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Stuart Roberts Helmsman of Porthcawl Inshore Lifeboat,

Stuart Roberts helmsman of Porthcawl inshore lifeboat, first joined the crew in July 1980.

Stuart, who is a local Police officer, was awarded the Institution's Silver Medal for o u t s t a n d i n g bravery when the Porthcawl D class inflatable lifeboat went to the rescue of a surfer in very rough seas on 30 December 1994.

Weather conditions during the service were well outside the operating limits for this class of lifeboat. Despite the short duration, the service was superbly executed in severe surf, wind and tidal conditions that demanded excellent boat handling and seamanship skills as well as a high degree of bravery and confidence to launch in such conditions.

For the same service, Stuart also received the Maud Smith Award for the bravest act of lifesaving in 1994, and crew members Carl and Wayne Evans were awarded the Thanks of the Institution on Vellum..

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