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Relief - Trent class Henry Heys Duckworth St Helier lifeboat station played host for the naming ceremony of a relief Trent class lifeboat on the afternoon of 28 April 1996. In weather conditions which made it feel as though it was mid-Summer, Mrs Lilian Duckworth, a Jersey resident who provided the funds for the new boat named her Henry Heys Duckworth in memory of her husband.

Captain Roy Bullen, honorary secretary of the St Helier station opened the proceedings and welcomed all present before Mrs Duckworth handed the lifeboat over to the RNLI. In her speech she said that her husband had wanted to benefit society and assist the community in a very real, tangible and practical way, in the event of them both passing away. It fell to her recently to consider his thoughts earnestly and she determined in consultation with others to embark upon a course to secure the provision of a lifeboat bearing in mind the Channel Islands' links with the sea.

Sir Michael Vernon, Chairman of the RNLI in accepting the lifeboat for use in the relief fleet, spoke of his real thrill in accepting Mrs Duckworth's cheque to fund the lifeboat which had been presented to him on her behalf by The Lord Lane of Horsell.

The service of dedication was dedication was led by the Very Reverend John Seaford, Dean of Jersey. He was assisted by the Very Reverend Canon David Mahy, Roman Catholic Dean in Jersey; Reverend Colin Hough, Superintendent Minister, Methodist Church; and the Reverend Robert Nichol, President of Christians together in Jersey.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Anthony Oliver, deputy head of fundraising and marketing. He also presenteda framed photograph of the new lifeboat to Mrs Duckworth. It depicted the lifeboat in a good sea off Alderney where she had already carried out relief duties - two services were carried out during the lifeboat's stay in the island in March.

The ceremony concluded with Mrs Duckworth naming the lifeboat Henry Heys Duckworth and pressing the button to release the traditional bottle of champagne over the bows of the boat. A crew drawn from the Channel Island stations of Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey then put the lifeboat through her paces.Relief - D class Fred Croker The Institution's depot on the quayside at Poole was the venue for the handing over and naming ceremony for the D class lifeboat Fred Croker, destined for the relief fleet.

The lifeboat was funded by members of the Wokingham Area Society of Societies, an amalgam of golfing societies in that part of Berkshire, who raised the money over a three year period at an annual golf day.

Members of the society, together with committee members from the Wokingham and district branch of the RNLI attended the ceremony at Poole on 27 February.

The chairman of the society, Mr Terry Carter, handed over the lifeboat and gave a brief history of the organisation, which was founded by Mr Fred Croker in 1981, as a charitable fundraising idea, based on golf. They have raised over £100,000 since that date and have agreed to carry on their recent association with the RNLI for at least a further three years.

Jeff Mankertz, the RNLI staff officer operations, formally accepted the lifeboat on behalf of he Institution and described its future role to those present, before handing over to the Reverend Stanley Holbrooke-Jones, Rector of Poole, who conducted the service of dedication.

The ceremony concluded with the naming of the lifeboat, by the founder member of the Society of Societies, Mr Fred Croker.Relief - Atlantic 75 Rotarian Dennis Cullen Following the untimely death of Rotary District 1110 governor Dennis Cullen half way through his year in office his fellow Rotarians launched an appeal aimed at raising sufficient funds for an Atlantic 75 lifeboat to be named in his memory.

Some 50 Rotarians together with Mrs Phyllis Cullen and members of her family attended a special ceremony in bright and breezy conditions at Poole depot quay on 14 May.

Anthony Oliver, deputy head of fundraising and marketing, opened the proceedings and welcomed all those present before Mr Tom Baker, the present governor of Rotary District 1110 handed over the lifeboat to the RNLI.

Individual clubs within the district which covers central southern England had undertaken a number of fundraising events to raise money for the new boat and it was, Mr Baker said, indeed one of the highlights of his year in office to to be able topresent the new lifeboat to the RNLI on behalf of all those who had raised money for the new boat.

The lifeboat was received by Lt Cdr Brian Miles CBE, Director, RNLI, for use in the relief fleet and he spoke of the support given by not only Rotary District 1110 but many others who had supported the RNLI over the years.

Mr Jeff Mankertz, staff officer operations, described the lifeboat and its future role before the Reverend Stanley Holbrooke-Jones, Rector of Poole conducted the service of dedication.

The ceremony concluded with Mrs Phyllis Cullen naming the new lifeboat Rotarian Dennis Cullen in memory of her husband.D class - Cetrek and Lawn/lite Two D class lifeboats which first put in an appearance at the London Boat Show earlier this year had their 'official' naming ceremonies in Poole on 20 March and 19 April respectively. Both lifeboats will serve in the Relief Fleet.

Anthony Oliver, deputy head of fundraising and marketing, welcomed the guests on both occasions and the Rector of Poole, the Reverend Stanley Holbrooke-Jones undertook the Service of Dedication for each.

Mr Geoff Warde MBE, chairman and managing director of Cetrek Limited in presenting the lifeboat to the RNLI referred to the firm's 25th Anniversary last year when funds had been raised to mark it and to purchase a D class lifeboat.

Mr Chris Price, chief staff officer, operations, received the lifeboat and described its future role in the relief fleet before Mr Warde named the lifeboat Cetrek.

In the second ceremony a month later, Mr Robert Glen, managing director of E P Barrus, spoke of his firm's long association with the RNLI with the provision of Mariner outboard engines for the RNLI's D class lifeboats before handing the lifeboat over to the RNLI. Lt Cdr Brian Miles CBE, Director, received the boat and described its future role in the relief fleet. The ceremony concluded with Mrs Glen naming the boat Lawn/lite..