Royal Doulton
Royal Doulton is proud to announce atone JBolejm A limited edition fine china sculpture which captures the spirit and beauty of a defiant queen She was queen for only a thousand days, yet her spirit was to outlive the king who executed her.
She herself is reported to have told Henry VIII that "My offspring shall reign long after you have gone." Indeed, her daughter Elizabeth went on to rule England for longer than any queen before her, and so fulfil the prophecy.
This splendid sculpture from Royal Doulton superbly captures the distinctive character of Anne Boleyn. The detail and colour are a joy to behold; the long flowing split cape with misty grey undergown: the regal ermine: and, of course, her jewellery with the distinctive 'B' proudly announcing her name. Note too, her face, vigorous and alive, speaking as much for her wit and intelligence as for her beauty.
Here is a work which draws on the historic inspiration of one of England's most famous queens, a woman who refused to bow to the will of a tyrant. Bold and attractive, Anne Boleyn had a great joie tie rirre, yet her enjoyment of life was infused with a keen sense of loyalty and respect which remained with her to the end.
Taken from an original sculpture by Pauline Parsons, each figure is hand-made and handdecorated, monogrammed by the artist and issued with a Certificate of Authenticity bearing the signature of the Chairman of Royal Doulton.
Only 9.SIK) of these fine china figures will ever be made worldwide and the issue price isi!95, payable in 10 convenient interest-free monthly instalments of £19.50. As demand is expected to be strong, we would advise you to place your order now.
P R I O R I T Y O R D E R I'k.ix finer my order lor Anne Boleyn1 to be handmade and hand-decorated for me by Royal Doulton The issue price of this limited edition figure is £195.
including VAT. postage and packaging and I can pay in 10 monthly instalments of £19.50. I enclose a cheque payable to Lawleys by Post for £19.50 for the first instalment D OR £195 as payment in full D Please debit my Access/American Exprcss/Dinerx ( hid/ Visa Card with £19.50 for the first instalment, and with nine subsequent instalments of £19.50 at monthly interval*. D OR with one payment of £195 D ('.ardnumber NO S T A M P R E Q U I R E D - A N N E BOLE Y N Daytime Tel No I I I I II Expiry Date m m Signature (I am over 1H year* of age) Send to Tern- Sclman. Uwley hy POM. KREEPOST. Stoke on Trent ST4 "BR or telephone (01 "82) "44-H" anytime (answering in.u h i n t u i i - i . l . office hours) to place your credit card order. Please allow 2K days (or dispatch from receipt of your order THE LAWLEYS BY POST NO Ql'IBBLE GUARANTEE We want you I» cn|oy powcvsmg and treasuring your figure If when your figure arrive* on decide von dun t want it semi it back to us and well send all your money hack «ithnui [uesiion. and of course it gi o « iihmit -.41 mi: thjt if there anything wrong when you get it kc 11 replace tt or refund your money straightaway Thi* docs not jtlnl niir -Utmorv rights «SwS —J Royal Doulton LIMITED EDITION FIGURE Lawley* hy Post. Mint on House. London Road. Siokr on Trent M ~i.'l Law-ley* hy Post is a Js of RoyaJ IJoulton (I'M Ltd Registered No vm-.