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Obituary: His Grace the Duke of Atholl

His Grace The Duke of Atholl As this issue of the Lifeboat was going to press we learned with great sadness of the death on 27 February 1996 of His Grace The Duke of Atholl, a tireless supporter of the Institution for almost 40 years.

His Grace played a very active role in the RNLI's affairs in fourdecades, having been a member of the Committee of Management since 1959 and culminating in his appointment as Chairman from 1979 to 1989. He took a particular interest in Scottish lifeboats, having been Convenor of the Scottish Lifeboat Council twice, before and after his Chairmanship of the Institution. His first spell as convenor lasted ten years from 1965 and the second from 1991 until his death.

The Duke led the RNLI through a period of great change, and it was he who announced at the 1986 AGM the Institution's intention to provide an all-fast fleet of lifeboats - a project completed on target.

Lt Cdr Brian Miles CBE, the RNLI's Director said: 'His Grace was a loyal friend of the lifeboat service...

His cheerful enthusiasm, keen perception and wise guidance will be sorely missed.'.