date 1 — Delivery usually within 7 days but please allow up 10 14 days.

from reputable companies - if you prefer not receive such offers.NEW! from the Band ofHM Royal Marines, Plymouth Featuring: Enter McParland & Don Lusher (Trombone) Under the direction of: CaptJ.R. Perkins A sensational recording of 'Big Band' tunes, including: Frankie and Johnny, Route 66, Moonlight Serenade, American Patrol, Georgia, Take the 'A' Train, Stardust... AND MANY MORE! The warm relationship between the Royal Marines and the RNLI has resulted in the production of two previous popular recordings ("MARCHES OF THE SEA" and the sequel "FOR THOSE IN PERIL ON THE SEA"), as a tribute to the RNLI. This further recording of Big Dance Band music entitled, 'THE BIG BAND SOUND', is the first and only such complete album of Big Dance Band music to have been made by a Royal Marines Band, and again, is a tribute to the RNLI which benefits directly from its sales of the recording.

There are three other recordings made by Royal Marines bands under the direction of Captain Perkins which have been made available to RNLI members at very attractive prices, "THE COMPLETEMARCHESOFKENNETHALFORD", "THEMARTIAL MUSIC OF SIR VIVIAN DUNN" and "THE ASHOKAN FAREWELL", a recording of virtuoso solos.

All profits from RNLI sales go to the Institution! PRICES: CDs-£11.50* each Cassettes ~£8.00* each SPECIAL MEMBERS' OFFER! If two or more ordered CDs-ill.OO* each Cassettes -£7.50* each (Prices include P&P on all orders from within the UK) - Overseas postal rates on request PLEASE ADDRESS ALL ORDERS AND ENQUIRIES TO: RNLIWEST COUNTRY GROUP A DIVISION OF RNLI (SALES) LTD.

WEST ROCK, THE CLEAVE KEMGSAND, TORPOENT, CORNWALL PL10 INF TEL: (01752) 822638 ALL CHEQUES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: RNL (Please allow 28 days for delivery Mariner doesn't just promise reliability.

It proves it! If you're considering buying an outboard, whatever the size, you'll have noticed that almost every manufacturer promises greater reliability as an important reason for selecting their engine instead of someone else's! At Mariner, we prefer to deal in proof, not promises. That's why you may be interested to know that after a stringent, lengthy and punishing programme of engine evaluation, the RNLI have chosen Mariner power.

Why? Because the one thing their fleet of inflatable rescue boats must have, above all else, is ultimate engine reliability — and as their test programme proved, Mariner has it! ';"C*j"-s* OUTBOARDS includes modt ouh to t h e br i t a l 275 hp V6 and sheer The completely financed by voluntary contributions.

Full Information from: •MM.

BARRUS •1 MARINE DIVISION Launton Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX6 OUR.

Telephone: (01869) 363636FORESIGHT OPTICAL NAUTICAL BINOCULARS IJINON. STi:i KR. SHIFT. DOC ] .0vin. 0X16 9RT. IK 12l)5) 264365 Renovation and repair of all types of meteorological instruments to Met. Office standards • Mercury and aneroid instruments • Approved to service and supply spares for Negretti & Zambra instruments • Charts, pens, ink • Display barographs available, produced in the traditional style W.J. Read 49 Old Vicarage Park, Narborough, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE32 1TH Phone (01760) 337801 .CTlOflOPTICS The Binocular repair specialists since 1963.

Free estimates and realistic prices.

Over 200 s/h & 100 new binoculars in stock. Send SAE for price list.

ACTION OPTICS, 2 Old Hill, Averting, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8NR. Tel 0145 383 3738.

BINOCULARS We are the UK's leading supplier of MARINE BINOCULARS. Over 20 different types of 7x50 available, with or without compass. Extensive range of general purpose binoculars also available.

REPAIR SERVICE - using latest equipment for accurate collimation and speed of service.

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STARSCOPE - image intensifier - compact design, fully waterproof.

Gyro-stabilised binoculars.

High powered observation binoculars.

For expert advice/brochure Tel 01291 689858, Fax 01291 689834 or write to MONK OPTICS, Wye Valley Observatory, The Old School, Brockweir, Chepstow NP6 7NW Barometers & Barographs Restored by experienced craftsmen incl.

Negretti & Zambra and other famous makes. Collection point Central London.

Russell Scientific Instruments, Rash's Green, Dereham, Norfolk NR19 1JG.

Tel. (01362) 693481 TIDEMASTER® WATCHKEEPER Time & Tide, Alarms and Stopwatch/Deckwatch with Electroluminescent dial • Scratch resistant flush filled glass • Dialite electro luminescent poor light and night read oui • Brush finish metal case with polished stainless steel back • Concentric clear analogue hands and batons • Precisely stepping centre seconds sweep hand • Digital display with month, dale and day • Navigational Deckwatch • 24 hour alarm and hourly log reading alarm options Tidal monitoring bezel* with tidal heights and flows • Pressure tested to 30m (100 ft) guaranteed working depth • Pilotagcl/100 second stopwatch • Second time zone in 12 or 24 hour format to choice g Fitted with Diving or Tropic strap £79.95 ---— On slainless steel bracelet A! proofed padded leather sir; rom chandler* or add £3.90 for guaranteed delivery within 24 h, YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LTD BOATING DEPARTMENT, MAPPOWDER, STURMINSTER NEWTON, DORSET DT10 2EH Tel: 01258 817 662 Fax: 01258 817 829 ©Registered Trade Mark -Copyright THE GARDEN HOUSE It's an Office, a Studio, a Music Room, a Games Room, a Chalet or just "A ROOM OF ONE'S OWN" Beautiful Garden Houses, built to luxury Housing Standards Highly specified to include, double glazing, superb insulation.

internal decor, heating, lighting, telephone, carpets, blinds, etc.

Erected in 2-3 days, with no planning permission usually required, FROM AROUND £9000.

THE GARDEN HOUSE LTD., 32 FITZROY AVENUE, KINGSGATE, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CTIO JLS TEL. OI843 869910 FAX. 01843 602014 Successful Fund Raising starts here...

Peek of Bournemouth Limited Call today for your FREE Colour Brochure (01202) 417777 COLLECT TONER CARTRIDGES FOR CASH Empty toner cartridges for laser printer and photocopiers are being dumped by the millions.

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Try Posture Curve for 2 weeks wherever you sit, and feel the relief... if not, we'll refund your money.

FREE COLOUR BROCHURE FROM: POSTURE PRODUCTS LTD P.O. BOX 31, EXMOUTH, DEVON EX8 2YT TEL: (01395) 224455 FAX: (01395) 222515 GET WEATHER INFORMATION FIRST HAND! Haven't you always wanted a weather station? The Weather Wizard ffl combines all the most requested features into one incredible package! • FEATURES INCLUDE - • Inside & Outside Temps 'Wind Chill « Optional PC Interface • Wind Speed & Direction • Alarms • Optional Rain Collector • Highs & Lows SEND FOR FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE ICS Electronics Ltd Unit V Rudford Industrial Estate FORD • Arundel • West Sussex BN18 OBD Tel: O19O3 731101 • Fax: O19O3 7311OS Really waterproof low voltage connectors.

2 pin - 35 pin, 5mm - lOmm Coax.

Used by RNLI Available from good chandlers.

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Telephone Colaton Raleigh (01395) 568652 or Fax (01395) 567511 - 24 hours.

WHY SIR UPSTA With a Sunrise stairlift, climbing the stairs is as easy as A, B,C.

A. Step on the stairlift B. Press the button C. Step off at the other end What could be safer or simpler? FOR FULL DETAILS - INCLUDING COLOUR BROCHURE AND VIDEO - SIMPLY CALL FREEPHONE ON OR FILL IN AND POST THE COUPON I SUNRISE I MEDICAL Official Sponsor • 1996 Paralympics Please send me my FREE Sunrise Stairlift VIDEO plus Colour Brochure FRFF Mr/Mrs/Ms. (Inc. Initials) VIDEO Address — MLB 602 Postcode . _Tel.

V, Send to: SUNRISE MEDICAL, FREEPOST DD348, BRIERLEY HILL, DY5 1BR.WEATHER MOM l O K I V i I dl ( I 'Computer Dataloimer a v a i l a b l e ' I Prices from only £199 WINDSPEED 1& DIRECTION Features (dependent on model) °" y * WIND SPEED & DIRECTION * ELEGANT MAHOGANY CABINET (choice of light or dark) * BAROMETRIC PRESSURE * OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE * HUMIDITY &DEW POINT with MIN & MAX -C&F * RAINFALL * SUNSHINE Mrs.

* 12-24V or MAINS Send for colour brochure now to - R&D ELECTRONICS Tel. (01843) 866662 Fax. (01843) 866663 * COMPUTER INTERFACE Beaufort House, Percy Ave, Kingsgate Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 3LB WINDMASTER THE WORLD'S SMALLEST WIND SPEED INDICATOR £29.95 * Robust and shock resistant * Undamaged by * Ughtweight pocket sized 25 grams (1 oz.) wt., 5.5cm (2'A") diam. * Sensitive accurate readout in Beaufort, m.p.h., knots and metres/sec.

* Complete with neck lanyard From the best chandlers or add £1.50 p&p for 1st class recorded despatch from: YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LTD.,BOATING DEPT., MAPPOWDER, STURMINSTER NEWTON, DT10 2EH.

Tel: 01258 817 662; Fax: 01258 817 629 Access and Visa welcome. ® Reg. Trade Mark Yacht Crew A Cruising/Racing/Delivery/Sea Miles A Amateur and professional crew A Free service to boat owners A Beginners welcome A UK and International T«l«plMfM/FM: 01489 57831! C R E W S E E K E R S Hawthorn House, Hawthorn Lane, Sarisbury Green.

Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 7BD Limited quantity Burns mint ommemorative with historic misprint.

£5 each (a donation goes to RNLI).

Cheque with order please.




TEL: (01202) 717788 Winder-mere Slunmna i e u s o e r Lake Windermere from En-Suite rooms Traditional Old English dishes from our a»ard »innin! cook book.

Jadie Sanderson. Blenheim Lodge Hotel. Branlfell Road.

Bo»ness-on-Wmdcrmere LAM 5AE Tel/Fax |OI5)94| 4.VI40 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, NORFOLK Two cosy, clean cottages, sleep 4, no pets. Ideal location for birdwatching, walking, unspoilt North Norfolk coast. Telephone: 01328 711220 PETERS & MAY The 'Round The World' Specialists in Shipping, Transporting, Cradling Yachts and Powerboats Weekly service to USA, Far East, Mediterranean, Middle East, Caribbean Peters & May Limited 18 Canute Road. Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3FJ England Tel +44 17O3 233755 Fax +44 17O3 233740 WEATHER INSTRUMENTS Barometers, barographs, raingauges, frost predictors, hygrometers and thermometers. Also an inexpensive range of remote sensing instruments for wind, rain and temperature, All available by post. Full colour brochure and price list from: Mcl-Chcck, Dept. K.L., PO Box 284, BletchlcY Milton Kevnes, MK17 OQD Telephone 01296 712354 (24 hoars) The lop value rope and weed cutting disc is now also available in the new ""Clamp-on" design. You can nov fit one without disturbing your propeller.

For all shafts up to 2 1/2" & 60mm.

Prices start as low as £50 Full information from: Prop Protector 74 Abingdon Road Maidslone Kent ME16 9EE.

Phone or Fax 01622 727973 OLD FISHING TACKLE WANTED.


FISHING BOOKS ETC. 01734 402870 Sea Songs and Shanties from fishermen and sailors on cassette Sc CD.


OFFERS OVER £17,500 TEL: (01228) 27615 A La Carte A collection of menus, with full recipes, by leading chefs including Paul Heathcote, John Tovey and Anton Edelman An Ideal Christmas gift at only £8.50 including P&P To order: Karen Wood, RNLI North West Office, 18 Half Edge Lane, Eccles. M30 9GJ Tel (0161) 787 8779 Flyiiie from Heathrow.- homely guest house only 10 minutes from Heathrow. Easy access to A/ M40, M4, M25. All rooms with colour ££ TV, Tea/Coffee facility, jjjjk Licensed bar, evening meal.

Parking for holiday period.

Shepiston Lodge, 31 Shepislon Lane, Hayes, Middx UBS 1LJ.

Tel: 0181-573 0266 Fax: 0181-569 2536 LONDON SW1 HOTEL 37 Eccleston Square, Victoria, London SW1V1PB. Tel: 0171-8286812 Ideal, central, quiet location overlooking magnificent gardens on fringe of Belgravia.


Village House from £70 pw in Winter to £220 pw in Summer; Excellent weather all year; friendly people; low cost of living; flowers.

Details from (0171) 931 7211 MADEIRA v to April timeshare weeks for sale privately at The Madeira Regency Club, :unchal. Seafront apartment, sleeps 4.

Close to town, marina and bus network.

Bargain weeks @ '/2 resort price.

Tel: (01745) 582516 ISLES OF SCILLY MINCARLO GUEST HOUSE - superb position overlooking the harbour at St Mary's - adjacent the Lifeboat Station. Run by the same local family since 1945. All rooms H&C and heating, some with en-suite facilities.

Tel. (01720) 422513 or write Colin Duncan The Yacht Inn South Esplanade St Peter Port Guernsey Tel 01481 720969 Fax 716168 10 Ensuite rooms 10% discount to RNLI members ISLE OF MULL Farm guesthouse (2 Crowns, Commended).

'Taste of Scotland' member. Own inter-island wildlife cruises. Also Tobermory seafront s/c flat, overlooking harbour and lifeboat from your window. Sleeps 6.

Tel/Fax (01688) 400264.

Adrioch, Dervaig, Isle ol Mull PA75 6QR.

'Magic' Mull stone house, cottage.

'Unbelievable'doorstep view, surroundings - woods, streams, beaches, rocky shores, sea, islands, mountains. Heating, fires. Superb boating waters. Canoe available, small boat harbour and moorings nearby.01223352860 AonePortBag3 Gorey.Jersey, C.I.

Family-run country inn near St Catherine's Atlantic 21 station and 13th century Mont Orgueil castle. 14 rooms all with shower & WC, colour TV & heating. B&B or H/B.

»* Open March to end of October.

Member of L?s Routiers.

Proprietor: Mrs Ruth Cavey Tel:01534852058 Fax:01534857887 Restronguet, Nr Falmouth Peaceful, picturesque waters edge hamlet.

Comfortable houses, sleep 4/8 (two bathrooms). Own gardens, quay, slip and beach. Boating facilities. Near Pandora Inn Restaurant. Open all year. Dogs allowed.

Peter Watson, Restronguet, Falmouth.

Tel (01326) 372722 ARGYLL, ISLE OF LUING.


PRODUCERS OF FINE QUALITY TEAS FOUNDED CALCUTTA, 1869 LIFEBOAT TEAS" Lifeboat Loose Tea gives a strong refreshing drink. We have received many supporting letters requesting details of where it can be obtained. All drinkers of traditional tea can secure further supplies of Lifeboat Loose Tea by contacting us for details.

Supporters of Lifeboat Tea Bags can help them stay afloat continuing to purchase at Sainsbury's or from their existing supplier.

Lifeboat Tea is still ready to come to the rescue of all tea drinkers looking for a full flavoured refreshing drink either in loose form or tea bags, packed into cartons or gift caddies.

We are always keen to be moored up with RNLI supporters who act as distributors saving the taste buds in their local community and making additional funds to save those in distress at sea.

For further information on how you can enjoy really great tea and raise funds for the RNLI please contact our skipper at:- Williamson & Magor Limited 7 Portland Close, Houghton Regis Duns table, Beds. LU5 SAW Telephone: (01582) 664440Inspirational RAC ACCLAIMED A warm welcome, delightful garden, and sea views over Falmouth Bay greet you on your arrival at "Bosanneth". We offer you the best in hospitality, and cuisine.

Tastefully decorated throughout we are a quality licensed small hotel offering a relaxing holiday or short break with that personal touch that makes all the difference, all rooms en-suite with full facilities.

For brochure Tel/Fax. (01326) 314649 Ann or Eric, Gyllyngvase Hill, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4DW J FLUSHING, CORNWALL Comfortably furnished quayside holiday cottage, sleeping six in three bedrooms, situated in the centre of this quiet village on beautiful Falmouth harbour. Views across the water to Greenbank and the Royal Cornwall YC.

Phone Mr A Bromley, Ringwood (01425) 476660 or write 22 Gravel Lane, Ringwood, Hants BH24 1LN FALMOUTH, CORNWALL Port Pendennis Harbour Village.

Luxury waterside apartment in award winning development. Two bedrooms, sleeps 4, also available Autumn.

r-mmtmm m-i Overlooking marina, LJBKBQJ berth available.

I 11 t I I Tel (01326) 250339 POLRUAN, CORNWALL- Where the river Fowey meets the sea. Old fisherman's cottage a few paces from the quay.

Sleeps 4. Woodburner. Good pubs. NT walks. Peace & tranquillity. People say 'Good Morning'. Village shops. Reasonable rates. Brochure 01726 870582.

Looe Cornwall Country cottages near Looe, 7'/2 acres of private grounds, beautiful woodland walks, yet only 6 miles from the sea, open all year, out of season breaks from £65, dogs welcome by prior arrangement, colour brochure from Tresarran Cottages, Herodsfoot.

PL14 4QX Tel. 01579 320660 Cornish ItwtitionaC Cottages Self-catering cottages on both coasts of Cornwall and on Scilly Send for your FREE brochure today or 'phone 01208 S72559 LOSTwrrmEL, CORNWALL PL22 UHT 7 day Personal Service 9am-9pm PORT GAVERNE, NORTH CORNWALL Seaside cottage, comfortably furnished, sleeps 8, close to golf and sailing. Weekly, week-end or mid-week lets available.



AVAILABLE ALL YEAR. (01326) 221 297 LAND'S END 4 MILES 3 attractively furnished granite selfcatering cottages. Open fires. Sleep 6, 4-5, 4. Farmland/sea views. In little known valley near Sennen / coast path.

All year. Tel 01865 57886.

THE HOTEL FOR ALL SEASONS Secluded, romantic and wonderful hospitality HOLNECHASE Near Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7NS Tel: (01364) 631471 Fax: (01364) 631453 AA + RAC** Commendation of B.T.A South Devon, beautiful National Trust Area Situated in rural coastal valiey one mile from sandy beach.

Award winning luxury barns converted into thirteen holiday cottages, with heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools, dinirg room and bar, tennis and croquet.

Ideal area for walking, bird watching, horse riding, fishing and all water sports.

Court Barton Ltd, South Huish, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 3EH. Tel; 01548 561919 Salcombe S. Devon Cottage, sleeps 8, 2 mins quayside, own parking. Tel 014428 25055 For the best selection of Self-Catering Accommodation in Salcombe call SALCOMBE HOLIDAY HOMES 3 Island Square, Island Street, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8DP Tel: 01548843485. Fax 01548 843489 PLYMOUTH HOE - DEVON AAi C sS i RACi IMPERIAL HOTEL - 22 bedrooms mostly en-suite - Nautical Cocktail bar - 20% discount for Shoreline members and friends ~ Details contact resident proprietor It Cdr Alan K. Jones RNR Retd. Colour brochure and tariff. Plymouth (01752) 227311 SIDMOUTH SEAFRONT Centrally situated on the level seafront, all rooms en-suite with col. TV and tea/coffee makers. Tasteful home cooking, licensed.

C/Htng. Parking. Golf, tennis, putting and new pool nearby. Admire the beautiful gardens and lovely beaches in this area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Beachside location in small village, sleeps 4-6. Excellent for sailing, walking and dolphin watching. Weeks or weekend lets. Tel. (01446) 774014 B.W./N.R.A. Rt-jf'cl BOAT SAFETY EXAMINER RNLI - AWCC long-term dedicated supporter.

Discounts apply with proof of membership.

BRYAN RALPH (O121) 588 2374 ( DINGHY COMPASS " £9.95 HIGHLAND HOTELBOAT HOLIDAYS Cruise Loch Ness and the Greal Glen aboard Dutch Motor Vessel'CORRY III'. Full board, n-suite accommodation, shore excursions n ship's own midi-coach. 5% discount for RNLI members. Please send 9x6 SAE or ring: Loch Ness and Great Glen Cruise Co., Muirtown Top Lock, Caledonian Canal, Canal Road, Inverness IV3 6NF.

Tel: (01463) 711913 CARGO SHIP VOYAGES LTD World wide travel as passengers on cargo ships. Tel: 01473 736265 CRUISE THROUGH THE COUNTRYSIDE Aboard our owner operated Hotel Narrowboats on the canals and rivers of England and Wales. Choose from 21 different routes. Enjoy fine food, walking, care and comfort. Single/twin/double en suite cabins. 5/7/10 nights.

Inland Waterway Holiday Cruises, Greenhorn Lock Cottage, London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 SSN.

Tel: (0831) 1108H.

Fox: (01635) .42884 No maintenance. No wearing parts.

Fully internally gimballed 360° in every direction.

Suitable for dinghies, sailboards. life-rafts, runabouts and tenders. Mount at any angle.

Height 2", Diameter of base 3".

Available from Ihe best chandlers or send uilh 1110: YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED Boating DepL, Mappowder, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 2EH Tel: 01258 817662 - Fax: 01258 817829 . A C C C S S a n d HM mkomed LAKE D I S T R I C T Ivy House Hotel Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 ONS Small family run hotel - sensibly priced.

Contact David or Jane for brochure: FREEPHONE 0500 - 657876 CAIMALBOAT HOLIDAYS • Finest quality boats • Superb choice of routes from central base • Free brochure with route planner and vacancy chart from: THE BOATYARD WEEDON NORTHANTS (01327)340739 LANCASTER CANAL gateway (o Ihe Lake District and Ihe Dales. Luxury narrowboats for weekly hire or 3 day title-way cruises. Day skipper facility available.

For delails tel: ARLEN HIRE BOATS (01772) 769183 LAKE DISTRICT Cottages and apartments hidden in secluded private woodland (Roe-deer, red squirrels), just 1 mile from Windermere. Open all year.

English Tourist Board Commended (3-4 Key).

For brochure, Tel. 015 394 44558.

ADVERTISEMENT FREE TO ENTER COMPETITION 50 WAX JACKETS MUST BE WON DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOUR DOOR! NOT ONLY THAT BUT ALSO 1000 RUNNER UP PRIZES OF £10 DISCOUNT VOUCHERS* from our Classic fashion and Practical Clothing range! Town & Country Manner is a small 'family' company based in the beautiful county of Cumbria. We specialise in ladies' and gentlemen's classic county and sensible outer wear. Much of our product is exclusive to us, mostly UK made. We're especially well known for the quality of our ladies' skirts, and of course SEAMLESS SHOULDER, 2 WAY ZIP, STORM FLAP, KNITTED CUFF DEEP POCKETS HOW TO ENTER: (If you don't want to cut your magazine then a photocopy is quite acceptable). All you have to do is study the wordsquare below and circle the following: TOWN - COUNTRY - WAX JACKET - COMPETITION H J A C K E T P 0 A C 0 C A W S T K E M E Z E E S T W P R K X 1 C P o E R M C Z H 1 N T T X O W H X W 1 W L u A C W J T O W N F A A C 1 C P T T M X N 0 K A R O D P 1 N R E Y P FORWARD YOUR ENTRY TO: Town & Country Manner Ltd., LWC2 Office, Penrith Estate, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9EQ Name ; Address Postcode..

Rules 1. Closing date: 10 December 1996 2. The judges will award a prize to the first 50 correct entries drawn after the closing date; at least 1000 runner up entries will receive a £10 discount voucher available on purchase over a minimum goods value of £22:!.

The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

4. A list of main prize winners will be available on receipt of a stamp addressed envelope.

Every entry will at some stage receive a free colour Town & Country Manner brochure.

6. Multiple entries will be excluded FREE COLOUR BROCHURE ORDER LINE O1768 899111 If you do not wish to receive any other offers, apart from our own, then please tick ITRUE STORIES..RESCUE..BRAVERY..


the confessions of a lifeboat coxswain by Tommy Ralston (ex Mallaig lifeboat) Copies QJ £10 only (incls. p&p) direct from: SCOTTISH CULTURAL PRESS Leith Walk Business Centre, 14/130 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 5DT Tel:(0131) 555 5950-Fax (0131) 555 5018 FHE ULTIMATE IN REPLICAS bv BRIAN WILLIAMS One of the world's leading miniature model specialists.


Individually comm THAMES BARGES ssioned with certificate of A.& S.

Local History & Souvenir Books Printed from your manuscript, typescript or computer disc.

No minimum print run.


Printers -Binders Cleveland.TS10 1BR Stationers. Booksellers Tel. 01642 490401 West Rock, The Cleave, Kingsand, Cornwall I'LIO INF. Tel: (01752) REGIMENTAL TIES Also Club, Company, Promotional Ties, Blazer Badges & Buttons, Cuff Links, Hand Painted Heraldic Shields/Car Badges, Medal Mounting, also miniatures. Regimental Walking Sticks. Send SAE for enquiries.

RADNOR LTD, 39 Thames Street, Windsor, Berks SU 1 PR. Tel (01753) 863982 fsr 1919 Personal Callers Welcome Save up to 33% on your Car Insurance with RAC Insurance Sevices OUR UNIQUE PRODUCT OFFERS: •LOW PRICE •IMMEDIATE COVER •FLEXIBLE PAYMENT METHODS •24 HOUR CLAIMS SERVICE •NO BLAME CLAIMS DO NOT AFFECT YOUR NO CLAIMS DISCOUNT v**v RAC INSURANCE services CALL NOW FOR AN INSTANT QUOTATION ON O345 121 345 QUOTING REF: RNLI This offer cannot be used in ;onjuntion with any other offer.

RNLI & SHAW & CO PROVIDE A SCHEME FOR DONATING THOSE UNWANTED SHARES A simple way for you to support us by sending in UK listed company share certificates, no matter how large or small.

Shaw & Co will sell the shares once they have collected sufficient to make it viable.

Send certificates to John Farnhill, RNLI Share Scheme, RNLI Headquarters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH151HZ and your current address.

SHAW & CO LIMITED A Member of The Meespierson Group of Companies 17 London Road, Southampton, Hants SO15 2AE Tel. (01703) 234134 Fax (01703) 232307 Member of The London Stock Exchange Regulated by the Securities & Futures Authority PRIVATE CLIENT STOCKBROKERS SINCE THE 1920's We will be happy to provide you with financial planning and investment advice.

FOR YOUR CLUB OR CHARITY RENT-A-RACE PHONE • 0)932 222638 FOR YOUR BROCHURE A SERVICE FOR THOSE WITH RELATIVES AND FRIENDS OVERSEAS If you wish to exchange video lapes with countries who have different TV standards, we offer a rapid Our very competitive charges are based on the running time of the recording and start at £15 for one hour.

We also transfer cine film, slides and photographs to video.

Manor Vision, Morcott, Rutland, LE15 9DG Tel: 01572 747666 TIME AND TIDE at your fingertips TIDEMASTER® PILOT • Quartz accuracy • Guaranteed working depth 75ft • Clear luminised hands and batons • Automatic calendar • Quick set date change • Tide bezel* monitors tidal state • Centre second sweep ' hand with red tip All this for only £39.95 inc VAT All the best chandlers or add £1.50 for 1st class recorded despatch from: YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED BOATING DEPARTMENT, MAPPOWDER STURMINSTER NEWTON. DORSET DT10 2EH Tel: 01258 817662 Fax 01258 817829 ® Registered Trademark © Copyright RNLI First Day and Commemorative Covers for further information contact: Jeffrey Booth, Director, Stamp Searchers Limited, P.O. Box 11, Arundel, W. Sussex BN18 9SS Fax (01903) 882210 PERSONALISED CLOTHING QUALITY GARMENTS EXPERTLY EMBROIDERED PERSONAL SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES NO MINIMUM ORDER Maritime Motifs Southley Road, South Molton North Devon. EX36 4BL Tel. (01769)572727 Fax. (01769) 550684 The wisdom of /FIRST ' f MONTH insuring your pet FREE! Two out of three pets require veterinary-treatment each year and fortunately, veterinary science can perform miracles to improve the health of pets. But as technology rapidly advances, so does the cost.

Even non-urgent treatment can amount to hundreds of pounds and if your pet is ill, the last thing you want to worry about is the bill.

Whether you have a dog or cat, a cross-breed or a show champion, Petplan can cover the cost of vet treatment, third party liability and more.

Petplan is the UK's leading pet insurance specialist and we pay out more than £1/4 million in claims every week.

Insuring your pet could cost just a few pounds each month and as a RNLI supporter you'll be entitled to your first months' insurance absolutely free. Plus, a contribution of 5% will be made to RNLI funds.

Call the freephone number and Petplan will provide you with full details and the discounted cost of cover for your pet.

FREEPHONE 0800 282 009 Please quote RNLI Petpl an Royal National T Lifeboat Institution Registered Charity No. 209603.