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Weymouth - South Division

Weymouth's sheltered and relatively deep harbour enables the station's Arun class to lie afloat - visible between the piles to the right of the harbour in the centre of the main photo.

The Arun can be seen more clearly in the close-up (above), accessible by walkway from the boathouse on the quayside. An Atlantic now lies in the space between Arun and quay pending a more permanent launching system.

Main photo (left) Ref 649189/LB2 Close-up (above) Ref 649195/LB2 Also available:Ret 649186 LB2 (general view from left ol main photo): Ref 649184/LB2 (general view from right ol main photo): Rel649192'LB2 (medium distance view ol station from similar angle as close-up.).

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