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With deep regret we record the following deaths: November 1995 Mrs Maggie May (Finnic) Howells MBE, a founder member of Tenby ladies' lifeboat guild. In 1939 she was chairman of the guild and later president from 1975 to 1994. Mrs Howells was awarded a statuette in 1987 and received a certificate of appreciation in 1995.

Joan Winifred Marjorie Hill, president of the Peel ladies' lifeboat guild. Joan joined the Peel ladies' lifeboat guild in 1955 as treasurer and served until 1982.

During her period of service she was also chairman and latterly president.

December 1995 Mrs E.D. Llewellyn Thomas, chairman of the Tenby ladies' lifeboat guild from 1971 to 1989.

Mrs Thomas was awarded a silver medal.

Mr Norman Phillips, chairman on the Orpington branch. Norman joined as a committee member in 1985 and was elected chairman in 1986. A silver badge was presented to him in 1995.

January 1996 Admiral Sir Rae McKaig KCB CBE, member of the committee of management since 1984 and member of the search and rescue committee since 1987.

Mrs Royston (Estelle) Townend, former area organiser for North London district, member of the Central London committee and flag day organiser for Victoria Station. Estelle was awarded a framed certificate of thanks in 1983 and in 1991 a statuette was awarded jointly to both Mr and Mrs Townend.

Mrs Margaret (Peg) Braithwaite MBE, president of the Barrow ladies lifeboat guild. Mrs Braithwaite has been a member of the guild since 1969 and became president in 1994. She was awarded an MBE in 1984.

Mrs E M Miller-Barstow QBE MA JP DSTJ, President of the Westonsuper- mare station branch from 1980 to 1996.

Lt Cdr Donald McLauchlan MBE RN (RETD). Don joined the committee of Wimbledon branch as honorary treasurer in 1986. He was awarded the Institution's certificate of thanks in 1996.

Miss Elsie Moberly, a founder member of Appledore ladies' lifeboat guild in 1931. Miss Moberly was appointed honorary secretary in 1933, a position that she held until 1980. In 1970 she was awarded a gold badge in recognition of her 30 years service as honorary secretary..