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Introducing the SAGA Private Healthcare Plan Full cover medical insurance at a price you can afford The Saga Private Healthcare Plan has been developed exclusively for Saga customers aged 60 or over and it includes benefits which you may not have thought were available to you.

For example, you can choose from two levels of cover, both offering first class medical insurance in private accommodation, at a very reasonable cost.

Your acceptance is automatic - there are no health questions to answer and no medical examinations. What's more, your policy can never be cancelled by the insurer, whatever your state of health.

For more information - without cost or obligation, of course, simply complete and return the coupon (no stamp needed - we pay the postage) or telephone the Customer Care Team A detailed information pack will be sent to you immediately.

SUMMARY OF BENEFITS MAXIMUM OVERALL BENEFIT - UNLIMITED 30% INTRODUCTORY DISCOUNT Wide range of hospitals to choose from No upper age limit. Minimum age 60 Tax relief for people aged 60 and over A choice of either 6 Week Care or Immediate Care option Pre-existing conditions are excluded but may become eligible for benefit after 2 years free of treatment, advice or medication Send for a free quotation and information pack without obligation ACCEPTANCE IS GUARANTEED "SSS" ch A WEEK '-noose from levels DON'T LET TIME PASS YOU BY This stylish 'His or Hers' quartz watch is yours free* with our compliments when you enrol in the Saga Private Healthcare Plan.

*In tile untikely eivnt of this gifi being unavailable, uv uiB provide you utfh one of equal or greater value.

| — I Yes please send me more information - without obligation - about the I Saga Private Healthcare Plan! I Please send coupon to: Saga Private Healthcare Plan, Saga Services Ltd, I Freepost CU1121, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1BR.

I No stamp needed as we will pay the postage.

I Name: Title: ' Address: Postcode: I Telephone: ! SAGA MAILING NO. IF KNOWN SAGA SAGA Services Ltd Registered office: The Saga Building Middclburg Square Folkestone KentCT201A7.

Registered No: 732602 England I Date of Birth of eldest person to be covered DayD Zl Montrr Yur I What type of cover do you require (please tick) Married CH Single LZ • Do you currently hold medical insurance (please tick) Yes Q No LZ I If so, when is it due for renewal? Day Month _ Zl Year C D This plan is underwritten by Prime Health Limited Registered Office: Wey House, Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey GUI 4XS Reg. No. 2123483 England.

RING 01483 553553 and talk to a member of our CUSTOMER CARE TEAM.