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The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

A FFTNFTT V WTT W AFFINITY WITH DO YOU USE A CREDIT CARD? If you do, or you are considering re-arranging your finances in any way you could be helping directly to fund the RNLI with every transaction you make.

Not only will The Royal Bank of Scotland pay the Institution £5 for every RNLI Card issued, but a payment is made every time the Card is used.

The RoVal Bank Qf Scot|and p,c The RpyaJ Bank Of SCOtland Royal National Lifeboat Institution §000 OVER £650,000 HAS BEEN RAISED FOR THE RNLI AND YOU CAN HELP TO INCREASE THIS SUM.

The propellers and stern gear on Bingo Lifeline were directly funded by RNLI Cardholders.

RNLI MasterCard benefits to you:- • 24 hour helpline if your Card is lost or stolen.

• Free Travel Accident Insurance up to £50,000.

• Royal Bank of Scotland Holiday Service.

• Optional Cardholder Protection Plan in case of illness, accident or unemployment.

• Accepted in over 400,000 outlets in UK and over 12 million locations worldwide.

• Optional Card Registration Service.

Note: Credit facilities and information about them are not available to persons under the age of 18 years. Full written credit details are available on request.


Now available with Photocard option and laser-etched signature Apply for your MasterCard now and the annual subscription is not payable until January 1997 For further details telephone 01702 362355 or fill in the coupon below Brian Miles Director 'The Partnership with The Royal Bank of Scotland has proved to be of great benefit to the RNLI with the major proportion of income derived from the amount of use our supporters make of the card. Remember too, that you do not need to have an account with The Royal Bank of Scotland, nor do you need to be a member of the RNLI in order to apply for the MasterCard' I should like to apply for an RNLI MasterCard Please send details and an application form to the address below: TITLE (Please prim) SURNAME (Please print) ADDRESS INITIALS POSTCODE Send this coupon or write quoting RNLI/1/96 to: The Royal Bank of Scotland. Credit Card Centre. 200 Priory Crescent, Southend-on-Sea, SS99 9EE. RNLI/1/96 The Royal Bank of Scotland pic. Registered Office: 36 St. Andrew Square. Edinburgh EH2 2YB.

Registered in Scotland No. 90312..