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RNLI 1602 Club. PLI Ltd.

NO J O I N I N G FEE! Lifeboats Royal National Lifeboat Institution 1 6 0 2 C L U B S P E C I A L O F F E R F O R RNLI M E M B E R S Save up to 30% on Regional, National and International calls and help contribute to RNLI funds! -. —f- tttriBfr save m Now helping the RNLI could not be easier thanks to a special deal negotiated with DIAL 1602, the revolutionary new phone service owned by News International pic.

It saves you money on your phone calls and for every call you make using DIAL 1602. RNLI receives a % donation.

save lives..

And using DIAL 1602 could not be simpler.

• Just prefix your calls with the digits 1-6-0-2 (or program your switchboard).

• No special equipment required / no wiring.

• Keep your existing telephone number/s.

• No membership fees & no minimum contract.

• Extra discounts for high-volume business users.

Even it" reducing your phone costs is not a priority, by using the RNLI 1602 Club service. DIAL 1602 automatically contributes to RNLI funds So. help us to help you help RNLI. Complete the application form today. If ou prefer to telephone your membership, please call: 0171 247 3858.

DIM IMC serves o er 71) ol ihe most trcquenll) il killed mlcrn.i[ desiiii.moiis S.t iiiys are rtascj nil a one nuiuilc cheap rale call anil calculated aiMinsI IJI hasic rales rvlore an) s|vtial promotions or discount., arc applied A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M - R E S I D E N T I A L USERS Credit card no.


Billing Address - . Postcode .

Telephone no.

i l l ] Credit card expiry date.

Application date Please charge my RNLI 1602 Club calls monthly to my VISA / ACCESS card.

(Delete as appropriate) (Number to be registered, including dialling code) Please return this application to: RNLI 1602 Club. PLI Ltd. 8 Devonshire Row, London EC2M 4RH Signature LJ Please tick box if you are interested in our special business package - payment by Direct Debit..