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Training saves lives The benefits of the RNLI's training programme were demonstrated in August last year when crew members of Fenit lifeboat saved the life of a man using their newly gained resuscitation and cardiac massage skills. The rescue resulted in John Moriarty, deputy second coxswain; Niall Hickey, assistant mechanic and Gerard O'Donnell, deputy launching authority receiving a framed letter of appreciation signed by the Chairman and Howard Nichols, first aid instructor who trained the crew only a week earlier, also receiving a letter of thanks from the Director.At 0115 on 21 August 1995 Brenda, wife of John Moriarty heard shouts for help coming from the harbour. The couple rushed outside and alerted neighbour, Niall Hickey who then alerted Gerard O'Donnell.

John and Gerard waded into the water and established that the person in need of assistance was west of the pier and that a boat would be required to effect a rescue.

The three men launched the inflatable boarding boat, took her under the pier and following a brief search, realised that the shouting had stopped.

Directed by people from the shore, theywent further out and found the casualty, a young man fully clothed and unconscious.

They quickly lifted him aboard despite his wet and very heavy clothing, assessed his condition and began resuscitation, bringing him back to consciousness.

However, by the time they had reached the pier steps at approximately 0200, his pulse had ceased so mouth to mouth resuscitation and cardiac massage was started until he was revived some minutes later.

The casualty was monitored and kept warm until he could be transferred to an ambulance and the hospital where hesubsequently made a quick recovery.

In his official report Colin Williams, divisional inspector of lifeboats for Ireland said There is no doubt that the quick actions of the three men in launching the boarding boat and their skills in resuscitation saved the man's life. It was fortunate that Messrs O'Donnell and Hickey had attended the RNLI's first aid course which had finished only in the previous week as they had previously not had the knowledge to carry out resuscitation.'.