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Skegness - East Division

(left) The sands of Skegness at low water, stretching away left and right from the boathouse (almost central on the shoreline) which houses the station's carriage launched Mersey and inflatable D class. Directly behind it is the amusement park which was once the very first Butlins! The close-up (below) shows the simple lines of the modern boathouse and the gap in the flood defences through which the lifeboat reaches the beach. The beach varies greatly and the cox'n walks it daily to find the best launching site.

Main photo Ref 638245/LB2: close-up Ref 638252/LB2.

Also available: Ref 638244 LB2 (Similar to main photo but from further to the right): Ret 638243 LB2 (Slightly offshore and to right of main picture)..

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