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Membership News

Direct debits On the sheet that carried your address label with this journal, you will find a direct debit form. The label carries a code which is either DD-PC or NN-NA. If your code is DD-PC we hope you will consider completing this form for payment of your annual membership subscription.

It is the most trouble-free way to pay your subscription, and once set up there will be no further need to write cheques or complete credit card details for payment of your membership renewal. You remain in total control of your bank account, as payments can only be made to the RNLI in line with the amount you have agreed to subscribe and the direct debit will not be activated until your next renewal falls due. Also should future membership subscriptions be increased, we will write to inform you at least 28 days before your next renewal is due.

You can then decide whether or not you wish your membership to continue at the new rate.

Paying your RNLI subscription by direct debit also considerably reduces our administration costs, which means even more of your money can be directed to support our lifeboat crews.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to call our membership services office on Poole (01202) 671133.

Mailsort On occasions, members have contacted us with some concern regarding a numerical code that is printed near theiraddress. The RNLI has a contract with the Royal Mail to benefit from reduced postage costs for mailing large quantities (over 4,000), and this code must be shown in order to receive a discount. We assure you that the RNLI never releases any names and addresses to third parties and thought it important to point out that this code is not only used by us, but also by other organisations in order to increase efficiency and save money.

Recruitment Thanks to all of you who came to see us at the London Boat Show in January. Once again, this major event proved to be a successful way to recruit new members, with over 900 adult and Storm Force members joining or renewing.

The next event on the membership calendar is the AGM and Awards ceremony on Thursday 16 May. We look forward to seeing governors at the Barbican centre, where a range of membership insignia will be available to purchase.

Recruitment activities for this year are now well underway, with some encouraging results already achieved on a doordrop distributed in January. Our on-going campaign of inserts in selected national magazines and papers continues, bringing in many hundreds of new supporters throughout the year.

Lastly, we are testing an approach to people who have recently been rescued by a lifeboat, at a selection of stations around the coast. This is not to raise funds, but to gather information about the circumstances of their rescue through a 'rescue survey' This also gives the person rescued the opportunity to request information from us, for example on membership, or remembering the RNLI in their will. Early responses have been positive, with responders showing an interest in both areas, and in one case, making a generous donation. This will be reviewed shortly, with the aim of extending it to a greater number of stations later this year.All aboard for Storm Force! If you know anyone under 16, for just £3 a year they can join Storm Force, the RNLI's club for young people. They will receive our super new member's pack, filled with goodies, plus our quarterly magazine, 'Storm Force News', which is packed with puzzles, stories and competitions.

For application form or further information please ring or write to Storm Force Headquarters, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ Telephone (01202) 671133Supporters great and small...

An aged pussycat by the name of Muschi has recently achieved the status of assistant mechanic and received the appropriate badge as part of the RNLI's storm force membership scheme! Muschi, who writes her own letters to RNLI headquarters, is amongst a growing number of pets including several other cats and dogs (and even a moose-head), who have become shoreline and storm force members.

Occasionally, lifeboats are called out to go to the aid of an over-enthusiastic doggy swimmer, or to assist with stranded cattle, dolphins and birds - after all, the RNLI exists to save lives at sea and our 'pet members' are safe in the knowledge that theirs are included.

However, a plea from our membership office - although this sort of membership is fun and support much appreciated, please do not inundate us with applications for Rover or Tibbies - and Pigeon fanciers, just imagine the manpower required to process memberships for an entire aviary!.