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Membership News

Recruitment Activities This section of The Lifeboat is often used to describe the different ways in which new RNLI supporters are recruited and, as this year's marketing activities are about to start, it may be helpful to give an overview of the various methods used to recruit new supporters, and why.

Some supporters involved with the branches and guilds may feel that these activities sometimes conflict with local fundraising.

However, this is not be case. The aim is to get the message across to people who are not already involved with the RNLI, thus increasing the number of people who support the Institution in various ways.

The word 'marketing' conjures up visions of glossy and expensive campaigns by well-known companies, which is very far-removed from the kind of work the RNLI does! All of the methods used to generate new support are carefully controlled and targeted, and are, above all, designed to be cost-effective. Only marketing methods that will generate the maximum number of new supporters and the greatest income are undertaken methods which are tested very carefully to ensure they are the most effective and fine-tuned to work as well as they possibly can.

So, what methods does the RNLI use? Press inserts. These are leaflets inserted into selected publications, similar to the ones that appear in THE LIFEBOAT from time to time. They enable readers of particular papers and magazines to be targeted, selecting those whose interests or lifestyle make them likely to support the lifeboats. In 1996 approximately 12,000 new supporters will be recruited in this way, raising some £230,000. Many different newspapers and magazines are used, ranging from the Radio Times and national daily newspapers to special interest magazines such as Yachts and Yachting and Ships Monthly. Through careful testing the titles which generate the best response, and the most appropriate message to use to that particular audience, are known.

Mailings. Unlike some charities the RNLI uses mailings fairly infrequently, and selects the people who will receive them very carefully when it does. All known members and donors are excluded from these mailings, but unfortunately itMany is not possible to exclude Branch and Guild members because their names are not on our database. This year some 7,000 new supporters will be recruited this way, raising about £140,000. Again, the message which is most likely to encourage people to respond is known, as variations have been tested in the past to find those that work best. Real rescues and letters from crew members generate the best responses.

Door-drops. Although similar to mailings these are not personally addressed but are distributed by the Royal Mail to to carefully selected postcode areas.

This keeps costs down as they are only delivered where research has shown people are most likely to respond.

As these door drops are not addressed it is obviously not possible to exclude known supporters. The message in the letter explains this and requests the pack be passed to a friend or relation. Existing supporters should not feel that this duplication reduces the efficiency of this method of recruiting to any noticable degree because door drops are an extremely cost-effective way of finding new members and donors. In fact, this year around 3m door drops will be made, bringing in 24,000 new supporters and raising almost half a million pounds! New supporters also join at exhibi- tions, such as the London and Southampton Boat Shows, as a result of active recruitment by Branches and Guilds, and through the Lifeboat journal itself which, although it is sent to existing members, is a very successful way of reaching new members cost-effectively.

It is vital to maintain a steady flow of new supporters who, once recruited, will remain for many years. New members are an investment in the RNLI's future, contributing many times the cost of original recruitment over the years, and frequently providing support in other ways -by purchasing souvenirs, making additional donations or helping as a volunteer at their local Branch or Guild. Members and donors give some £8m annually, which is a significant contribution to the RNLI's overall income.

RNLI Lottery The date for returning tickets for the quarterly Lifeboat Lottery is to be brought forward, in order to avoid the current costly administrative overlap when two lotteries are being handled at the same time.

Please note that the tickets for the draw on Tuesday 30 April, 1996 should now be returned to RNLI Headquarters by Friday 29 March, 1996.All Aboard for 1996! If you know anyone under 16, for just £3 a year they can join Storm Force, the RNLI's club for young people. They will receive our super new member's pack, filled with goodies, plus our quarterly magazine, 'Storm Force News', which is packed with puzzles, stories and competitions.

For application form or further information please ring or write to Storm Force Headquarters, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ Telephone (01202) 671133.